

Research on Ecological Effect in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River After Water Transport

【作者】 崔旺诚

【导师】 许鹏; 朱进忠; 陈亚宁;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 草业科学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 塔里木河西起阿拉尔,东止台特玛湖,长约1321km,以其鲜明的地域特色和突出的水资源与生态问题著称于世。近50年来,塔里木河在以水资源开发利用为核心的人为作用下,流域水环境与自然生态过程发生了显著变化,以天然植被为主体的生态系统和生态过程因人为对自然水资源时空格局的改变而受到严重影响。下游河道断流,湖泊干涸,地下水位下降,以胡杨林为主体的天然植被全面衰败,“绿色走廊”濒临消失,沙漠化过程加剧。本项研究结合2000年向塔里木河下游生态输水,沿河道建立了9个地下水监测断面,在横断面上布设地下水监测井40眼,设置了18个植物样地。研究结果表明塔里木河下游生态输水对挽救天然植被、保护绿色走廊、改善生态环境,起到了非常明显的效果。在当前条件下,拯救天然植被,唯一途径就是生态输水。1. 地下水位响应明显 在纵向上看,生态输水对地下水位的影响是随输水距离的增加而逐渐减弱。在横向上,地下水位对生态输水的响应范围是随输水时间、输水次数的增加而变宽,目前资料显示地下水位响应宽度在距输水河道800m以内(英苏)。2. 植被响应明显 在距离河道150m范围内,草本植被重新萌发,种类也明显增加,乔灌木植被反应更加明显,出现了胡杨实生苗。在150-350m范围内,地下水没有达到草本植被生长所需要的水位,灌木和胡杨林对这一水位反应明显。在350-750m范围内,地下水位一般抬升1-3m,只能满足成年胡杨和个别种的柽柳生长,个别洼地可以发现零星的草本植被。到750m以后,与输水前的植被几乎没有变化。因此,可以认为750m是塔里木河下游生态输水的最大影响宽度。3. 优化塔里木河下游生态输水方案 胡杨的响应范围,由第一次输水后的200—250m,扩展到第四次输水的750m。但是地下水位过高,盐分在表层土中聚积,不利于植物生长。 地下水位过低,导致植被的衰败和退化。因此,确定合理生态水位和维系下游生态安全的最低需(用)水量有着重要意义。4. 实现生态系统的可持续性 目前采取的沿河道“线状”输水方式,只能对原有植被复壮,不能实现更新,更难以实现可持续性。应逐步实施双河道输水以及河道输水与面上供水相结合方式,结合下游主要建群种胡杨和柽柳的落种时间,确立每年8—9月为最佳输水时期,为种子萌发提供条件,以实现生态系统的可持续性。

【Abstract】 Research on ecological effect in the lower reachesof Tarim River after water transportCui Wangcheng (Grassland Science)Surpervised by Xu PengEcological water transport in the lower reaches of Tarim River has obvious effect on natural vegetation retrieval, green corridor protection and environment reform. On current conditions, the only approach to save natural vegetation is ecological water transportation.1. The response of groundwater level is obvious. Along the watercourse in the lower reaches, the response of groundwater level is gradually weakened along with the distance of water transport increase. The transverse response scope of groundwater level is gradually enlarged along with time and frequency of water transport increase. The response width of groundwater level is within 800m by the monitored data (at Yingsu section). 2. The response scope of natural vegetation in the lower reaches is obvious. Within 350-750m in width, the rise of groundwater level was 1-3 meters, only Populus euphratica or Tamarix families could accommodate to that environment. Once in a while, sporadic herbage could survive in the billabong. Outside 750m in width, the change of vegetation isn’t bigger than before water transport. So, the widest response scope of vegetation in the lower reaches of Tarim River after water transport was the 750m.3. Optimized the project of ecological water transport in the lower reaches of Tarim River. The natural vegetation nearby the watercourse is saved and restored along with water transport. The response scope of Populus euphratica is enlarged from 200~250m in width after the first water transport to 750m after the forth water transport. Therefore it is significant to confirm on the reasonable ecology water level and lowest requiring water quantity to keep ecological safety of the lower reaches of Tarim River 4. Realization sustainability of ecosystem. The linear water transport along watercourse can only recover the original vegetation. It can’t realize the renewal of plants; moreover, it can hardly realize sustainability of regional ecosystem. It is appropriate that two watercourses water transport and combination of linear and area water transport should be used. In accordance with maturity time of seeds of Populus euphratica and Tamarix families in the lower reaches of Tarim River, the optimum period of water transportation is from August to September every year, which can provide suitable condition for seeds burgeoning. This way can realize sustainability of ecosystem.

【关键词】 塔里木河下游输水生态效应
【Key words】 Tarim RiverThe Lower ReachesWater TransportEcological Effect

