

A Lexical Study on Baoshan Chu Slips

【作者】 王颖

【导师】 刘钊;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 詞彙研究是語言學研究不可或缺的一部分,要研究詞彙,就要追根溯源,對它的來龍去脈作史的探討。從上世紀80年代開始,一些學者先後投入到專書研究的領域並取得了不少可喜的進步。但我們还應注意到,除了傳世古籍,出土文獻也是漢語史研究不該忽略的一部分。利用出土文獻進行詞彙方面的研究,可以更真實地展示當時語言的狀況,可以為專書詞彙研究提供更可靠的時代座標,對漢語史研究具有極為重要的意義。近年來大宗簡帛材料相繼出土,為全面開展出土文獻詞彙研究提供了絕佳的契機。 包山楚簡1987年出土于湖北荊門市包山2號戰國大型楚墓,有278枚竹簡和一枚竹牘,包括司法文書簡、卜筮祭禱簡和遣策三種,是“歷年來出土楚簡中數量最多、保存最好、内容最豐富的一次空前大發現”,極具研究價值。本文所做的,是在時賢考釋的基礎上,運用詞彙學的基本理論,借助電腦計量的方法,將包山楚簡中的詞彙條分縷析地展示出來。即先按詞性將包山簡中所有的詞分為名、動、形、數量、代、虛六大類,名詞按意義分為三十小類,虛詞包括副詞、介詞、連詞、助詞、語氣詞、合音詞等六種。通常的格式是先將各個類別的詞悉數列出(極少數不識之字或意義不明之詞未收),單音詞在前,複音詞在後,每詞後注明代表簡號及出現次數。除名詞和數量詞外,每個詞都作具體闡釋或分析。另外还有三個專題研究,討論包山簡中同義詞的用法、包山楚簡與睡虎地秦簡用詞的差別及對《漢語大詞典》的訂補。 本文是包山楚簡在詞彙方面進行的第一次系統整理,對戰國時期楚國的用詞情況作了全面的展示和細緻的分析,並在複音詞、同義詞、詞的出現年代和地域分佈等方面並進行了有益的探索,提出了新的證據。

【Abstract】 Rearch on vocabulary is an essential part to linguistic study. To research on vocabulary,we should find their origine and development. From the eighties of the twentieth cencury, some scholars devoted themselves to the study on the special ancient books and records and made some improvement.But besides the books that were handed down from ancient times, we should also pay attention to the unearthed literature to examine the language history. By making use of the unearthed literature,we can reveal the language state of that time more truthfully.,and offer time coordinate for the study of the special ancient books and records. In a word, the unearthed literature is valuable to the study of the history of Chinese. In the recent years,a large amount of bamboo slips and silks were unearthed. It is a superexcellent chance to develop the research on words recorded in the unearthed literature.Baoshan Chu bamboo strips were found in the tomb which is situated at Jingmen ,Hubei in the Warring States Period. There are 278 bamboo slips and 1 bamboo tablet,including judicial writs,augury annal and burial articles register. It is an unprecedented finding because its amount, preservation and content are all unexampled. Based on other scholars’ textual research, using the theory of lexics,calculating by computer, I make a careful and detailed analysis on Baoshan manuscript.That is ,1 sort noun,verb,adjective, quantifier,pronoun and form word from the manuscript. And noun is divided into thirty lower level according to the meaning. Form words comprise adverb, preposition,conjunction, auxiliary word,mood word and synaeresis word. The common format is all the words in some sort being arranged. The monosyllabic words are in the front rank and complex tone words followed. The number of the bamboo slips and the frequency are behind the word. Every word is explained or analysed except for noun and quantifier. Furthermore, there are three special topic to discuss the usage of thesaurus, the difference compared with Shuihudi Qin bamboo slips and corrections to the Hanyu Da Cidian.This paper on the first time sorts out the Baoshan Chu bamboo slips in lexical category. It lays out and analyses the usage of words in Chu during the Warring States Period. It also probes into the complex tone words, thesaurus, the time and distribution of words and so on and provides new evidence to the study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】H131
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】922

