

【作者】 白小易

【导师】 何永康;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 博士


【摘要】 我国大陆本土电视剧,在八十年代初与海外通俗电视剧发生了历史性的“遇合”,并在创作上产生了一系列的变化。本论文将在全球化语境中研究这种变化,同时,揭示大陆传统文化对海外通俗电视剧进行的本土化改造。 全文共分三编。 上编,首先对西方三个不同时期地缘政治理论的形成进行冷静的梳理。在此基础上,努力揭示貌似客观的地缘理论所隐含的以西方为中心的意识形态含义,并从政治、经济和大众日常生活三个方面,分析我国根据自己的国情,对西方所鼓吹的全球化和现代化理论,所做的有选择的接受。这一部分,还描述了全球化语境中我国大陆影视领域的转型状貌。 中编,分别从三个层面——代表主流政治的制度性力量、代表知识精英的话语性力量、广大受众的接受性力量,来研究大陆本土文化对海外通俗电视剧这一“异质性”文化的抵抗和整合;这种“整合”,有助于大陆电视剧创作走出主旋律“一枝独秀”的局面,迎来了主旋律电视剧与通俗电视剧的共同繁荣。 下编,首先比较了大陆传统电视剧文本与海外通俗电视剧文本之间的异同,然后,具体分析了大陆电视剧变革的如下情景:主旋律电视剧中的改革、历史和军旅题材,是如何吸取通俗剧元素而逐渐成熟的;大陆传统文化,是如何对海外通俗电视剧中的言情剧、家庭伦理剧和警匪剧进行本土化改造的。

【Abstract】 Our country continent native TV series take place historical" shut to meet" with overseas popular TV series at the beginning of 1980s, and have produced a series of changes in creating. This thesis studies the change among globalizing linguistic context, meanwhile , announces continent traditional culture to popular localization transformation that TV series go on abroad. The full text divides into three parts:At first, group into three of the west different periods within kinds of separating political theories formed . On this basis , make great efforts to announce the seemingly objective ideology meaning taking the west as the centre with implicit geo- theory, and from three respects of the politics , economy and masses’ daily life to analyse our country according to one’s own national conditions, to globalization advocated and modernized theory in the west, the acceptance that chose done. This part, has also described the transition appearance of the continent movie & TV domain of our country in the globalization linguistic context.. Second arranges from three aspects separately --Represent institutional strength of major politics , represent words strength , audiences’ acceptance strength of the knowledge elite, is it study continent native country culture to overseas popular TV Series this " heterogeneity " resisting and merger of culture to come; This kind is " combined ", help the continent TV series to create and go out of the situation that the theme " outshines others " , welcome the mutual prosperity of the theme TV series and popular TV series.The last part has compared the similarities and differences between the traditional TV series text of the continent and overseas popular TV series text at first, then, the following scene of making a concrete analysis of the continent TV series and improving: Theme reform , history , troops subject matter of TV series, how draw melodrama element and the ripe gradually one; Continent traditional culture, how it is romantic play , family ethics drama and between policemen and bandits drama in overseas popular TV Series carry on localization transformation.

  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【下载频次】654

