
野生资源植物—蕨麻(Potentilla Anserina L.)的生物学特性及应用研究

Study on the Utilization and the Biological Characteristic of Juema (Potentilla Anserina L.) That is Wild Resource Foliage

【作者】 李军乔

【导师】 史俊通;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 绿色植物是人类生存和发展的物质基础。植物不仅关系着人类的衣食住行,而且维系着生态环境的稳定、人类的健康和社会经济的增长。20 世纪高科技的迅猛发展以及对自然资源盲目无序的开发利用虽然使人类社会更加文明富裕,但是,这一切却以失衡的生态和满目疮痍的环境为代价,使人类的生存和发展蒙上了阴影。资源植物是人类可持续发展的重要保障,合理有效地利用资源才能使人类的文明得以持续发展。近年来,随着世界对农作物研究的日趋深入以及我国加入 WTO 的形势要求,资源植物合理高效的开发利用已成为生物领域的研究热点之一。 蕨麻是鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina L.)膨大的块根,属蔷薇科(Rosacrae),委陵菜属(Potentilla),是一种典型的具匍匐茎的多年生克隆草本植物。鹅绒委陵菜在世界上分布广泛,在我国,分布于东北、华北、西南、西北等地区,常生长于河岸、路边、山坡草地,海拔 500~4300 米。在温暖地区,其根系不膨大,常作为饲料来使用。只在青藏高原等高寒地区,其根系才膨大发育(即蕨麻),尤以青海省分布的区域最广,储量最高,品质最好。在民间,蕨麻常作为藏药和保健品来使用。由于受其特殊地理区域的限制,有关蕨麻的研究极少,且仅限于蕨麻的常规成分测定及蕨麻产品开发利用的设想。 青海省属于典型的青藏高原气候区,气候寒冷,海拔高,土层薄,植 被覆盖率低,生态脆弱。蕨麻在青海省主要分布于玉树、果洛等生态环境极其脆弱的地区,而这些区域正是我国三大水系――长江、黄河和澜沧江的发源地,被称为“中华水塔”。蕨麻至今为止仍然处于野生生长状态。由于青海省经济不发达,再加之生长于此的蕨麻品质好、个体大、经济价值高,此地的农牧民便以采挖蕨麻作为主要的经济来源之一。2003 年春季以及 2004 年初在全世界范围内爆发的“非典”和“禽流感”,使越来越多的人意识到增强自身免疫力的重要性,蕨麻这种绿色食品的价格更是高居不下,从而造成了对该野生资源的疯狂采挖,其结果是造成了大面积的草场破坏,使许多曾经出产优良蕨麻的地区已成为寸草不生的秃滩,土壤沙化日益严重。同时,盲目的采挖也造成了市场上蕨麻品质的日益下降。 鉴于上述原因,笔者首次对蕨麻的自然资源概况、生物学及生态学特性、营养及活性成份、栽培技术、经济价值等进行了系统的、全面的试验研究,并得到了以下的新结论及新观点: 一、自然资源概况 <WP=6>蕨麻常生长于草甸、山坡、湿润草地、河漫滩、水沟边、畜圈旁;气候条件主要为:气温低,寒冷,日温差大,辐射强,降水虽不太丰富但较为集中;土壤类型有黑土、栗钙土、高山草甸土、亚高山草甸土、草甸土等;主要分布于青海、西藏和甘肃的部分地区,但青海的资源最为丰富,品质最好;蕨麻在青海有 3 个变种,即蕨麻原变种(Potentilla anserina L. var.anserina)、无毛蕨麻变种(Potentilla anserina L.var.nuda.Gaud)和灰叶蕨麻变种(Potentilla anserina L.var.serina  Hayne)。蕨麻的文献记载常见于地方藏药志等古代药典;民间普遍作为藏药及保健品来使用。 二、植物学特性 1. 形态学特征 蕨麻的根纤细,秋冬季节中部或末端膨大形成圆球形、纺锤形或线结状块根,根皮棕褐色或红褐色,肉质白色。匍匐茎纤细,紫红色,长达一米,甚至更长;间隔子长 5~10cm,节上生根形成新株;叶基生,不整齐奇数羽状复叶,长 5~30cm;小叶对间杂生,13~19 个,边缘具缺刻状锐锯齿,深绿色,下面被绢毛状白色绒毛,故称鹅绒委陵菜;花瓣 5 片,黄色,倒卵形或近圆形,全缘;雄蕊为 20,花药黄色,花柱侧生;果实为瘦果,卵圆形,褐色,不具萌发能力,花果期 5~10 月。 2. 解剖学特点 蕨麻的块根肥厚,有利于储存水分及营养成分;蕨麻的匍匐茎具有较发达的髓部及皮层厚角组织,维管组织排列紧密,成为一圈似圆筒状,维管组织与基本组织(皮层和髓)的比率较小;蕨麻叶为背腹型叶,栅栏组织为两层,排列紧密,从而说明蕨麻属于一种典型的旱生植物。  三、生物学特性 1. 光对蕨麻的影响  蕨麻的自然分布地区通常在海拔较高的高山草甸,每天的日照时间为 10~16h,紫外线辐射强烈,蕨麻的生长和膨大状况良好;在遮光条件下,蕨麻的生长也未受到较大的影响,说明蕨麻属于喜光耐荫型植物。 2. 温度对蕨麻的影响  蕨麻的植株生长适宜温度为 10~25℃,当温度达到 40℃时10%蕨麻的地上部分死亡,不耐高温,蕨麻块根能够耐受-30℃以上的低温,充分说明蕨麻属于低温耐冷型的植物种类。 3. 水分对蕨麻的影响  土壤水分、解剖结构及干旱胁迫试验充分证实:蕨麻属于典型的旱生植物。但在完全浸水状态下,其正常生长基本不受影响。  4. 肥料对蕨麻的影响  氮、磷、钾肥

【Abstract】 Green foliage is the substance base of exist and development of human. Theplant not only connected to people’s basic necessity of life, but also related to thestabilization of environments and the health of man and the increase of societyeconomy. Although swift development of high-technology and blindness exploitationof nature resource makes the human society more civilization and richer in 20 century,the wholeness has been cost the unbalances zoology and destroyed circumstance, andmakes covers shadow for human’s survival and development. Wild resource foliage isthe important safeguard of people’s confinable progress, utilizes efficiently and inreason resource can gets human’s civilization sustaining development. Along withmore research about crop in world and the position request of China enter The WTO,the utilization in reason and effectively of resource foliage has been become a studyhotspot. Juema is the root tuber ofPotentilla anserina L., belongs to Rosacrae, Potentilla,and is typical stoloniferous clonal herbage. Potentilla anserina L. distributes abroad inworld. In China ,it distributes many areas, and grows frequently riverside, roadside,hill and pasture, the altitude is about 500~4100 meter. Its root tuber doesn’t expandat warm region, often use it as feedstuff. It only expands at high coldness, such asQing-Tibetan Plateau; at there it is called “Juema”. Its distributing region is thevastest and a reserve is the biggest and quality is the best in Qinghai province. In folk,Juema is often used as Tibetan medicine and the substance of health protection.Owing to the limit of special geography district and other factors, the research aboutJuema is a little, just about the mensuration and assume of general component andproduction utilization. Qinghai province belongs to typical Qing-Tibetan Plateau climate region. Itsweather is very cold and altitude is high and soil layer is thin and foliage cover rate islow, environment is flimsy. In Qinghai, the environment of primary distributing areaof Juema is tarnal flimsy, such as Yushu and Guoluo, this region is the cradleland ofYangtze River, and Yellow River and The Lantsang .It is called “Cistern of China”.All the time, Juema is wild growth. Because the economy of Qinghai province isunderdevelopment, and its quality is the best and individual is the biggest of Juemagrows at these area ,its economy value is higher, so farmers and herders live in therepick Juema as the one of their primary economy origin. The broke out of “SARS”and“poultry flu”large-scale in 2003 and 2004 in the world , makes more and more peopleconscious the significance of boost up themselves immunity. The price of Juema, thegreen food is raised, brought about frantic picking and big acreage meadow destroyed,<WP=10>many area produced high quality Juema become bald land, soil desertize increasinglyseverity. At the same time, eyeless picking also works the Juema quality of marketdeclines. Therefore, researcher studied first and systematically and completely the natureresource survey ,biology and bionomics characteristic, nourishment and activesubstance planting technique, economy value, and so on, the new results as follow:Ⅰ Nature resource survey Juema grows frequently at meadow, hill, wet pasture, riverside, slot, roadside, andthe side shed of livestock; where the air temperature is cold, day difference intemperature is big, radiance is strive ,precipitation isn’t rich but concentrated; the soiltypes mainly includes Backland, Castanozems, Alpine meadow soil, Subalpinemeadow soil, Meadow soil etc.; it distributes mostly in Qinghai ,Tibet and some areaof Gansu, but Qinghai’s reserves is the biggest and quality is the best; Juema has threevariation in Qinghai, that is Potentilla anserina L. var.anserina, Potentilla anserinaL.var.nuda.Gaud and Potentilla anserina L.Var.serina Hayne. The literature ofJuema is place and ancient codex; in folk, Juema is often used as Tibetan med


