

Study on the Dispute of Mountain Forest Ownership in Zhejiang Province

【作者】 陈永富

【导师】 邱俊齐; 温亚利;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农林经济管理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 森林资源是林业生产和再生产的物质基础,是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基础,它具有经济、生态和社会三大效益。随着科学技术的发展和进步,人口的不断增长,人们对森林资源的利用不断增加,各种矛盾冲突日趋明显,森林资源受到了越来越严重的威胁。山林权属争议(通常又称山林纠纷)是山区、林区工作中的突出问题。山林纠纷的不断产生和久拖不解,不仅会影响林业生产建设,破坏森林资源,而且会引发群体事件,威胁财产和生命的安全,严重影响农村的社会稳定和民族团结。山林权属争议已成为社会问题,日益受到社会各界的广泛关注。 浙江省是一个经济发达省份,同时又是一个资源小省。山多、地少、人众,素有“七山一水二分田”之称。这一特点决定了林业在浙江省国民经济与社会发展中的地位与作用。山区又是一个特殊的区域,经济发展水平落后,人口素质偏低,山区农民对山林资源具有高度的依赖性,山区的信息相对闭塞,交通、文化等基础设施薄弱,城镇建设滞后等等,区域特性导致山林权属争议的多发性,同时又给山林纠纷的调处工作增加了难度。事实表明,浙江省是一个山林纠纷多发的省份,据不完全统计,自改革开放来,已调处的山林纠纷达26万多起,至今遗留的纠纷积案近1000起,每年又有新的山林纠纷不断发生。为此,多年来,浙江省各级人民政府一直做着不懈的努力,做了大量细致的工作,取得了显著的成绩。然而,山林权属争议是一个十分复杂的问题,产生的原因和情况各异,影响调处工作的因素纷繁复杂,急切需要人们对其进行全面、系统和科学的研究,从而揭示其产生和发展规律,探求其有效解决的措施、方法和途径。与此同时,浙江省“十五”规划和浙江省第十一次党代会相继提出了提前基本实现农村和农业现代化和“打造绿色浙江,创建生态省”的目标,这些目标的实现,不仅离不开占有70%土地面积的山区,而且山区将成为实现这些目标的“瓶颈”。因此,加强山林权属争议研究具重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。 正是基于上述的认识,本文以政策学、社会学、法学和经济学等理论为指导,在查阅大量文献、多次实地调查的基础上,对浙江省山林权属争议进行了较为全面的研究。在对浙江省山林权属争议的历史演变、特征及现状进行分析的基础上,运用相关理论对浙江省山林纠纷的成因进行了详尽的剖析;紧密结合浙江省实际情况,对基层在调处山林纠纷过程中经常遇到的凭据及其法律效力等重要问题作了较为系统的阐浙江省山林权属争议研究述;对常用的三种调处山林纠纷的方法的程序、特征、影响因子及应用设计进行了比较分析。 通过本文的研究,作者认为:浙江省山林权属争议产生的原因是多方面的,既有政策和法律方面的原因,又有经济、社会和管理等方面的原因;在山林纠纷调处方法的运用上,主要以协商调解为主,行政裁决次之,司法裁决最少,基于现实条件,这种状况在相当长的一段时期内难以发生根本性的改变:调处山林纠纷的凭据种类繁多,目前应用比较混乱,对调处工作产生了直接的影响;浙江省山林权属争议仍将长期存在,调处任务还相当繁重和艰巨。本文从浙江省情和林业发展背景出发,提出大力发展山区农村经济,建立和完善林业法律体系,深化林业产权制度改革,综合运用各种调处手段,加强地籍档案管理等综合措施和方法,以期预防、减少和及时调处山林权属争议。 本论文的主要创新之处:(1)对山林权属争议进行了较为全面、系统的分析和研究,比前人的研究更进一步;(2)综合应用政策学、法律学、社会学和经济学等理论对山林权属争议的成因进行系统分析,在研究方法上具有新意;(3)将社会学理论引入山林权属争议分析之中,为分析和研究山林权属争议提供了新的思路;(4)对调处争议具有十分重要作用的凭证进行了系统的归类并对其法律效力作了初步的界定。

【Abstract】 Forest resources possess economic, ecological and social benefits for they are the material base of forestry production and reproduction on which human society depend and develop. With the development of science and technology and the continuous increase in population and forest resources exploitation, various discrepancies and controversies turn up and consequently the forest resources are threatened in a more and more severe way. The dispute over mountain forest ownership is a prominent problem in the management work in these regions. Without immediate settlement, the ceaseless dispute will not only affect the forestry production and construction and damage the forest resources, but also will bring about community incidents and threaten the safety of human life and wealth . Thus the countryside stability and notional unity will be badly influenced. The dispute has become a social problem and has attracted extensive attention from all circles of society.Zhejiang province is developed in economy but limited in resources with lots of mountains, few arable lands and a large population. This topography determines the great significance of forestry in economic and social development in the mountainous areas of Zhejiang Province which is particular in landform and underdeveloped in economy, culture and population quality. As a result, the mountainous regions are still inaccessible in information and backward in transportation facility and culture construction, so the peasants there are highly dependent on the forest resources. This particularity in landform causes frequent disputes over mountain forest ownership and enhances the difficulty in the related mediating work. There are indications that dispute of mountain forest ownership isfrequent in Zhejiang Province. On the grounds of incomplete statistics, since the reform and opening to the outside world, 260,000 issues on the forest ownership have been dealt with while about 1,000 issues still remain to be solved. And new issues keep turning up every year. For this reason, the Government at all levels of Zhejiang have been making unremitting efforts and doing a great deal of meticulous work for years for the settlement of these disputes, and the result is fruitful. However, the dispute of mountain forest ownership is a fully complicated problem induced by various complex factors , and thus a complete. systematic and scientific research is needed immediately in order to reveal the common laws for the development of effective measures to its resolution. Meanwhile, " the Fifteenth " Planning in Zhejiang and the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress propose simultaneously the target of the modernization of countryside and farming ahead of time as well as the target of "forging green Zhejiang, creating ecological province". But the underdevelopment of economy - culture and population quality in the mountainous regions will become the "bottleneck" in the realization of these goals which greatly depend on the forest resources on this region. Hence, it is of realistic and far-reaching historical significance to reinforce the research on the dispute over mountain forest ownership.Based on the above knowledge, this paper presents a relatively comprehensive research on the theory and practice about the controversy of rights of woods and mountains . It studies the dispute in a comprehensive way on the basis of materials inquiry and frequent investigations on the spot under the direction of policy, sociology and the science of law and economics. After detailed analysis of the history, feature and the present situation about the controversy on forest ownership , combining the actual situation in Zhejiang province, it carries on an exhaustive research in the causes of the controversy and elaborates systematically the significant problems such as the evidence and legal effect in the process of mediating work .It also makes a comparative analysis between the process, feature. effect factor and application design commonly used in mediating work.Through the research, the author holds

【关键词】 山林权属争议产权浙江
【Key words】 : mountain forest ownershipdisputeproperty rightsZhejiang

