

The Study on Wear Regularity, Design and Performance Test of Diamond Bit and Diamond Saw

【作者】 杨俊德

【导师】 彭振斌;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 地质工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 由于金刚石钻头和金刚石锯片所用金刚石占我国金刚石产量的60%以上。而我国所生产的金刚石钻头和金刚石锯片其产品质量与其它发达国家相比还差距很大,我国主要是生产中低档产品,很少能生产高档产品,其原因除原材料等因素的影响外,其中一个重要原因就是没有系统的理论来指导产品的设计、生产和使用。主要是凭经验办事,本文主要是对金刚石钻头和金刚石锯片的磨损机理、设计、制造及性能测试技术进行了比较系统的研究,对金刚石钻头和金刚石锯片中诸如金刚石质量、金刚石浓度、金刚石粒度、胎体材料性能、烧结工艺、几何形状等参数进行优化设计研究,特别是对我国的一些特殊要求的,对行业发展影响比较大的、技术要求比较高的部分产品进行了专门研究、提出了优化设计方案,其主要内容如下: 第一,采用人造均质岩石(瓷砖)进行微钻试验,从微观上分析金刚石钻头的磨损机理,得出了如下几点结论:a,金刚石出露量随金刚石钻头累计进尺呈周期性变化;b、金刚石钻头时效随金刚石出露量变化而变化,金刚石出露量多,钻头时效高,反之亦然;c、金刚石钻头胎体磨损速度随钻头时效的变化而变化,时效高,胎体磨损快,反之亦然;d、通过统计金刚石钻头唇面完整、脱落、微裂、粗裂金刚石数量占金刚石总量的百分比来评价金刚石的质量及胎体对金刚石的包镶强度。 第二,从理论和实际两方面研究了金刚石质量、金刚石浓度、金刚石粒度、胎体材料、烧结工艺、唇面形状等对金刚石工具(指金刚石钻头和金刚石锯片)性能的影响,提出了优化设计方案,其创新之处有以下几点:a、研究出了通过计算金刚石工具唇面金刚石的切入岩石深度差值来设计金刚石粒度的配比;b、提出了通过比较金刚石施加给岩石单位面积的压力与岩石抗压强度来设计金刚石浓度;c、研制成功了一种适应于现在水电工程仅靠钻机本身重量加压的自锐式金刚石钻头,大大提高了钻头的时效,同时寿命也得到了提高。d、研究出了采用金刚石制粒的方法,让金刚石表面包覆一层对金刚石包镶强度高的材料,提高了金刚石包镶强度。 第三,为了解决钻进钢筋混凝土金刚石钻头寿命低的难题,从理论和实际两方面对该种金刚石钻头进行了研究,通过计算分析金刚石切入岩石深度和金刚石之间的间隙,提出采用粗颗粒,高强度金刚石和细颗粒、低强度金刚石混合使用,前者作为一级磨料用于破碎岩石,后者作为二级磨料用于减少金刚石之间的间隙,不让砂粒进入金刚石间隙冲蚀胎体起到增加胎体耐磨性提高钻头寿命的作用,这样既保证了钻头时效,又提高了钻头寿命,并取得了较理想的实际应用效果。 第四,通过理论和实际的研究,提出了一套金刚石组锯的优化设计方案,并分析了金刚石组锯与单片的差别,得出了金刚石组锯的金刚石质量要高、浓度要低(10%左右)、粒度要粗、胎体耐磨性要低结论。 第五,对金刚石工具的性能检测进行了研究,并设计制造了两台金刚石工具性能测试仪,而且使用效果基本达到了要求,并用金刚石高温抗冲击强度仪对金刚石高温抗冲击强度进行了试验,得出了以下几点结论:a、未经过高温烧结的金刚石,在高温下的抗冲击强度与常温相比有明显提高;b、金刚石在高温下的抗冲击强度随着保温时间的延长,开始提高较快,但后面提高变慢;c、经过1000℃、保温20分钟烧结后的金刚石,常温和高温抗冲击强度都明显降低。

【Abstract】 In china, diamond used in the products such as diamond bits and diamond saws are more than 60%. These diamond bits and saws, on the other hand, are low or middle-grade products; There is still a long way to go to produce high-grade products. One important reason leading poor products is lack of systematic theory to guide the procession of design, producing and application of the products. The aim of this research is to find the wear regularity of diamond bit and diamond saw, and carry on systematic research to the design, production and performance test technology of diamond bit and saw. One series of optimization study has made for the parameters design of diamond bit and saw, including diamond quality, diamond concentration, diamond size, matrix material performance, the technology of controlling temperature and pressure, as well as geometry shape. Focused on some products that have special request, great influence to trade development and high technology request, this research has proposed some optimization suggestions as follows:First, drilling experiments are made in uniform man-made rocks (ceramic tile), the wear regularity of diamond bit is analyzed from microcosm, conclusions are given as follows: (1) A mount of appeared diamond on the bit surface is changing periodically with bit footage; (2) Drilling speed is varying with the amount of appeared diamond on the bit surface, the more diamond appears, the higher drilling speed is.Otherwise, it is the same tendency; (3) Wearing speed of the bit is changing with drilling speed. The higher drilling speed is, the faster bit wearing happens, the same result has been approved in the opposite situation; (4) The quality of the diamond and the inlay intensity of the diamond bit could be measured by the percentage of amount of bit lip surface integrity, fell off, micro-fracture, the thick crack diamond quantity among the total quantity of the diamond.The second, diamond quality, diamond concentration, diamond size, matrix material, technology of controlling temperature and pressure and lip surface shape had been researched from both theoretical and practical side. One optimized design plan is suggested in the thesis. This study has made some pioneering works as follow: (1) The proportioning of diamond size which is designed by calculating the cutting in rock depth difference of diamond lip face is acquired; (2) The design plan of diamond concentration is submitted by comparing the pressure of rock unit area forcing by diamond with crack strength of rock; (3) The self-tartness diamond boring bit is researched successfully which depends on the drill machine self weight to force pressure, which is adapted to the modern hydropower engineering. The researching achievement can raise effectiveness for a given period time and life span of boring bit; (4) The method of using diamond grain manufacturing is obtained and it can make diamond surface layer wrapped up a layermaterial which could increase the bond retention of diamond.The third, in order to solve the problem of low life span of diamond boring bit in drilling reinforced concrete, the author has made the research from the theory and the actual two aspects to this kind of diamond boring bit. By calculating the depth of cutting in rock and the gap of diamond, the thesis has submitted a suggestion to increase the wearing capacity of matrix and diamond life span by using thick grain-high intensity and fine grain-low intensity diamond fixedly. The former is used- to break rock as primary wearing material and -the later to decrease the diamond gap, in order to prevent sand grain to enter the diamond gap to wash matrix to increase the wearing capacity of matrix and the life span of boring bit. This suggestion will ensure drilling efficiency and life span of boring bit and have achieved ideal practical result.The fourth, in the thesis, is one optimization plan of combinatorial diamond saws. After analyzed the difference of combinatorial diamond saws and single diamond saw, one conclusion has been obtained as follo

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期

