

An Experimental Study on Physical and Health Education Promoting Adolescents’ Mental Health

【作者】 甄志平

【导师】 邢文华;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 中学生的心理健康状况是我国人口素质优化与健康促进的重要课题。在体育教育中开展心理健康教育是现代教育改革的要求与趋势。 本研究目的是探讨体育与健康教育对改善中学生心理健康的作用机制、影响维度,以及在体育教育中融入心理健康教育的形式和方法。同时,本研究也为学生体质研究中开展心理健康综合评价提供一定的指标依据。 本研究以教育实验研究为主,采用以体育健康课和青少年体育俱乐部相结合的综合干预方法,兼对目标人群进行访谈和追踪调查,力求调动多方面因素促进学生心理健康水平的提高。 1453 名中学生参加了本研究。他们完成了体育与健康 KAP 调查表,意志品质简易量表,中学生心理健康量表,锻炼感觉量表,自尊量表,POMS 量表,个人评价问卷,社会适应性自评问卷。 干预后,实验组学生在自尊、自信、情绪(TMD)、意志品质、社会适应能力的变化值分别为:6.76,14.60,-5.07,8.80,8.65;心理健康无问题人数增长 12.72%;中度及以上问题的人数下降 0.74%,较对照组有一定改善。定性研究的结果也表明干预教育对改善学生心理健康状况是可行而有效的。 学生 KAP 调查和身体素质综合测评的结果显示:干预后,实验组学生的体育与健康知识、信念、行为的综合得分大幅度提高,知晓率分别提高了 37.05%、24.05%、32.20%;身体素质优秀率提高 8.70%,不及格率下降 8.85%。同时,实验组学生锻炼的积极参与感和精神振作感都较对照组显著提高,提示干预教育很好地调动了学生参与体育活动的积极性,对学生身心发展及健康行为的养成起到很好的效果。 干预教育三个月后的回测结果表明,学生身心测试的多项指标出现反复,尤以高中学生更为明显。但是与对照组相比,实验组学生仍然保持了较好的身心状态和锻炼习惯。此情况一方面反映了学生心理变化的波动性,另一方面也说明中学生心理健康教育的艰巨与复杂。 本研究构建了“知信行融合统一的发展性体育教育模式”,并就该模式的理论基础、教育目标、实施办法、评价方式进行了详细的探讨。同时还就师资培训和课程综合评价进行了探索性研究。 本研究还就体育与健康课程改革和中学生心理健康的相关问题提出了进一步研的建议。

【Abstract】 The condition of middle school students’ mental health is the important topic for China’s peoplediathesis and health promotion. Developing the mental health education in the progress of PhysicalEducation is the demand and tendency of modern education reform.The purposes of this study include: (a) to explore functions and effects of P.E. on middle schoolstudents’ mental health. (b) to combine mental health’ model with teaching methods in P.E. (c) toprovide the basis of psychometric qualities for students’ physical fitness research.The methods of this study include: (a) Educational Experimentation: teachers taught physical and healtheducation to test groups in five months according to the teaching manual designed by author. (b)Investigation: target public was surveyed in the process of study. Qualitative and quantitative methodswere used in the study to evaluate acceptance and effectiveness of physical and health education.1453 students have involved in this study. They completed such things as KAP Questionnaire,MMHI-60, EFI, Volition Scale, SES, POMS, EFI and Social Adaptability Questionnaire.After intervened education, compared with the control group, the numbers of self-esteem,self-confidence, mood and social adaptability of the test group have changed which are 6.76,14.60,-5.07,8.80,8.65. The number of the students with non- mental health has increased by 12.72%, and thestudents who existed mental health have decreased 0.74%. Significant difference has existed amonggroups. Qualitative research also has indicated that physical and health education is an effective way toimprove students’ mental health.The results of KAP survey and body test have indicated that the students’ knowledge, belief and practicein the test group have increased 37.05%, 24.05%, 32.2%. The excellence percentage of body quality hasincreased 8.70% and failure percentage of body quality has decreased 8.85%. Meanwhile, the senses ofactive participation and energy stimulating have raised. It is good to middle students’ growth.The return survey has showed that many indexes have dropped, the senior students’ fall are moresignificant than junior students. Compare with the control group, the test group however still has keptfine body and mental condition and physical exercise habit. This situation has reflected the fluctuation ofstudents’ mind and the complexity of students’ mental health education.This study has established a developmental P.E. model integrated knowledge, belief and practice. Thisstudy has specifically discussed the theory basis, education target, education method and evaluationprogram of this education model. Furthermore, the methods to cultivate teachers and evaluatecurriculum have been studied as well.This dissertation has also raised some methodological issues for future research in Curriculumreformation of physical and health education and middle school students’ mental health.

  • 【分类号】G633.96;G444
  • 【被引频次】56
  • 【下载频次】5845

