

【作者】 赵寒冰

【导师】 曾志远;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文旨在以流域为研究单元,选择适宜的时间与空间尺度,综合研究气象、水文、地形、土壤、植被等主要地理因素之间各种相互作用,建立与之相关的数学模型(机理模型,即物理模型)体系,从而实现自然地理过程的定量化表达,最终用来指导生产管理与科学实践。 在参与导师曾志远教授主持的国家自然基金项目“流域土壤和水资源模拟模型的集成和系统化及其应用”研究过程中,结合该项目之前多个项目工作积累的大量数据基础与模型基础,论文充分利用现有资源,研究模型结构、机理及模型间的相互关系,同时通过深入研究模型集成的理论与方法,用模块化的方法将之集成与系统化,成为可以利用的流域模拟与辅助决策工具。 论文的主要研究内容和研究成果如下: (1)较为系统的研究了流域模拟和流域模型集成的理论、方法与技术,重点研究遥感技术、GIS技术以及相关学科较成熟的模型相结合的技术,实现了GIS技术进行部分参数自动赋值。实践证明,流域模型与GIS、遥感技术的集成促进了流域模拟技术的发展,并使得自然地理过程高度定量化成为可能。 (2)在现有GIS技术基础上,以流域-子流域-水文响应单元方式对研究区进行了分布式空间离散,成功实现了产水、产沙、水库模块的同时段模拟计算以及流域汇流模拟技术,在部分参数无资料或缺资料的条件下也能进行模拟。 (3)充分利用现有的数据基础,把研究区-江西潋水河流域划分为102个子流域、649个水文响应单元,以日为单位的时间尺度进行了10年的计算机模拟,取得了多种地理过程模拟结果。根据模拟结果分析,产水年平均精度为88.55%,确定性系数为71.16%,产水10年月平均精度为81.80%,确定性系数为95.40%;产沙的模拟结果虽然在趋势上已经与实测值相似,但模拟值的精度还不尽人意,有待进一步提高。

【Abstract】 It is an effective way to realize the highly quantitative study on the geographical process that associates with main geographical factors such as climate, hydrology, topographic features, soil, vegetation and human activities with geographical process by selecting suitable spatial scales and using mathematic models based on computer.Distributed simulation study of multi-gegraphical process was carried out in the study area of Lianshui Basin, Xingguo County, Jiangxi province supported by RS ans GIS, using the model developed ourself. This project is funded by the national natural science fund titled "Integration and Systematization of Mathematic Models for Soil and Water Resources Study in a Basin and its Application", The model is developed to simulate the runoff and sediment yield of a small watershed and its frame is preliminarily built for simulating the processes of interception , snowmelt, infiltration , overland flow procerdure, groundwater flow, channel flow, water routing and sedimentation routing.The Main countents and research results are as follows:(1 )The characteristics and the development of models and simulation technology were systematically studied in this dessertation. The application of Basin simulation integrated with RS ans GIS technology was fully explained from theory to practice. It was proved by the practice that the integration of basin models, RS and GIS is indispensable for basin simulation technology shifting from thd lumped to the distributed system.(2) The method of distributed hydrological modelling based on raster Digital Elevation Models (DEM) was applied to generate basin network, to divide sub-basin and generate basin boundary automatically. 102 discrete sub-basins and 649 Hydrological response units were produced in the study area .(3)Parameters for model running including topography, soil, climate and land use were extracted by means of RS, GIS and statistics methods using present data of study area, spatial parameterization process of the basin was successfully realized and soil parameters calculation, temperature , precipitation spatial correction and land use supervised classification were studied in this dissertation.(4)The model parameters extracted from the GIS parameterization were managed in the database. According to the model reuqirement, the database fields were set up corresponding to the contents of parameters and tables relevant to spatial features were solved. According to the grading spatial integration of the simulation results were gradually realized.(5)Computer aided simulation of multi-geographical process in Lianshui basin was carried out using data of 10 years and quantivative simulation results were obtained. The simulation accuracy of annual water yield for spatial scales was above 88.55% and best simulation accuracy of monthly water yield was also above 81.80%. But the simulation accuracy of annual and monthly sediment yield were both unacceptably.(6)Since the distributed hydrological model can simulate the changes of water and sediment with the time and space in watershed, it is more advantaged than lumped model for the planning and improvement of soil and water conservation and calculating and forecasting the non-point pollution, etc. As the improvement and combinagion of GIS and RS technology, the distributed hydrological model will show a wide utilization in the future.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】580

