

Study on Micro Seismic Mode, Location of Rock Mass and Its Collapse Prediction

【作者】 逄焕东

【导师】 姜福兴; Xun Luo; 张兴民;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 通过对含有缺陷岩体内部受外力后能量变化的分析,从理论上提出了岩体微地震产生的必要条件和充分条件 1/(2γ)(integral from V (σij(?)i,jdV)-integral from V ((?)0dV)+integral from V ((G(?)0dV))≥0,δ∏i=0; 比较计算了实验模型的微地震定位与内部应力分布的关系,发现大部分微地震事件是受剪切作用破坏而引起的,比例大致占总数的1/2~2/3。由此推断在煤矿采区生产现场的微地震现象的大部分也是由剪切作用引起。 首次采用图形处理的方法对宏观尺度微地震现象进行模拟计算,发现不同检测门槛值得到的微地震模式可能有差异。利用小波分析方法实现了微地震信号的分解、重构和去除噪声。对能量频谱的PSD分析表明,Welch方法比FFT方法谱具有更好的分辨能力。编写了模拟计算程序,将矿体开采的几何尺寸,以及传感器间距等参数输入时可以判断定位计算能否收敛、收敛的速度如何,减少传感器布置的盲目性;通过对坐标系的平移和旋转变换,实现传感器的纠偏,给出了纠偏公式。 对微地震波的传播进行了理论分析和数值计算,得到了存在衰减的粘弹性介质中纵波的传播规律。运用Tikhonov正则化的处理方法对病态定位方程求解,得到了定位结果。对微地震进行数学实验,发现微地震事件的距离、能量和频数的变化及其各参数差分的变化趋势类似,在此基础上可以利用单一参数实现对岩石等材料的破坏预报:这个参数可以是微地震事件的距离,能量和频数中的一个。其后建立了ANFIS系统,通过训练得到了安全系数与距离,能量和频数的关系。 最后介绍了微地震监测系统的组成及应用。为减少误判,提出把岩体破裂的微地震定位预测与有限元计算相结合的方法,预报岩体的破裂区域。

【Abstract】 By analyzing the energy variation in rock mass which contained defects, the necessaryand sufficient conditions of micro seismic (MS) had been put forward theoretically asCompared the experimental MS location and corresponding inner stress distribution, it was found that most MS events were caused by she;ir stress, accounting for about 1/2 ~ 2/3 of the whole events. So it concluded that most MS in-s:tu were from shear stress as well.It was first time in this paper to simulate the MS with Picture-Process Method. The result indicated that MS modes may be different through different detecting critical value. By wavelet analysis method MS signals were decomposed, reconstructed and de-noised. The PSD (Power Spectrum Density) analysis of MS energy aid frequency signals suggested that Welch method was better than FFT in improved resolving power. A computer code was written to optimize the parameters: Input the size of mining, distance of MS sensors, etc. and then the result could show whether and how the computation’s convergence. This helped to arrange the sensors rationally. At the mean time sensors’ correction had realized by coordinates’ movement and rotation, and a correcting formula was given as well.By theoretical analysis and numerical computation of MS wave’s propagation, the propagation law of wave in attenuation elastic-viscosity media had been given. By resolving the ill-stated equation through Regulation methoc, a location result had been worked out. Mathematical calculation indicated that distance, erergy, frequence of MS and their difference varied similarly. On this basis one parameter could be adopted to predict the breakage of rock mass, the parameter may be one of distance, energy and frequence. Then ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System) had been established and the relationship between safety index and distance, energy, frequence could be obtained by data-training.At last the MS system and its application wjre introduced. To reduce error, a method composing MS location and FEM had been brought forward to determine the possiblebreakage area.


