

The Development of Fujian Cities in Modern Times: Focus on Fuzhou and Xiamen(1843-1949)

【作者】 林星

【导师】 戴一峰;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文以近代福建城市为研究对象。在福建这个独特的区域内,以福州和厦门为龙头,以开埠为契机,福建城市开始了百年缓慢而曲折的近代化历程。全文以城市近代化作为主线,力图全面深入地反映近代福建城市经济的成长过程以及由此带来的种种社会变迁,探析城市发展演进的特点及影响其发展的因素。 导论部分对国内外的研究状况进行了回顾,进而说明本文的相关概念、研究框架、理论方法和基本史料。 本文试图对福建近代城市的历史作多角度的长时段的分析,将分段叙述与专题研究相结合。全文分为上下两篇。上篇以时间为顺序,以鸦片战争后的开埠、中华民国建立和抗日战争爆发作为切点,将近代福建城市历史分为三个阶段,主要从城市经济和城市建设的角度阐述城市发展的概况。各章之中分节讨论贸易商业、金融、工业、城市建设等。上篇包括以下几章: 第一章是福建城市发展的生态环境与早期历史。主要探讨生态环境对福建城市的影响和古代福建城市的历史沿革、发展概况和特点。第二章是晚清福建城市的演进。时间跨度是1843年开埠到1911年中华民国建立。这一阶段是福建城市由传统城市向现代城市发展的起步时期。主要叙述开埠后福建城市贸易商业、工业、金融、城市建设方面的初步近代化。第三章是民国前期福建城市的变迁。时间跨度是1912年到1937年抗战爆发。这一阶段是城市初步发展时期。主要阐述民国建立后福建城市贸易商业、工业、金融、城市建设方面的进一步发展。第四章是民国后期福建城市的曲折发展。即从抗战爆发到1949年。这一阶段福建城市处于相对停滞状态。沿海城市发展滞缓,内地城市有了一些发展。 下篇是横向的专题研究,选择一些对城市发展影响重大的问题进行具体分析,力图从多层面反映城市的变迁。包括以下几章: 第五章是区域经济中心地位的确立。主要探讨福州和厦门作为福建区域经济中心的形成及其作用,以及城市和附近乡村的互动关系。第六章是城市人口和社会阶层的变化。分析了城市化过程中的人口增长和迁移,人口的结构,城市中的外国人,以及城市社会的职业与阶层结构出现的变化。第七章是城市文化教育和医疗卫生的发展。讨论的是近代教育的发展、新闻文化事业的兴起和医疗卫生事业的近代化。第八章是城市社会风俗的演变。主要阐述衣食住行,宗教信仰,婚丧嫁娶,闲暇生活等方方面面风俗的嬗变。 结语部分是对福建城市发展的整体考察。着重对福建城市近代化的动力、传统与近代的关系,近代化成效及制约因素进行探讨。

【Abstract】 This paper provides a study of the Fujian cities in the modern times. In the particular region of Fujian, with Fuzhou and Xiamen taking the lead, the opening of the ports ushered in the century-long slaw and tortuous modem history of Fujian cities. The paper, with city modernization as the main thread, attempts to provide a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the economic evolution of Fujian cities in the modern period and various social transformations arising from this evolution, and identifies the characteristics of the evolution of city development and the causes of the impact on its development.The introduction part of the paper provides a review of the research in China and abroad, and then proceeds to illustrate the concepts and issues related to this paper; it also elaborates on the research framework and theoretical methodology, and provides a basic history account.This paper attempts to provide an analysis of the history of modern cities in Fujian from multiple perspectives and over a lengthy period of time. This paper, by combining sectional accounts and featured studies, consists of two segments. The first segment breaks down the modern history of Fujian cities into three stages in a chronological order at three major points: The Opium War, the founding of the Republic of China, and the breakout of the War of Resistance against Japanese Invasion, and provides an overview of the city development from the perspectives of city economy and city construction. Chapters in this section dwell on commerce, finance, industry and city construction respectively. The first sectopm encompasses the following chapters:Chapter I: The Ecological Environment and Ancient History Development of Fujian City. This chapter mainly discusses the ecological environment of Fujian city development and the profile of the development of Fujian cities in ancient times.Chapter II: The Evolution of Fujian cities in the Late Qing Dynasty. Spanning the period of time from the Opium War in 1840 to the founding of the Republic of China in 1911, this stage is the initial period in which Fujian cities developed from traditional cities to modern cities. This chapter mainly expounds the preliminary modernization of the trade, commerce, industry, finance, and city construction of Fujian cities following the opening of ports.Chapter III: The Transformation of Fujian Cities in the Initial Period of the Republic of China. Spanning the period of time from 1912 to the eruption of the War of Resistance against Japanese Invasion, this stage is the preliminary period ofcity development. This chapter mainly expounds the further development of the trade, commerce, industry, finance, and city construction of Fujian cities following the founding of the Republic of China.Chapter IV: The Tortuous Development of Fujian Cities in the Late Period of Republic of China. Spanning the period of time from the eruption of the War of Resistance against Japanese Invasion, this stage witnessed the relative stagnation of Fujian cities. Coastal cities were slow in development while inland cities experience considerable growth.The second segment is a horizontal featured study which provides a specific analysis of some major issues that had a strong bearing on the city development in order to reflect the transformation of the cities from multiple aspects. It consists of the following chapters:Chapter V: The Establishment of the Status of Regional Economic Centers. This chapter mainly discusses the emergence and role of Fuzhou and Xiamen as Fujian’s regional economic centers, and the interaction between the cities and neighboring rural areas.Chapter VI: The Change of City Population and Social Strata. This chapter analyzes the population growth and migration, demographic structure, foreigners in the city, and the changes of occupational and stratum structures in the city society in the urbanization process.Chapter VII: The Development City Culture, Education, Medical Care and Public Health. This chapter discusses the development of modern education, the e

【关键词】 近代福建城市发展
【Key words】 Modern TimesFujianUrban Development
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K29
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】2697

