

The Research for the Theory of Wasteless Mining Appraise

【作者】 黄志伟

【导师】 古德生;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 采矿工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪是人类有史以来生产力发展最快的百年,也是人类对地球环境破坏最大的百年,其中矿业是最主要的破坏者和污染源和灾害源。矿山开采在为我们提供有用的资源的同时,也导致了环境的严重恶化。这种恶化已形成了全球性的问题,并日益威肋着人类的生存。正如匈牙利学者欧文·拉兹洛所述,人类目前正处在死亡与重生的十字路口,如果目前还不能有效改变当前的生产方式与思维方式,不能实现意识革命和文化转型,建立起全新的生态价值和生态伦理,那么人类和整个世界都将进入“毁灭期”,万劫而不复。 无废开采是一个全新的概念,是人类对社会发展历史进行痛苦反思后提出的新的发展思想和发展观,是21世纪矿业发展的重大课题,并日益获得国内外广泛的重视与关注。目前,加强矿山环境保护,实现其长期、持续、稳定地生产已成为我国矿业重要的发展方向。 近年来,无废开采的实践给科研工作者提出了许多全新的研究课题,无废开采的设计与评价问题便是其中之一。由于无废开采起步与发展的时间较短,目前尚无系统的、深入的、相关的理论与方法公开发表,国外也未有同类成果面世。因此,探索和完善无废开采设计与评价的理论与方法显得尤为重要。 本文首先分析了实行无废开采的意义和我国无废开采的现状,并针对无废开采的概念、研究方法、实现途径与判别标准进行了专门的论述,简述了本文应用于无废开采设计与评价系统的决策理论与优化方法,结合作者的科研实践经验与无废开采理论、仿生群落体理论,引入现代实用的可视化技术与方法,开创性地建立了无废开采规划设计与评价的可视化数学模型,并通过一实践案例对其进行了说明与论证。另外,作者在研究中提出的一些独到的见解与方法,对发展与完善无废开采设计与评价的理论体系有重要的意义。 我们知道,实现无废开采的关键:一方面是要尽量扼制废料的产出,另一方面是要寻找有效的方法对产出的废料进行治理。 而要扼制废料的产出,必须要根据矿山开采的特点,合理确定开采品位,减少废石的采掘,控制采矿过程中废石的混入。因此必须对采矿工艺过程进行合理地控制和优化,其中,重点是对资源利用(资源合理评估)、采矿工艺方案和采矿工艺过程的优化。 在资源评估方面,本文从无废开采效益与开采品位这两方面来进行了评估和分析,并提出了其评估与计算的方法,以最大限度地减少废料和产出,最大程度地提高资源的利用率和矿山开采效益。另外,为合理地控制采切时废料的混入,在采矿方法设计中还引入了衡量采准工作的采切废石混入率的标准与计算方法。 采矿工艺过程的优化,主要是要设计选用最合适的采矿方案与最合适的采矿工艺。这是实现无废开采极为重要的一个方面,它直接影响着矿山的开采效益与无废开采效果。 在采矿方案优选方面,发展应用模糊数学与层次分析法的组合决策优化方法对无废开采方案优选的指标体系、权值的分析处理与系统进行了综合评判,并建立了系统实用的方案优化选择数学模型,以获得最佳、合理的无废开采方案。 在采矿工艺过程控制方面,重点控制采切和采矿过程中废石的混入,将无废开采规划与设计过程的各步骤,按其工艺环节与顺序,详细地以表格方式表达,并列出了各计算方法,黄志伟博士学位论文试图形成适用的采矿设计格式,并为后面可视化设计编程打下基础。 然而,众所周知,即使对采矿工艺过程进行最大程度的优化和控制,也只能尽量地减少废料的产出,不能完全消除废料的产出,只能做到少废,还必须针对产出废料的情况进行治理。因此,本文从生态系统的角度,采用了仿生群落体的方法,依照生物食物链的原理,建立起一个相互制约的仿生群落系统,将_L业生产的废料消化在各生产内部和相互间的组合过程中,从而达到无废开采的目的。 无废开采,从其内涵可知,是一个涉及面很广的课题,既受矿床矿物的影响,又受生产各环节与矿山地理位置及其区域经济的影响,评价时还需要涉及到方方面面,评价难度很大。 为了较详细地考察矿山的无废开采程度一与水平,本文将其划分为两个方面来进行评价,其一是对矿山无废开采程度的评价,查看其无废开采几个主要方面的进程;其二是综合各方面的因素,按国际通用标准对其无废开采水平进行综合评价。 在无废开采程度评价方面,本文在前人的基础上,主要从无废开采效益、废料资源化程度,以及”四废”处理程度这三个方面进行评价,分别提出了系统而适用的评价方法和评价标准,完善和发展了矿山无废开采程度的评价体系。评价中,为了更全面地评价矿山无废开采效益,文中首次提出了用社会效益与经济效益共同来比较和考察矿山的无废开采效益,并分别探索性地提出了其计算方法与评判标准。 此外,本文根据无废开采与可持续发展的内涵,开创性地将对矿山无废开采的综合评价转化为对矿山可持续发展的评价,从而可从更全面、更长远的角度来分析和评价,同时便于与国际上相关通用的量化与核算标准接轨,增强评价系统的准确性和实用性。 文中参照国际通用的方法,探索性地建立了无废开采综合评价(亦即矿山可持

【Abstract】 The production development during twentieth century is the fastest than before since mankind being, and destroy to the environment of the earth is the greatest, too, of which, the mining industry is the major destroyer, and the major polluter, and the major source of disasters.Mining brings on severe deteriorate to the earth environment, as it affords us useful resource. This deterioration has become the global problem, which increasingly threatens the existing for the mankind. Just as the scholar Eowen.Iadz of Hungary says, now, mankind has come to a crossing for death or revival. Both the mankind and the world would go to die, If mankind could not change current production mariner and thinking manner on effect, and could not alter his consciousness and culture, establishs a entirely new thought for zoology value and zoology ethic.Wasteless mining is a new idea and a developing thought or view, and is an important subject in mining development in 21 century and is increasingly received universal attention at home and abroad, which was brought forward after human has thought over with agony his social historical development. Therefore, it has become an important development direction for our mining industry to protect mine’s environment, and to keep mine production with continuance and steadiness for a long periodWithin recent years, many new problems were brought forward through wasteless mining experience, in which, the right design and objective appraise for the wasteless mining is one of its problems. Because it is very short for the idea of wasteless mining to be put forward, there are no relative systemic theories and methods published both at home and abroad. Therefore, it is very important for developing and improving its theories and methods.At the first, the paper describes the importance and the present status of the application of wasteless mining in our country, and gives a special discussion for its conception ,research approaches, and some apply pathways for wasteless mining, then makes a brief description of decision-making and optimizing theories and methods applied in the paper’s design and appraisal for the wasteless mining. After that, the author, based on the wasteless mining theories and his research experience, put forward creatively a new method to design and appraise for the wasteless mining, in which the modern applicable visualization technique are applied. At the end the paper gives a practice example to explain its usage and to prove its success. In the paper some of original opinions and methods put forward by the author have great importance to develop and improve the design and the appraise theory system in wasteless mining.As we know, the key to actualize the wasteless is to decrease the waste in mining as possible, and to look for efficient ways to eliminate brought waste.To decrease the brought waste in mining, it is necessary to choose right mining grade of the resource, and to decrease the waste in excavation and mining, based on the specialty of the mining. So it has to design the mining technology and the process rightly, in which, the key is the resource utilization and the mining scheme and the design for mining process.At the aspect of resource appraise, the paper appraises and analyses it from its benefit and its mining grade, and puts forward up their methods for appraise and calculation, in order toTHE RESEARCH FOR THE THEORY OF WASTELESS MINING APPRAISEdecrease the brought waste in mining, and to increase the resource utilization and the benefit of the mining. Furthermore, the criterion and the calculation method for the right ratio of waste and ore in mining excavation are introduced, to control the waste rightly in the mining preparation.The optimization for mining process is mainly to design and choose the best mining scheme and the best mining techniques, which is the one of most important aspect to actualize wasteless mining, and decides the mining benefit and the wasteless mining effect.At the aspect of mining scheme selection, the paper analys

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期

