

【作者】 马立新

【导师】 朱德发;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文以康德理性哲学及其当代新康德主义的主要代表卡西尔和苏珊·朗格的文化符号哲学为主要理论依据,以理性与情感两大文学创作要素的辩证互作运动关系为学理框架和逻辑主轴,全面系统地考察了建国17年时期的革命战争文学的总体风貌和生产传播规律,在此基础上对制约文学创作的理性因素进行了深刻反思。论文首先对中国战争文学的历史进程进行了回顾,分析了古典战争文学的理性特征和审美诉求,理清了现代革命战争文学产生和发展变化的轨迹,从中发见了迥异于其他战争文学并足以表征革命战争文学特质的现代理性精神——红色理性;接着作者从人类理性精神的历史流变中正本清源,重点考察了资本主义理性精神和马克思主义理性精神——两种人类历史上影响深远的现代理性——在人类思想启蒙和精神解放历程中的不同实践功能和伦理价值诉求,进而发见了建基于马克思主义普遍理性和中国社会革命具体实践结合之上的一种人类新理性——红色理性的哲学坐标,分析论证了它的本体特征和特殊规定性,建构起了以“暴力革命论”为其核心理念,以革命人道主义为其深邃内涵的理性哲学体系。研究还发现革命战争文学的生命史与红色理性的形成和传播无论在共时性还是在历时性上都存在着惊人的线性同步关系。为阐明两者之间的互动关系,论文在理论分析与文本创作实践结合的基础上,深入探察了红色理性之于革命战争文学主体思维、文本建构和市场传播等主要文学有机组成部分的内在关系,指出红色理性以其意识形态和方法论的双重品格,首先诱发作家的创作动机,并诱导主体思维的审美意识趋向两极,以二元对立思维范式作为文本建构的基本思路;其次在文本的主题意蕴上以再现武装斗争历史、开掘革命战争的独特美学意义、揭示革命战争即人民战争的本质和抒发革命情感高歌革命精神四大主题为其主要思想诉求;在人物性格塑造上呈现出浓重的概念化、政治化、类型化和极端化趋势,为中国当代文学史上“高大全”式英雄形象的渊源提出了一种新的解说;在叙事风格上以追求重大革命历史题材、塑造革命英雄人物和渲染乌托邦式的伦理道德即所谓的宏大叙事为主要特征,力求在叙史的过程中寄托和传达独特的诗情画意,从而赋予了文本普遍的史诗性品格。论文还对革命战争文学创作文本的传奇性特征与传统的武侠小说特有的传奇性特征进行了比较分析,指出革命传奇是建立在对革命战争历史真实叙事的基础上的,文本中的事件和人物命运起伏跌宕,扣人心弦,可读性极强,但事件的发生和人物的行动又与特定的时代和历史背景(所谓典型环境)形成天作之合,很少形成类似“超人”的神话传说文本:其二,这类文本生成的富有传奇性的故事和人物与武侠小说中的纯属作者虚构杜撰和想象出的旨在娱乐和消遣读者的天马行空似的故事和人物相比较始终贯穿着强烈的革命理性精神,其传奇性的构成更多的是普通的血肉之躯在革命精神的鼓舞和感召下超强智力、勇力和毅力的闪光和展示。由此认为,红色理性对于革命战争文学创作文本传奇性特征的生成具有重要的制导作用。在以上研究的基础上作者对革命战争文学经典作品的传播历史及其当下命运进行了透视分析,发见了社会审美心理之于红色理性介导文学接受和文学传播的中介作用,同时分析了文本话语品格在文学传播中的重要作用。为进一步检验说明以上论证的合理性,作者又以革命战争文学经典作品—《桥隆飘》为个案,从文本建构的整体观上,着重对其叙事特征和人物性格塑造机制进行了精细的解剖和深入的分析,指出理性的状态对于文本的建构具有重要作用,当理性保持清醒的独立的主体性状态时,文学创作就能循着正确的艺术逻辑和生活逻辑轨道进行;反之,理性一旦处于臀妄状态,就会失去其固有的批判品格,从而导致文学创作上的公式化、概念化、类型化和极端化倾向。《桥隆飘》的创作实践就是在此方面的一个典型案例。最后,作者站在21世纪新的起点上,回眸历史,反思现实,面向未来,由红色理性之于革命战争文学的不解之缘联想到其全面介入国家政治、经济、文化和社会生活所造成的功过得失,进一步探讨了红色理性走向霸权理性进而形成理性专制的根本原因和危害,指出理性只有与国家权力保持适度分离才能维持其固有的理性品格。红色理性在20世纪所创造的神话般的光荣与梦想连同它随后给中国人民带来的巨大痛苦和灾难在人类理性史上演绎了一出永远值得后人深思的悲喜剧。

【Abstract】 In the light of Kant’ s philosophy of reason and symbolism philosophy on culture of his successors-Cassirer and his student Langer, both of which were major representatives of new Kantism, and with an academic framework and logic axis of the interactive relationships between two major literary elements: the reason and the feeling, this paper systemically examines general styles and features of revolutionary war literature of the period 1950-1966(so-called the 17-year period after foundation of PRO , its essential laws of the literary text production and commercial circulation as well as the possible controlling mechanism over the literature which may be dominated by the reason. With a brief review of the historical proceeding of Chinese war literature and a compared analysis of the reason’ s feature and the aesthetic appealing of the Chinese classical war literature, it has tracked the origin and the grow of modern Chinese revolutionary war literature and has hereby found out a special literary spirit of reason, named red reason, which is very different from any other existent literature of war and can fully be taken as a symbol of this type of literature. Next, from a retrospection of the historical changing of human spirits of reason, particularly through a principal comparison of the reason of capitalism with another modern reason桵arxism, both of which have a deep and lasting effects on the human thoughts and spirits in the modern and contemporary history, it constructs a philosophical coordinate for the red reason based on the combination of Marxism with the concrete practice of Chinese revolution; in this new philosophical system, the core idea of the red reason is "on violent revolution", which is united with the abstruse notion of revolutionary humanitarianism. The article also shows that a historical pulsation of Chinese revolutionary war literature is astonishingly coordinated with the formation and communication of the red reason in China both synchronously and sequentially. To further clarify the interactive relationships between the red reason and the revolutionary war literature,by the combination of theoretical explanation with analyses of amounts of the literary text, it elaborately investigates the induction effects of the red reason on individual literary elements such as the mode of subjective thinking, the formation of literary texts and the marketing communication, etc.. First of all , the investigation indicates that the red reason generally functions by intriguing author’ s writing motivation and induces aesthetic consciousness of the subject toward the mode of dual antithesis of thinking. Secondly, it can lead writers’ major appeal to a highly concentrated theme closely associated to the spirit of heroism, optimism, collectivism and humanitarianism characteristic of revolution through representing the history of revolution, digging the particular aesthetic of revolutionary war, delineating the people’ s essence of the revolutionary war and expressing the revolutionary fervour. Thirdly, it turns the character of images to be generalized, politicalized, formularized and extremized which may be attributed to the origin of so-called heroic images of contemporary Chinese literature. Fourthly, it affects narrative style of works with such characteristics of so-called grand recit as deliberately pursuing the important revolutionary events, focusing on the heroic figures and heightening the Utopia ethics, and with an effort to hide the poetic flavour into the description of the revolutionary history which comes to forge a typical style of epics. In addition, the paper also compares the legendary of the revolutionary war literature, which is one of most striking literary features of it, with the traditional chivalrous heroic novel, and shows the revolutionary war literary works lay legendary on solid basis of historical truth which is very different from fully imaginary chivalrous fictions and may be regarded as a remarkable advantage of it that can produce the same artistic attractiveness as tra


