

Research on Visualization Integrated Mining CAD System

【作者】 陈建宏

【导师】 古德生;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 采矿工程, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 可视化、集成化和智能化是CAD领域的热点研究课题,将可视化和集成化技术引入采矿CAD系统开发是本论文研究的主要内容。论文运用图形学理论、数据库理论及可视化技术、集成化技术与OpenGL技术,对可视化集成采矿CAD系统开发的基础问题进行了深入的研究,主要包括:采矿CAD系统结构、采矿CAD基本图元集的构造、图元属性表述方法、参数图元和自定义图元数据结构、图元数据模型的构造、采矿专业图形运算算法、与采矿CAD集成的工程数据库、OpenGL可视化开发理论、可视化集成采矿CAD系统设计及应用等内容。 论文在对采矿CAD技术的研究现状、发展趋势及存在的问题进行分析的基础上,提出了可视化集成采矿CAD系统的总体结构。对采矿CAD系统中基本图元集的构造原则和组织方法进行了研究,提出了一个7元素采矿CAD基本图元集构造方案;论文详细讨论了曲线图元、字符图元、尺寸标注图元、多边形图元、参数图元、自定义图元在采矿CAD系统中的作用和特点,并对各种图元的表述方法和图元属性及相应的库组织方式、存取效率进行了深入的研究,提出了一个“可变长记录块”图元库结构组织方案;通过对采矿CAD系统中基本图元数据模型的构造方法、存取结构和访问方式的研究,给出了一个用C++语言描述的采矿CAD系统基本图元数据模型及其数据存取结构。该数据模型将图元的几何属性和非几何属性集成在一起,适合具有“工程含义”矿山图形的属性处理。 专业图形运算算法研究是CAD技术研究的难点。论文在矿山图形算法研究方面做了大量的工作,提出了许多有价值的矿山专业图形运算算法,主要算法有:多边形裁剪算法、闭多边形的加、减、并算法、多边形的矢量填充算法、任意有向多边形、有向多连域、有向多边形序列面积算法、多种曲线光滑算法、任意区域的图元搜索算法、任意区域图元属性提取算法、多边形(多连线)平行外推/内缩算法、任意多边形储量品位计算、矿山空间数据搜索算法、界线的自动追踪和连接等。 与CAD集成的工程数据库研究是CAD技术的发展方向之一,论文对工程数据库与采矿CAD系统的集成进行了研究,建立了以矿床模型工程数据库系统和图形系统集成为核心的采矿CAD工程数据库结构,并研制了一个内嵌式层次型地质数博士论文—可视化集成采矿CAD系统研究据库(GeoDB)。与关系型数据库不同,层次型数据库既能支持几何信息,也能支持非几何数据,支持可变长的地质、测量数据记录,适用于多元素复杂类型的金属矿床; 论文以VC十十和OpenGL可视化图形平台为基础,开发了一个将地质数据库、露天开采模型、采剥计划编制、露天境界圈定、开采辅助设计等专业功能集成在一起的可视化采矿CAD系统,并以高村铁矿露天境界设计为例,对可视化采矿CAD系统进行了实际运行,成功地绘制了一批可视化采矿设计图,包括:境界透视图、地形透视图、境界网格透视图、境界网格渲染图以及与钻孔地形合成的各种立体图。

【Abstract】 In recently years, visualization, integration and intelligence in the field of CAD are a hot point for research. This dissertation is focus on visualization and integration technique for developing mining CAD system. The main content includes nine parts: Mining CAD system structure, Mine graph element collection constructing and its functions, Mining CAD graph element attrib describing methods and its characteristic, Mining CAD parameter graph element and self-define graph element constructing, Mining CAD graph element data model, Mine graph operation algorithms, Engineering database integrated with mining CAD technique, OpenGL visualization on mining CAD and visualization mining CAD system developing and its application.This dissertation discusses comprehensively the history, principle, method and practice of the mining CAD. Based on these studies, the author puts forward the module of CAD software system and its functions. By analyzing the mine graph elements, a seven-element graph collection for mining CAD have been established. The dissertation details the functions and characteristic of curves graph element, polygon graph element, character graph element, dimension graph element, parameter graph element, self-define graph element, and research comprehensively the methods describe and graph element attrib. After discussing the basic graph element collection, this thesis gives the description method, organization way, graph element visitation, save and load efficiency, suitability and so on of every element in the basic graph element collection in greater detail. The author provides a graph element data structure organized version which is length changeable and is a block storage record, and designs a new module of data, which can process both the geometry attrib and no geometry attrib of drawing element. Based on this, the data model of all kind of element is put forward. These data structure models are described by utilizing c++ language and are very suitable for processing mine graphs that have engineering meanings.Graph algorithm studying is a key for CAD system developing. In this paper, a lot of research works of algorithms of mining CAD has been done. Many important mine specialty graph operation algorithms have been put forward. The main results are as follows: polygons cut out algorithm, two close polygons mutual, merge and subtract algorithm, polygon vector fill, any vector polygons area calculating and sequence polygons or multifold which has the direction and region area calculating, curve smoothing, graph element search for any region, graph element attrib collect in any region, parallel polygon or vector intersection-point push out or pull in, ore reserves and grade calculating for any type polygon, mine spatial data searching and boundary line tracking and automatic link algorithm etc.It is the development trend that lEDB.in integrated with CAD. ThisABSTRACTdissertation discusses the mine engineering database integrated with mining CAD in great detail. The author provides an arrangement of mine engineering data into classes or groups according to graphics attrib or process methods, and build a data module for mining CAD software, which is a key for the integration of the deposit engineering database system and graphics system. Based on the classifying and organizing of mine engineering data, the author build a database structure of deposit model engineering database and graph core system, and developed a geology database system based on levels relationship, which can support both geometry attrib and no-geometry attrib, and it is suitable for multi-elements and complex types metal deposit.The dissertation summarizes the experience of developing the graphic system in mining CAD system. The author develops a visualization mining CAD system, which is based on VC++ and the graphics platform OpenGL. The software system includes geology database, open-pit mining module, open-pit mining & striping scheme, open-pit limit, mining computer aided design. In the end, a case study of Gaocu

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期

