

【作者】 王美华

【导师】 任爽;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 礼制是中国古代基本的社会制度,它的发展与中国古代社会的发展脉络息息相关,理顺礼制内容的沿革与变异以及其与社会变革之间的互动,对于今人进一步剖析中国古代社会的发展历程以及中国古代社会变革的历史趋势特征,都将具有深远的意义。而此也正是本文研究的视角。 本文实际上包括四个部分内容。 引言,作者着重介绍唐宋礼制的研究现状与题目的选择,并对题目的研究方法与基本思路进行阐述。 上编,唐宋礼制的沿革与变异,其文共分五章,以五礼为次第,勾勒出唐宋时期官方礼制发展沿革与变异的大体面貌。通过对唐宋礼制沿革的整体考察,作者认为,山唐到宋,官方礼制虽然发生了许多明显的变化,但是,这些变化趋势的存在还不足以掩盖唐宋礼制沿袭的主要基调。唐代确定的礼制原则和框架体系在北宋时期继续沿袭;在沿袭的前提下,北宋时期礼制的主要趋势,一方面是进一步调整唐代还未能完全理顺的礼制细节,另一方面是根据时事变迁而不断损益礼制的相关内容。正是在此过程,官方礼制体系不断发展完善。 下编,唐宋礼制与唐宋社会变迁,其文共分四章,分别探讨了礼法合流与唐宋礼制的建设、礼制与唐宋社会控制的加强、礼制与唐宋文化大一统局面的发展、唐宋礼制与唐宋政治的稳定诸方面的问题,以全面而深入的剖析礼制与唐宋社会各个方面之间的关系。第一章,礼法合流与唐宋礼制的建设,根据唐宋时期礼法合流在条文规定和实践效用方面的讨论,强调礼制强制性特征的不断明显所带来的巨大影响力。第二章,礼制与唐宋社会控制的加强,作者从社会结构变革与礼制演化、官方礼制对庶民礼仪的注重、私家礼仪撰述与社会控制的深入、官方旌表与唐宋孝悌行为的变异等方面来详细考察唐宋礼制与唐宋社会之间的关系,作者认为唐宋时期礼制的发展完善不仅体现在它根据社会结构的变革不断调整礼制内容,更重要的是礼制实践约束的范围已经不断扩大,更为深入的进入到社会生活的各个层面,对社会控制的加强产生了重要的推动作用。第三章,礼制与唐宋文化大一统局面的发展,通过重点论证礼制在唐宋时期的南移以及对南方文化特点的吸收,论证了礼制在沟通区域文化的过程中发挥着不可替代的作用。同时,作者还分析了礼制与宗教之间的冲突与融合关系,认为礼制正是因为吸纳了宗教因素而不断的丰富自己,不断增强自身的代表性。第四章,唐宋礼制与唐宋政治的稳定,作者从礼制与君主集权的加强、礼制与官僚体制的完善两个角度,论述唐宋时期,以尊君卑臣为前提的礼制政治功能的空前加强对君主专制统治以及对官僚集团控制甚至官僚集团内部尊卑等级关系、价值趋向、心理定位的深刻影响力。 结论,作者概括论文论证的主要思路,进一步指出唐宋时期作为礼制体系发展完善的关键时期,礼制在这一时期中不仅在本身制度内容方面有着显著的发展,更重要的是礼制开始在社会、文化、政治各个方面发挥着重要的作用,而此对唐宋社会以及其后的历史进程都发挥着深远的影响。

【Abstract】 The Ritual systems were a basic one to the ancient Chinese society, the development of which was closely associated with the ancient Chinese society. It is of great significance for us to analyze the characteristics of the evolution of the ancient Chinese society by combing the contents, the heritage and evolution of the Ritual systems. This is rightly the perspective of the dissertation.The dissertation consists of four parts.The preface. The author chiefly combs the evolutional threads of the Ritual systems, synthesizing the characteristics of the stages of Ritual systems (especially the those of Tang & Song Dynasties).Volume 1. The heritage and evolution of Ritual systems in Tang & Song Dynasties, consisting of five chapters. It goes with the sequence of the five rituals ,outlining the heritage and evolution of the official Ritual systems. Inspecting the Ritual systems in Tang & Song Dynasties as a whole, the author believes that these changes had not turned the basic tune of the Ritual systems in Tang & Song Dynasties, though there were many changes happening in the official Ritual systems. The frame and principles confirmed by Tang Dynasty were inherited by Song Dynasty. Under this premises , the trend of the Ritual systems in the North Song Dynasty was to make up the details and change with the change of contemporary affaires. In this way the official Ritual systems developed.Volume 2. The relation of Ritual systems and the society, consisting of four chapters. It goes deep into the combination of law and Ritual systems, the strengthening of Ritual systems and the social binding, Ritual systems with the unification of Tang & Song Dynasties, and the stability of polity. The 1st chapter goes into the combination of law and Ritual systems and the construction of Ritual systems. It stresses the gradual and obvious coercion of Ritual systems and the influence of that by textual regulations and their applications. The 2nd chapter goes into the strengthening of andRitual systems the social binding. The author researched the social structure and the Ritual systems, the official solicitude to the civil ceremonies, private scripts on the ceremonies and the further social binding, the advocates of the government and the morals of filial piety (to fathers and brothers) to analyze the relation between Ritual systems and the society. The 3rd chapter goes into Ritual systems with the unification of Tang & Song Dynasties. It argues that the unique function of Ritual systems in local cultural exchange by pointing the southward trend of Ritual systems in Tang & Song era and their absorption of southern cultures. The author also probes into the confrontation between and combination of the Ritual systems and religions. The 4’ chapter goes into Ritual systems with the unification the stability of polity. The author chooses the perspectives of monarchical reinforcement and the improvement of bureaucracy, arguing that the gradual reinforcement of political functions of the Ritual systems placed basis for the monarchical despots and its binding on the bureaucrats, that it also exerted great influence on the psychology of ranks and relevant social values.The conclusion syntheses the main thinking threads of the dissertation, further indicating that Tang & Song Dynasties was a vital era in the evolution of the Ritual systems. The Ritual systems not only experienced a lot of inner changes insdinctively, but also exerted great influence on the social ,cultural and political aspects. All the above propelled the Tang & Song Dynasties and later historical eras.

【关键词】 礼制唐宋社会
【Key words】 Ritual systemsthe Tang & Song DynastiesSociety
  • 【分类号】K207
  • 【被引频次】34
  • 【下载频次】4032

