

【作者】 张丽束

【导师】 李忠仁;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 慢性粒细胞白血病,是一种造血组织的恶性肿瘤。为了探讨艾灸对气虚血瘀型,慢性粒细胞白血病病人的疗效及对骨髓白细胞染色体和细胞免疫力的调节作用及安全性。故采用30例病情稳定的气虚血瘀型慢性粒细胞白血病患者进行艾灸治疗,主穴取:大椎、膏肓(双)、膈俞(双)、脾俞(双),配穴取:肾俞(双)、足三里(双)、三阴交(双)。每周三次,每次艾灸15分钟,一个疗程三个月。然后评估艾灸前后T细胞族群,B细胞及自然杀伤细胞的变化。以及艾灸前后骨髓白细胞染色体的变化。结果证明艾灸可使CD8~+T细胞族群在统计学上有意义的下降,即自然杀伤细胞有明显的下降。而T细胞CD3~+、CD4~+及B细胞CD19~+有上升趋势。同时骨髓白细胞染色体亦有缓解情况。结论是短期艾灸,亦可能对气虚血瘀型慢性粒细胞白血病患者免疫力及临床症状有调节作用。由于艾灸能够从整体上双向调节机体的免疫防御功能,增强正常机体免疫功能,提高低下的免疫能力,抑制亢盛的免疫反应,使机体免疫作用达到新的动态平衡和内外环境的协调稳定。故艾灸有以下各种优点:(1)能减轻放疗(电疗)、化疗毒损伤的副作用,(2)抑瘤、消瘤及提高人体免疫力,(3)安全、简便、经济、不产生任何副作用并有效改善各种临床症状,(4)提高患者生存质量。

【Abstract】 Chronic myelogenous leukemia(CML),a myeloproliferative disorder arising from malignant transformation of the hematopoietic stem cell, typically follows a chronic, relatively asymptomatic course lasting for months to years. This research is to evaluate the efficacy of moxibustion on immune modulation and change of chromosome of patients with CML. We collected 50 patients with stabe CML. Thirty patients received stimulation of main acupoints Dazhui, Gaohuang(bilateral), Geshu(bilateral) and Pishu (bilateral), the same time second acupoints shenshu(bilateral), Zusanli(bilateral) and Sanyingiao (bilateral) by moxa rolls three times for one week and fifteen minuties each time continuing for three months. We compared the variations of T cell subsets, B cell and nature killer (NK) cells. The results showed relatively decreased proportions of CDS4 T cells subsets with statistical significance (p<0.005). There were increases in the proportions of CD4+ T cells, and B cells relatively but without significant differences. In addition, the chromosome of bone marrow cells showed cytogenetic remission after moxibustion. In conclusions, we found that short term application of moxibustion on special acupoints in CML patients could modulate CD8+T cell subsets. Moxibustionmay have effect of immune modulation and regulation of clinical symptoms in stable CML patients. The modulation of immune system of moxibustion is probably due to its effect on the promotion of the decreased immune mechanism and the depression of overreactive immune response. Therefore moxibustion has the advantages of (1) attenuation of the side effects of chemotherapy (2) increase of the immunity (3) convenience and economical without side effects (4) improvement of many clinical symptoms effectively (5) increase the probability of survival.


