

Study of Ecological and Geological Zonization for the Production of High-quality Flu-cured Tobacco of China

【作者】 张振平

【导师】 杨改河;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 烟叶是一种特殊商品,用途单一。中国作为世界上第一烟叶生产大国,占世界产量近乎一半,若盲目发展,会造成资源的巨大浪费。另外随着人民生活水平的提高,加之WTO 和 WHO 的挑战,有计划地发展优质烟叶成为中国烟叶发展的重中之重,为此,进行优质烤烟区划就显得迫在眉睫。1985 年,陈瑞泰等人进行全国烟草种植区划时,以生态条件为烟草区划标准,仅考虑了适宜性和限制性,显然已不适应我国人民生活水平提高之后对烟叶吸食质量的要求,也不适用于指导我国烟叶总量饱和之后的烟叶区划种植。那么,全面分析烟叶种植的适宜性、时代性、实践性和科学性来进行优质烤烟生态地质背景区划研究,进一步对烟区进行细分显得十分重要和有意义。本研究是在我国烟草种植区划成果的基础上,运用资源分析的方法,充分考虑烟区烟叶生产实践,对烟区的气候背景、地质背景、土壤背景和烟叶质量进行全面分析,制定区域划分标准,确定区域目标,规划烤烟区划,为我国优质烤烟生产和发展提供参考。通过研究分析,有以下主要结论:1、首次对我国优质烤烟种植按气候背景、地质背景和土壤背景进行划分。并划分成 2 区 5 带 11 分区。2 区指南方和北方优质烤烟区;5 带指云贵高原优质烤烟带;湘南赣南闽西粤东优质烤烟带;秦巴山区低山丘陵优质烤烟带;豫西豫中优质烤烟带;鲁中南潍南缓岗浅丘优质烤烟带。11 分区指:(1)滇中滇西优质烤烟分区;(2)黔中黔西优质烤烟分区;(3)川东武陵山区优质烤烟分区;(4)湘西赣南优质烤烟分区; (5)闽西粤东(北)优质烤烟分区;(6)陕南河南南阳优质烤烟分区;(7)鄂西鄂北优质烤烟分区;(8)豫西优质烤烟分区;(9)豫中优质烤烟分区;(10)<WP=6>鲁中南优质烤烟分区;(11)鲁中潍南优质烤烟分区。 2、通过研究,优质烤烟分区的基本气候条件有九项,分别为:(1)还苗伸根期平均温度; (2)旺长期平均温度; (3)成熟期平均温度;(4)大田生长期大于 10℃的积温;(5)大田期日照时数;(6)还苗伸根期降雨量;(7)旺长期降雨量; (8)成熟期降雨量;(9)大田期温度。 3、研究了地质背景区与优质烤烟地区的关系,从而揭示了地质背景与优质烤烟区划的关联性。通过对我国地质背景、构造单元及地貌形成特征的相关资料综合分析,发现在重要的构造单元中,不同优质烤烟带和分区中形成土壤母岩的分布不同,产生条件不同,具有明显的地貌单元,这些单断构造造成各种岩石形成的母岩条件,也就为不同类型优质烤烟带和分区的划分提供了地质背景。 4、通过对我国土壤区划、土壤肥力状况背景的综合分析,南方烟区为富铝质土区,北方烟区为硅铝质土区。富铝质土区优质烤烟适宜的土壤类型是地带性红壤、地带性黄壤及非地带性紫色土。硅铝质土区优质烤烟适宜的土壤类型是地带性棕壤和褐土,也是优质烤烟区划的一个重要依据。通过对土壤肥力综合评价,指出了优质烤烟适宜的土壤条件,并结合对各优质烤烟分区描述,提出了各分区存在的问题及各分区相应的土壤改良和平衡施肥措施。 5、通过对 11 个优质烟烤烟分区的烟叶质量与进口烟叶质量的对比分析,指出了各分区气候、地质和土壤的差异,导致烟叶质量上的不足,并结合实际提出了应配套的科学技术措施、生产建议和政策建议。

【Abstract】 Tobacco leaves are a special commodity and with a single use. China is one of majorworld tobacco producer whose leaf yield of tobacco ranks the first and account for half that oftobacco in the world; if it allows its tobacco production to blindly expand, enormousresources will be wasted. Furthermore, because of Chinese people’raised living level and thechallenges WTO and WHO has presented, its development of tobacco production withhigh-quality tobacco leaves in a planned manner has become the first priority among all thepriorities of tobacco production. Therefore, the zonization for high-quality flu-cured tobaccofarming appears very urgent in china. While Mr. Chen Ruitai et al Carried out the zonization of tobacco farming of china, theyonly took into account adaptability and limitation with ecological conditions chosen as thecriteria for the zonization, and thus the zonization apparently can not meet with therequirements of tobacco quality resulting from Chinese people’s raised living level as well asthe requirements of the zoned tobacco farming occurring after saturated market of tobaccoleaves. Accordingly, the Study of ecological and geological zonization for high-qualityflu-cured tobacco farming through overall analysis of the adaptability, timeliness,practicalityand scientificalness of tobacco farming on purpose of further zoning the regions of tobaccofarming appears very important and significant. Relying on the research achievements of tobacco farming zonization and taking into fullaccount the practices of tobacco in the regions of tobacco production in china, the paperanalyzes the climatic, geological, soil backgrounds and tobacco qualities in the regionaforesaid by means of the mythology of resource analysis, thereby promulgating the criteria,setting the regional goals, planning the zonization of flu-cued tobacco in the region aforesaid,and thus providing references for high-quality production and development of Chinatobacco. The major results of this analysis are as follows: 1. This is the first time for the zonization of flu-cured tobacco farming to have beenconducted in china according to climatic, geological and soil backgrounds. In the zonization,the regions of tobacco farming were divided into two zones, five belts and eleven sub-zones.The two zones are the area of high-quality flu-cured tobacco farming in south china and theone in north china: the five belts are the belt of high-quality flu-cured tobacco farming inYunnan-Guizhou highland, the one covering south Hunan, south Jiangxi, west fujian and east<WP=8>Guangdong, the one occupying the hills and low mountains in Qinling and Daba ranges, theone standing in west and central Henan, and the one lying in the regions of Central Shandongand south Anhui with gentle slope mounds and shallow-valley hills. The eleven sub-zonesare(1) the sub-zone of high-quality flu-cured tobacco farming occupying west and centralYunan,(2) the sub-zone of high-quality flu-cured tobacco farming occupying west and centralGuizhou, (3) the sub-zone of high-quality flu-cured tobacco farming located in WuyiMountains of east Sichuan, (4) the sub-zone of high-quality flu-cured tobacco farmingspanning west Huan and south Jiangxi,(5) the sub-zone of high-quality flu-cured tobaccofarming covering west Fujian and east Guangdong, (6) the sub-zone of high-quality flu-curedtobacco farming comprising of south Shannxi, and Nanyang region of Henan,(7) the sub-zoneof high-quality flu-cured tobacco farming covering west and north Hubei, (8) the sub-zone ofhigh-quality flu-cured tobacco farming in west Henan, (9) the sub-zone of high-qualityflu-cured tobacco farming in central Henan, (10) the sub-zone of high-quality flu-curedtobacco farming in central-south Shandong, and (11) the sub-zone of high-quality flu-curedtobacco farming occupying the south regions of central Shangdong, and south Anhui. 2. The research shows that there are nine basic climatic conditions in the regions ofhigh-quality

【关键词】 中国优质烤烟气候地质土壤区划
【Key words】 Chinahigh-quality flu-cured tobaccoclimategeologysoilzonization

