

A Study of Lee Dong Yuan’s Medical Ideology and Its Influence on the Traditional Korean Medicine

【作者】 殷晳玟

【导师】 项平;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 目的:(1)通过对李东垣学术思想的研究,探讨其学术特点及其对后代医家的重要启迪;(2)通过韩医文献的分析,探讨李东垣学术思想对韩医发展的影响,并希望通过韩医学术观点的研究,探索对李东垣学术思想的新的评价的可能性。 方法:(1)对李东垣学术思想的研究:本文在了解李东垣学术思想的过程中,首先注意到了金元时期以来形成各种学术流派的重要因素。其重要因素当中,本文以元气与相火的问题为中心,探讨了东垣的学术特点以及其对后代医家所留下的思想启示。东垣的学术思想以脾胃学说、内伤学说为核心。而其学术内容中的主要论点是元气与脾胃功能的关系以及所谓元气之贼的相火的问题。本文先分析了对此问题的东垣的见解,其次通过对朱丹溪和张景岳之相火论的分析,探讨了有关元气和相火的东垣的观点被后代医家所继承或批判的内容。而在此基础上再探讨了他的内伤、脾胃学说方面的医论及方剂内容。(2)对韩国医学的影响:通过韩国医学史上代表性医书《医方类聚》(1477)、《东医宝鉴》(1613)、《东医寿世保元》(1901)的内容,分析了在韩国医学发展阶段中李东垣学术思想的重要影响。其内容在中医之韩国化过程、东垣医著的引用、韩国医学学术思想形成上的东垣的重要影响等方面进行了考究。 结果:(1)李东垣学术思想,拿一句话讲,是以“内伤脾胃,百病由生”的观点为其基本立场。东垣在临床实际上注重了元气及作为元气之本的脾胃之功能。在形成如此的学术观点,东垣所处时代、学术背景就成了其重要因素。他所处的金元时代正是战乱频繁的混乱时期,在发病的情况上元气不足者非常之多。对此元气不足的问题,东垣以脾胃之功能为主,说明了“土”与元气的关系。东垣还在他的医论中谈及了《内经》内容中的“神机”概念,而对此提出了由脾胃之功能而产生的元气就是“神机”之基础。“神机”的概念就为说明作为小宇宙的人体之自律性运动的概念基础,“神机”则是指在体内通过自立性气血运动创造精神和蕴蓄阳气以产生生命力而言的。对此,东垣采用本于脾胃功能的说法,特别强调了脾气之上升这一点,而这可以认为,在有关“神机”及元气的问题上就是跟其他学术流派有所区别的重要分歧点。东垣学术思想中又一个重要论点是阴火的概念以及“相火为元气之贼”的问题。此问题可以从“土”与相火、君火与相火的关系、藏象等几种角度找到其线索。东垣的内伤学说就在上述的基本观点上形成。他认为内伤相当于“土不及”的病情、采用了温补脾胃的方法。(2)韩国医学的发展,可以在中医之韩国化的角度上说明其重要因素。历来,韩国医学界接收中医之学术成果,把它发展成韩国化的医学,终于形成了韩国特有的学术风格。东垣的学术思想也对韩医学术思想的发展有了一定程度的影响。以《东医宝鉴》、《东医寿世保元》为代表的韩医的学术风格,其主要特点在于把观念性的理论体系转换成脏腑中心的现实性的理论体系。如此的学术特点有助于理论与临床实际上的紧密结合。对如此的学术观点的形成,其萌芽主要来源于金元医学的学术成果。其中东垣的影响可不小,阐发元气之概念以及与它有关的脏腑病机等的东垣的学术观点,对韩医学术思想的发展留下了重要启迪。 结论:东垣的学术思想,在医学学术思想发展的角度上看,其基本意义在于对临床实际上当着基本方针的理论基础的深入阐发。这一点是与金元时期以来学术流派的蜂起接轨的。韩医接收其丰富的学术成果,对此进行了综合性研究。因此,中医学术争鸣内容中的核心性内涵,在韩医的发展过程中更加明显了。

【Abstract】 Lee Dong Yuan (李东垣) was a doctor of Jin era (金代) that is famo us of his Neishang (内伤) Pi-Wei (脾胃) theory. His medical idea turn ed out the upright treatment on the epidemic disease of that time, and his fundamental viewpoint on the medicine stimulated the research of th e basic medical theory so much. In this paper, the author analyzed his medical idea like Neisahng theory, the concept of Yinhuo (阴火) and it s influence on the traditional korean medicine. Through the research li ke this, following conclusions have been drawn.Firstly, his medical idea was based on the concept that explains Pi-Wei mechanism as a origin of Yuanqi (元气) . He argued Yuanqi is origin ated from Pi-Wei, and Yuanqi originated from Pi-Wei comes to be the bas is of Rong-Wei (荣卫) at Shangjiao (上焦) . But if the mechanism of P i-Wei dosen’ t work well, it not only causes the fall-down of Yuanqi, b ut also makes Xianghuo(相火) lose control. Xianghuo comes from Mingmen (命门) , and through the system of Xinbao (心包) and Sanjiao (三焦) , it acts as a helper of Junhuo (君火) . But, the fall-down of Yuan qi causes the scatter of Xianghuo, and in the condition like this, Xian ghuo harms the Rong-Wei of Shangjiao. The pathological change of Xiangh uo like this, Dongyuan called it Yinhuo. In the condition that Xianghuo lose control and it harms Rong-Wei, the perspiration in this condition causes the infiltration of Feng-Han (风寒) , such concept like this is the meaning of Neishang that was claimed by Dongyuan. On the treatmentof Neishang, Dongyuan used the way that makes Yuanqi stretch up, so th at the Yinhuo go back to its own place,. In the treatment like this, theimportant thing is to make the Pi-Wei get its normal condition, so Don gyuan studied the Zhongjing ( ’ s theory about Pi-Wei, and made ma ny useful prescription,And Dongyuan’ s medical idea like this made a great influence on thetraditional korean medicine, so we can find so much of his product in the medical book of Korea, His medical idea gave much help in the escal ation of the level of research in Korean medicine, especially, in the c oncept of four constitution in human body that was argued by Lee-Jiema() , Dongyuan’ s medical idea was applied in the treatment on th e disease of shaoyinren () -constitution.

【关键词】 李东垣学术思想韩国医学影响
  • 【分类号】R-092
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】451

