

【作者】 战佳阳

【导师】 赵明山;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医学院 , 中医基础理论, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 中医学是建立在丰富的医学实践的基础之上,吸收和应用各种科学技术为自己服务,以当时的文化思想为范式的系统科学理论。中医学的产生和发展不是孤立地进行的,而是同中国传统文化和科学的各部分互相渗透互相影响。在传统文化之中,与中医学相互渗透影响最直接也是最深刻的是道家和道教文化。《黄帝内经》作为中医理论的奠基之作和代表之作,在道家的成熟和道教的产生上有承前启后的作用。本文就巫与中医学、方士之学与《黄帝内经》、《黄帝内经》的承传与道家、道教的关系及道家思想对《黄帝内经》的影响、《黄帝内经》对道教的影响几方面进行研究论述。结果表明:《黄帝内经》残留些许巫术的痕迹,很多内容与方术相关,其理论大量吸收道家思想,在传承中也有道家、道教的影响,其医学理论体系为汉末以来道教义理的建构、修仙方术的完善提供了较为直接的医学思想渊源和思维模式。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was a system scientific theory that based on the temporal culture thought, which has abundant medical practice foundation and make all kinds of scientific technologies service for it. The formation and development of TCM was not isolated evolution. However, which was interactional with parts of Chinese traditional culture and science. In traditional culture, the most directly and profoundly interacted with TCM was Taoism. As the foundation and representation of TCM theory,《 Huangdi Neijing》 plays a receive and carry on role in thematuration of PhilosophicalTaoism and formation of Religion Taoism.This dissertation concentrates on the relations between wizardryand TCM, arts of necromancy, astrology, medicine and 《Huangdi Neijing》 , the inheritance of 《Huangdi Neijing》 and Taoism, and the influences of PhilosophicalTaoism on 《Huangdi Neijing》, 《Huangdi Neijing》 on Religion Taoism, summarizes their scientific thought. Those were: Little mark of wizardry also remains in the 《Huangdi Neijing》 ; Most of parts of 《Huangdi Neijing》 have relation with arts of necromancy, astrology, medicine; Its theory largely absorbed the Taoism thought; Its inheritance also have the influence of PhilosophicalTaoism and Religion Taoism; His medical theory system provide more direct medical thought origin and thoughtpattern for the formation of Taoism theory and arts of practise immortal from the end of Han Dynasties.


