

The Theoretic and Experimental Research of the Method for Applying Twist-Roller to Cut and Collect Deep-Sea Collbat Crust

【作者】 刘勇

【导师】 卜英勇;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 占地球面积71%的海洋,是大自然留给人类社会最宝贵的财富,是人类拥有的巨大的资源宝库。当今世界越来越重视海洋资源的开发利用,许多国家已经把开发利用海洋资源作为基本国策:许多著名的政治家、经济学家都预言,二十一世纪将是“海洋经济时代”,大洋采矿是海洋高科技的前沿,资源开发的“制高点”。 深海富钴结壳是一种生长在水深500~3000m平坦海山坡上,富含有钴、银、铜、金、铂、锑及稀土元素的多金属矿石,其中多种元素的含量均超过陆地上的矿蒇。随着陆地矿产资源的日趋枯竭和人类对海洋的认识日益深化,大洋钴结壳资源己成为世界各国瞩目的21世纪具有商业开发前景的战略资源。根据专家预测,本世纪中叶就有可能进入钴结壳商业开采的阶段。 为正确把握国际海底区域资源研究开发形势,稳步推进我国国际海底资源开发事业,中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会在其制定的《国际海底区域研究开发“十五”计划》和《国际海底区域研究开发“十五”立项指南》中均将“钴结壳资源评价与研究”(DY105-01)和“钴结壳采集模型机关键技术及装备研究”(DY105-03-02)立为开发研究的重点项目。 本论文就是在这种背景和形势下,从理论上对钴结壳深海采矿技术进行技术论证和可行性分析,寻求深海采集富钴结壳资源较好的技术路线和采矿方案。作者在查阅大量文献的基础上,综合分析了国内外钴结壳资源开发技术研究的现状以及未来的发展趋势,论证了我国开展深海富钴结壳资源的开发研究的必要性和迫切性;借鉴大洋锰结核开发研究的经验和成果,成功地将现代化采煤的理论和方法应用到深海富钴结壳的开发研究上,通过对比分析认为:采用“海底自行履带式采矿车(螺旋滚筒式采矿头)——水力吸引集矿装置——管道扬矿系统”的钴结壳开采技术方案在我国不仅是可行的,而且是最经济、最快速的,可以说是目前最佳的方案选择。 作者从断裂力学和岩石力学的观点出发,分析了钴结壳在螺旋滚筒式切削刀具作用下的破碎机理,通过对螺旋滚筒运动特性的研究,建立了其截齿运动的运动学方程,通过计算机仿真得出:螺旋滚筒式工作机构切削钴结壳时,切屑的形状是“镰刀”的一部分,并推导出了这种切屑的平均切屑厚度的近似计算方法:然后根据深海开采钴结壳的特殊的工作条件,分析了螺旋滚筒截齿平均载荷的计算方法,以及在设计过程中参数的选择依据,建立了螺旋滚筒平均能量消耗的数学模型。 作者根据螺旋滚筒式切削头切削钴结壳的粒度特性方程,对开采钴结壳期望的粒度组成进行了分析和计算。为了克服了螺旋滚筒传统设计方法无法直接预测切削效果的缺陷,作者还编制了专门绘制截齿排列与切削图分析的计算机软件,提高了设计水平,缩短了设计周期,为螺旋滚筒切削头的设计提供了一种新方法。 作者建立了螺旋滚筒载荷波动的数学模型,编制了专门计算螺旋滚筒载荷及其波动性指标的计算机程序,为校验和优化设计的螺旋滚筒式切削头提供了方便。 最后根据上述研究,作者殴计制造了螺旋滚筒采掘头模拟实验台,并对其进行了实验研究,通过实验测试证明,实验结果与设计结果吻合良好,达到了预期的理论研究的目的。 本论文分析并研究了螺旋滚筒式截齿切削法在深海开采钴结壳过程中所面临的实际问题,并根据钴结壳开采的具体条件,根据相关的科学技术和研究成果,在理论上探讨了深海钴结壳开采采矿头的设计方案,为在本世纪中叶实现钴结壳的商业化开采进行了技术上的储备和理论上的论证。 虽然本论文中螺旋滚筒式切削头的设计是专门针对大洋富钴结壳采集进行的,但其中的中南大学博士学位论文一些设计思想和方法(或稍做调整)仍然可以借鉴到其它海洋资源的开发和有关的切削头设计上。因此,不论从经济效益和维护国家海洋权益的政策方针角度上看,本论文不仅对开发大洋钻结壳等矿产资源具有十分重要的意义,同时它也为传统的螺旋滚筒式切削头设计提供了一种新的设计方法和有力的手段。

【Abstract】 Ocean, which covered our earth almost 71%, was the most valued wealth and resource treasury of human beings given by the nature. Today exploiting and using the ocean resources is attaching more and more important to the world, and has been taken as a basic national policy by many countries; some famous politicians and economists all predicted: "21 century will be the age of ocean economy", oceanic mining was the foreland of ocean high-tech and the pioneer-spot for exploiting resources.Deep-sea cobalt enriching crust is a polymetallic mineral widely spreaded at flat seamounts ranged from 5 hundred to 3 thousand meters, which was abundant with Cobalt, Argentine, Copper, Gold, Platinum, Antimony, Lanthanum and so on, and the gross of a lot of elements in it exceed it of the land. Along with land mineral resources used up by human beings and we understood the ocean more and more, Oceanic cobalt crust resource has been a commercial foreground strategically resource in 21 century which was focused the international attention upon. Based on some experts’ forecast, in the middle of this century cobalt crust ’s commercial and comical mining would be possible.Because of our capability of exploiting and developing the ocean was not as well as the developed countries, and our investment was rather little, carrying out a lot of practical model examinations which need much money in ocean would be out of the question, we must taking use of the technology of modem simulation, simulating all the course of deep sea resources exploiting technology and the key equipment, improving the research efficiency and pace of deep sea resources exploiting and development technology, reducing the risk and depressing the investment in deep sea mining.The dissertation was just at this position and condition, on the bases of taking technological demonstration of cobalt crust collection in deep sea and the analysis of it’s feasibility, looking for a economical and efficient method or technological route to collect the cobalt-enriching crust in deep sea. On the bases of consulting a lot of references, Author analyzed the status and the developing trend in the future of the cobalt crust resources research and development, proved the necessary and immanency to start up deep-sea cobalt-enriching crust exploiting and research; taking use of the experiences and achievements in exploiting ocean manganese nodule, author successfully applied the methods and theories of modern coal mining into deep-sea cobalt-enriching crust exploiting and research, contrasted and thought that it was not only a feasible scenario, but also the most economical and maybe be the most optimal technological scheme to exploit cobalt crust at present condition, applying "Seabed Caterpillertype Mining Vehicle Provided Its Own Propulsion( consisting of a series of spiral drum mining heads)-Hydraulic Suction System-Pipeline Lift System".First of all the author in the view of rock’s cracked principle, analyzed the cracked principle of cobalt crust applying spiral drum type cutting head, built up it’s cutter’s kinetic equation and thought, on the course of spiral drum cutting cobalt crust,the type of fragment mould be a part of "reaping ", and concluded the approximately calculate equation for it’s average thickness; Then author according to the especial working condition of exploiting cobalt crust in deep sea, analyzed the calculate method of the cutter’s average load of spiral drum, and the reason of choosing the parameters in designing, built up the mathematics model of the spiral drum’s average energy wasting.At the same time the author according to the fragment characteristic equation of cobalt crust cracked by spiral roller, analyzed and calculated the fragment percent of cobalt crust, In order to overcome the shortage that it could not directly forecast the cutting effect in the spiral drum traditional design method, author especially wrote some computer programs to protract the cutter arrangement and analyze cutting chart, promoted the level and shorted the cycle of de

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期

