

Protection and Renewal Theory of Evaluation and Culture Ecology for the Historical and Cultural Cities of Qingdao

【作者】 刘敏

【导师】 李先逵;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 随着改革开放带来的经济高速发展,大规模城市开发建设导致历史文化名城文化遗产的破坏、城市特色的丧失与城市文化的趋同,而我国名城保护工作刚刚起步,保护理论方法与实践管理亟待完善,名城保护更新成为我国城市化进程中的重要课题。同时城市保护在世界范围由来已久而且倍受关注,欧美等西方国家取得了一定的理论与实践成果。在可持续发展与生态文明的时代背景下,需要总结与借鉴国内外的成功经验,审视与探索适宜的城市保护理论,以有效地指导我国的名城建设与保护事业。论文以历史文化名城青岛城市的保护更新作为研究对象。在大量实地调查研究的基础上,采用融贯的多学科交叉的研究方法,力图在历史文化名城保护方面进行突破与创新。一是首次较为系统地归纳与提炼青岛城市风貌特色。二是借用城市学、建筑学、历史学等相关学科的研究成果,建立名城文化遗产的价值评价体系框架。三是借鉴生态学领域的研究成果,开展文化生态学的交叉与协同研究,构建城市文化生态保护论。以务实的态度、发展的观念和辩证的思维,针对性地提出了解决目前青岛城市保护问题的理论与策略。其普遍性对于历史文化名城中其他殖民城市同样具有借鉴作用。论文共分九章,论题主要集中在如下方面:高度概括与梳理城市建设的历史发展脉络,系统归纳与提炼青岛城市特色与个性。青岛是一座伴随中国近代史而兴起的滨海山城,历经德占、日占、国民党时期与建国后的缘起与初建、扩展与兴盛、萎缩与停滞、恢复与探索、开拓与高潮的城市建设而迅速崛起。在一定的城市规划指导思想下形成建设起来的带形城市,城市特色鲜明而突出,综合而为如今的山地兼滨海城市特色美。在城市保护中应当得到保护、展示与再利用。价值评价是城市保护的基础,为此制定名城价值评价体系框架。以文化遗产多元价值为核心,系统构建基础资料评价、评价类别、评价标准、评价项目以及保护现状评价、保护管理评价的名城价值评价体系框架。其中概括提出价值评价标准为形态特征的原真性、地域特征的典型性、社会特征的关联性、现状特征的完整性、市场特征的经济性。据此对青岛城市重要历史建筑、历史街区、历史空间环境以及城市总体特征做出全面客观评析。 深刻阐释青岛城市保护中的问题与矛盾。改革开放之前,城市建设虽然出现一定偏差,但对城市风貌破坏不大。改革开放之后,青岛城市经历一个以大规模改造为特征的发展时期。其经验教训表明,以单一的追求经济效益为目标的价值偏差,造成城市风貌特色的丧失等诸多旧城建设问题。刚刚制定的名城保护规划<WP=6>存在从指导思想到技术政策的诸多不足,很难起到对城市保护的指导作用。 构建城市文化生态保护理论是本论文的主要创新之处。生态学与文化学的学科发展促进了文化生态学交叉研究的开展,借用文化生态学原理提出的城市文化生态保护理论,为名城保护提供了新的价值判断、目标追求与策略手段,即城市保护目的、保护对象、保护原则、保护机制与保护方法。我们可以将城市文化生态保护理论表述为:以文态系统可持续性发展为保护目标,以有价值文态结构为保护对象,以文态系统功能作用为保护原则,树立文化生态保护理念与规划原则,运用文态调控机制与文态保护方法,以促使城市文化多元共存、谐调有序、健康发展。城市文化生态保护理论主要提供如下基本点,一是城市保护目的,通过城市保护实现城市文态环境的可持续性发展,延续其文脉特征,弘扬其个性特色,增强其更新活力。二是城市保护对象,以文化遗产价值评价为基础,以文态系统的结构特征为指导,确定城市文态系统的保护内容。三是依据城市文态系统的功能作用,建立多元、适应、共生、人本主义、系统、平衡的保护原则。四是遵循城市文态系统的演变特征,建立层级、演进、新旧关系的调控机制。五是探索文态保护策略方法,运用科学的专业技术、行政管理、政策法规的方法策略,以促进城市文态系统的和谐共存与持续性发展。运用价值评价论与文化生态保护论,开展对青岛旧城整体风貌、核心区、滨海区、历史街区、历史建筑、历史空间环境保护的实证研究,探索有效而切实的城市文化生态保护更新途径。通过城市保护专项规划编制、城市设计系统控制,制定城市保护技术政策;通过完善的保护管理机制与公众参入机制,制定灵活多样的政策措施,构建系统完善的法律法规,提升与挖掘文化遗产的市场价值,大力发展城市旅游战略,实现城市文化遗产保护与城市文化建设的良性发展,维护城市各时期文化的和谐共融,保护城市联系过去、现在与未来的场所特征。

【Abstract】 The protection and renewal of historical and cultural city is an important subject in the process of urbanization.With the high-speed development of economy during the renovation and opening–up and the speed-up in the development of construction , many problems and contradictions have arisen in present construction of historical cities, the destruction of historical and cultural heritages, the loss of city characteristic, the identity of city culture and so on. At the beginning of the protection of historical and cultural cities, the theory,practice, management of protection must be improved.At the same time,the protection of cities is a everlasting theme all over the world,there is much experience from the west nations.With the present sustainable development and ecological civilization,this thesis summarizes and draws lessons from the related results of study at home and abroad. It is set up to established the adaptable theories, effectively guiding the construction and protection of historical cities.This object of research in this thesis is the historical and cultural city of Qingdao. Based on much of investigation, with the synthetic theoretical research methods, there are three initiative aspects. First, it systematically summarizes the characteristic of Qingdao city. Second, borrowing the research production of urbanology, architecture, sociology, culturology and so on, it sets up the criteria of evaluation. Lastly, consulting the research production of nature ecology , it establishes the protection theory of culture ecology. With doing-practical-work attitude ,developmental viewpoint and dialectical thinking, it uses the demonstration methods of instance and analysis, generalizing and deducing, comparing and discursion, then advances concretely the means of solving present construction problems of Qingdao city, which adapts other historical and cultural cities. There are nine chapters in this thesis, the propositions focus on the following:The paper highly sums up and analyses the history of city construction, systematically summarizes and advances the characteristic of qingdao city. Qingdao is a coastal and mountain city developing in the mordern period, with the beginning, developing, stagnanting, exploring, climaxing of the German colony,the Japan colony, the guomindang period, the liberation period. A band city is constructed with city plans, so the characteristic of city is the mainly aesthetics of mountain and coastal city, which should be protected, showed and reused.The evaluation is the core of city protection, so the evaluation frame of heritages <WP=8>should be made. It establishes the criteria of evaluation of historical and cultural heritages, including the characteristic of forms, local, relation , actualities, economy, society. According to these criteria, it evaluates the main historical architecture, district, space and the whole of city.It expounds the present problems of city protection in Qingdao.Summaring and analysing the history of construction, it particularly analyses the achievements and losses of construction of city during the 1980’s and 1990’s, thoroughly researches the problems and contradictions. The deviation of evaluation leads to the loss of city characteristic, the result of economy benefit firstly is the mainly problem of construction. Simultaneously the action of the protection plan with the problem of idea and technique can not be effective.It creates the protection theory of culture ecology .The development of ecology and culture benefits for the crossing research of culture ecology ,which has been abundant the protection theory of the historical city. It sets up a new goal and a new urban cultural concept for historical city protection, provides evaluation, goal, methods, namely the purpose, object, principle, system, strategy of protection. So the paper proposes the protection theory of culture ecology in the following: By mainly studying the constitutes, structure, evolvement and function of the system of culture ecology in historical city, It puts for

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU984.18
  • 【被引频次】55
  • 【下载频次】5535

