

A Study on the Development Strategy of Livestock Husbandry in Shandong

【作者】 周林

【导师】 胡继连; 王洪谟;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 山东在新的世纪提出了提前全面实现小康社会的宏伟目标,山东农业也提出了实现农业大省向农业强省跨跃的目标,山东畜牧业经过改革开放20年的蓬勃发展,已有相当的生产能力和产值水平,但面对加入WTO的机遇和挑战,面对山东农业发展的任务要求,还需要有新的更大的发展。除导论外,本文共分上、下两篇,由9章组成。上篇是对山东畜牧业发展战略问题的“总论”,下篇是对山东的几个代表性畜牧产业发展战略问题的“分论”。在“总论”部分中,作为战略研究的前提,论文首先对山东畜牧业的发展情况进行了概括(第二章),主要是回顾了山东畜牧业改革开放20年以来的发展状况,分析了畜牧业生产的总体水平、畜牧业在山东农业中的地位以及整个畜牧业的内部结构和省内畜牧业区域布局的特点,同时对山东畜牧业的基本状况进行了评价。 在第三章,论文分析了山东畜牧业发展的外部环境,借此来寻找山东畜牧业的定位。一是对世界畜牧业的发展状况和发展趋势进行了分析;二是对全国畜牧业发展状况及周边地区畜牧业发展状况进行了分析,以便明确山东畜牧业所面对的国际、国内的环境,通过比较,更清楚地看到了山东畜牧业的地位。 在第四章,论文对山东畜牧业的发展条件进行了具体的分析。主要从自然条件、畜牧资源条件、人才和科技条件、管理体制条件、市场条件和产业组织条件等方面分析了山东畜牧业的比较优势和不利因素,以便为制定山东畜牧业的发展战略提供研究基础。 在明确了以上因素后,本文的重点是:按照竞争优势理论,提出了山东畜牧业发展战略构想和建议(第五章)。一是畜牧业生产要素升级战略。主要是按照初级生产要素、高级生产要素和专业生产要素的区别,就如何促使生产要素升级提出了结构调整战略、科技推动战略和可持续发展战略。二是畜产品市场竞争战略。根据需求条件对产业发展的推动作用,提出了畜牧经济国际化战略,强调畜牧生产要面对国际和国内两个市场。同时认为满足国内外市场需求最根本是保证畜产品质量安全,提出了畜牧生产标准化战略和无规定动物疫病区建设战略。三是畜牧产业组织优化战略。认为畜牧业发展在体制上根本是提高畜牧业组织化程度,扩大经营规模,通过专业合作组织和行业协会等把畜牧企业和农户与市场有机联系起来,提高整个畜牧产业的竞争力。四是畜牧相关产业发展战略。认为畜牧业的发展也需要相关产业发展对它的提升作用,只有发达的相关产业,才可能带动畜牧业更好地发展,因此必须大力发展畜产品加工业,饲料、兽药工业和畜<WP=8>牧装备业。 要发展畜牧业,政府角色也十分重要,在发展战略的研究中是不可缺少的。政府在发展畜牧业中的责任是调控、扶持、引导和保护。在宏观调控上,主要以经济和法律手段进行调节,同时辅之行政手段的调节;在扶持上,主要加强对畜牧业的投入;在引导上,引导农民进入市场;在保护上,主要通过推行畜牧业保护政策实现。 在“分论”部分中,本文根据畜牧业内部不同畜种的特点,更有针对性地研究了山东养猪业、养禽业、奶牛业、养羊业和养兔业这五个主要畜牧产业的发展战略。通过分论,对五个养殖业的特点、优势及发展战略做了具体阐述。分论部分的主要研究结论如下:山东养猪业发展(第六章)重点要调整宏观区域性布局,实现农牧结合,合理进行猪场建设,加强地方猪种资源的保护与开发利用,健全种猪繁育体系与规模化相配套的生产管理技术的开发,实施优质猪肉的标准化生产。山东养禽业发展(第七章)重点要加强疫病综合防制体系和产品标准化生产体系,积极推进养禽业科技创新和体制创新,开拓多元化市场,创造新的出口空间。山东奶牛业发展(第八章)重点是发挥山东奶牛生产的资源科技优势,在政策和资金上予以支持,积极推进规范化饲养,发展标准化奶牛养殖小区,建立有效的奶牛联合育种体系,不断提高牛群的品质,并向精准化生产的方向发展。山东养羊业发展(第九章)重点是要优化生产结构、形成区域特色,健全良种繁育体系,重视养羊科学研究,提高产品加工技术水平,加强卫生检疫,健全市场和服务体系。山东养兔业的发展(第十章)重点是加快家兔良种产业化进程,大力发展规模化家兔饲养,推进家兔标准化生产,搞好家兔内部结构的调整,加强兔产品加工企业的自身建设,提高养兔业的发展水平。

【Abstract】 In new century, the government of Shandong province puts forward a goal that the well-being society be fulfilled in advance while the agricultural target of Shandong province is set to leap from a major province to a strong province of agriculture. As a branch of agriculture, the livestock husbandry, though with considerable productivity and output value after the 20 years reform and development, is facing the task to contribute to the further development of agriculture of Shangdong province as well as facing the challenge and opportunities after China’s entering WTO. In addition to the introduction, the other 9 chapters of this dissertation is divided into two sections, section I is a general introduction about the development strategy of livestock husbandry in Shandong and section II is the respective discussion about the development strategies of some representative industries of livestock husbandry. As the presupposition of strategic study, the current development of livestock husbandry is reviewed in chapter 1-2 of section I, especially the development after the reform and opening policy was carried out. Moreover, these chapters cover the analyses of the overall level, importance, internal structure and regional layout characteristics of livestock husbandry in Shandong Province, and cover the evaluation of basic situation as well. In Chapter III,the external environment is analyzed in order to orient the trend of world livestock husbandry in Shandong. The development and the trend are studied first which is followed by those of China and of neighbor province so as to learn the importance of livestock husbandry in Shandong and to clarify the environment at home and abroad by comparison. Chapter IV expounds the condition of developing the livestock husbandry, including condition of nature, resources, talents, science and technology, management system, market and industrial organization, which aims at laying a foundation for working out the development strategy by comparison between advantages and disadvantages. The great importance is attached to the strategic configuration and suggestions of developing livestock husbandry in Shandong in Chapter V according to the theory of competitive advantages. The first strategy is that of upgrading the essential factors of production in livestock husbandry in which the strategies of structure adjustment, promotion by science and technology and sustainable development are proposed to realize the upgrading of primary, advanced and professional essential factors of production. The second one is the strategy of market competition of products of livestock, in which the internationalization of husbandry economy is advised by emphasizing the confrontation with home and abroad market. According to the fact that the quality security of products is essential to meet the market demand at home and aboard, it puts forward the strategy of standardizing livestock production and of constructing the regions for raising livestock without epidemic diseases. The third strategy is the optimization of industrial organizations. It is suggested that the basic system of livestock husbandry should orient toward the optimization of the industrial organization to enlarge the scale, and the competitiveness of the industry should be improved by coordination of industries, farmers and market through the efforts of professional cooperative organizations and trade associations. The fourth is the strategy of developing the relevant industries of livestock husbandry. It is necessary for the development of livestock <WP=10>husbandry to be upgraded by the development of relevant industries. Thus, the processing of livestock product, fodder, animal medicine and facilities of livestock husbandry should be developed. The government plays an important role in developing the livestock husbandry, which is an indispensable factor in the study of strategy. Its duty is to regulate, support, guide and protect the development. Measures of economy and law should be adopted to regulate the development macro-ec

  • 【分类号】F326.3
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】2274

