

Studies on Contribution of Agriclural Mechanization to Agricultural Development and Equipped Level of Agricultural Mechanization

【作者】 孙福田

【导师】 王福林;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业机械化生产与管理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 我国是一个农业大国,农业在国民经济中占有很重要的地位,但我国的农业发展水平与国际发达国家相比还比较落后。因此农业的快速发展已成为我国一个最重要的课题,农业要快速发展离不开农业机械化的支持,如何准确的衡量农业机械化在农业发展中的地位和作用,以及如何正确评价我国农业机械化装备水平,已成为当前国内学者们研究的一个热点问题。但由于目前我国在评价农业机械化在农业发展中的地位和作用时,一般主要是采用定性分析的方法,定量分析比较少,而采用定量分析时,由于其建立的数学模型存在着一定的缺陷,造成测算结果存在着一定的误差,不能准确地评估农业机械化在农业发展中的地位和作用。迄今为止,虽然国内学者在农业机械化对农业生产贡献率方面进行了很多的研究,但目前还没有形成规范的易于应用的计算方法。还没有形成一套公认的测量模型,故在计算农业机械化对农业生产的贡献率时使计算结果产生了很大的偏差,因此有必要对其进行进一步的研究,制定一套比较科学、规范而实用的测算方法。同时如何评价我国农业机械化装备水平,规范我国农业机械化装备水平的评价体系,这对我国农业机械化的发展具有非常重要的作用。 本论文以全国及黑龙江这一农业大省作为典型例证,全面、系统地分析了农业机械化在农业发展中的贡献,农业机械化装备水平及其发展趋势。并对如何准确地量化农业机械化在农业发展中的贡献及评价农业机械化装备水平进行了深入的研究,并提出了一套比较完整的测算模型及指标评价体系,这对统一、规范我国农业机械化对农业生产贡献率的测算方法及农业机械化装备水平具有一定的参考价值。研究的目的在于正确评价农业机械化在我国及黑龙江省农业发展中作用的大小及目前农业机械化装备程度及其发展趋势。这对正确引导我国农业机械化的发展方向,尽快全面实现农业机械化,进而实现农业现代化具有非常重要的理论价值。 本论文全面系统地分析了国内外农业机械化对农业发展的贡献及农业机械化装备水平,详细介绍了农业机械化贡献率的定义及目前测算农业机械化贡献率的几种常用的方法,并指出其存在的不足。 本论文在现农业机械化对农业生产贡献率测算方法研究的基础上。进一步研究了在变弹性情况下用柯布—道格拉斯生产函数和索洛余值法测算农业机械化对农业生产贡献率的测算模型以及在考虑科技进步因素影响的情况下,运用数据包络分析方法中C~2R模型和C~2GS~2模型建立了测算农业机械化对农业生产贡献率的数学模型。 本论文利用各种测算方法,测算了农业机械化对全国及黑龙江省农业生产贡献率,并采取定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,对各种模型的测算结果进行全面、系统的分析,从中可得出目前测算农业机械化对农业生产贡献率比较理想的测算模型。该模型在我国具有一定的推广价值。 本论文对我国农业机械化发展历程、农业机械化的特点、农业机械化的现状及农业机械化装备水平进行了全面科学的分析,建立了农业机械化装备水平指标评价体系以及农业机械化装备水平的预测模型。农业机械化对农业生产贡献率测算方法的研究 并以全国及黑龙江省这一农业大省作为典型例证,对全国及黑龙江省农业机械化对农业生产贡献率进行了测算及分析。得出1988一2001年全国及黑龙江省农业机械化贡献率分别为14.67%和16.86%,并给出了比较合理的测算模型cZR模型和cZGSZ模型。 对全国及黑龙江省农业机械化装备水平的发展趋势进行了系统的研究,并对预测结果进行全面分析,指出我国及黑龙江省农业机械化发展趋势及相应对策。 上述研究是采用定性与定量相结合,理论分析与实际应用相结合,现实与未来相结合的方法,对农业机械化对农业发展的贡献及农业机械化装备水平进行了全面研究。本研究的理论、实践和方法是对农业机械化理论的进一步完善和发展。同时还为各级政府及决策部门对全面指导和推进农机化工作提供了科学的理论依据,对各级职能部门更好地发挥农机化管理、监督、指导、服务职能,推进农业机械化事业的全面健康、快速的发展,均具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Our country is an agricultural country. Agriculture takes an important role in economy of our state. But economic level of our country is low comparing international advantaged countries. So rapid development of agriculture has become an important project. Agricultural development depends on agricultural mechanization. It is an focused on question by internal researchers about how to measure the status and {unction of agricultural mechanization and how to evaluate the equipped level of agricultural mechanism in our country. But at a present, the method of qualitative analysis is used popular on appraising the status and function of agricultural mechanization in agricultural development. On the contrary, the method of quantitative analysis is used less. And when the method of quantitative analysis is used, the results of appraise are error because that there are some limitations in the established model. So it is impossible to appraise accurately the status and function of agricultural mechanization in agricultural development. By far, internal researchers have studied a lot on the contributive ratio of agricultural mechanization to agricultural development. But normative and applied calculative methods have not found. So it is necessary to study deeply and to form a set of scientific and applied appraising indexes. At the same time it has an important effects to evaluate the equipped level of agricultural mechanization and form normative indexes of agricultural mechanization in Chinese development.The studies analyze the contribution of agricultural mechanization to agricultural development, the equipped level and trend of agricultural mechanism systemic and thoroughly based on state and Heilongjiang province. And it was studied roundly how to calculate the contribution of agricultural mechanization to agricultural development accurately and how to appraise the equipped level of agricultural mechanization. And a set of thoroughly model of calculation and indexes system of evaluation were given. It has important value of reference to form united and standard model of measure on contributive ratio of agricultural mechanization to agricultural development The aiming of study lies in to evaluate the effects of agricultural mechanization to agricultural development in Chinaand Heilongjiang province correctly and degree and trend of equipped level of agricultural mechanization in the times. It has significant value on theory and practice to lead the direction of agricultural mechanization in our state, realize the agricultural mechanization rapidly and thoroughly and at last realize the agricultural modernization.The paper analyze the internal and external the contribution of agricultural mechanization to agricultural development and equipped level of agricultural mechanism thoroughly and roundly. The concept of contribution of agricultural mechanization and some of calculate methods to appraise the contributive ratio of agricultural mechanization were introduced particularly.Base on the studies of appraising methods about contributive ratio of agricultural mechanization to agricultural development at present, appraising methods of C.W.Cobb-P.H.Douglass productive function and Solow complementary value were deeply researched under the condition of changed elastic. And the mathematical model of appraising the contributive ratio of agricultural mechanization to agricultural development were established by applying the model C2R and C2GS2 in the method of Data Envelopment Analysis under the condition of considering the influential factors of scientific advancement.The contributive ratio of agricultural mechanization to agricultural production were appraised in China and Heilongjiang province by applying some of the models. Both quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were used to analyze the results of appraising thoroughly and systemic. Some ideal models to appraising contributive ratio of agricultural mechanization to agricultural development were educed from them. And There are genera


