

Yuan Dynasty Literary Theory and Poetry and Essay Based on Background of the Li School

【作者】 查洪德

【导师】 詹福瑞;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 元代是中国历史的一个特殊时期,也是中国文学史的一个特殊时期。如何评价元代文学的成就,自元朝灭亡至今,经历了不少起落变化。在20世纪前半叶,受西方文学思想影响,戏曲史的研究成为文学史研究的热点之一,元曲学在不长的时期内即成为中国文学史研究中的显学。但元曲以外的元代文学研究,一直沉寂了数十年,到20世纪末才逐渐受到关注。于是在迄今为止的中国文学研究史上,元代的文学思想,元代诗文发展的历史,要么被忽略掉,要么语焉不详。人们认识的元代文学史,实际上是一部残缺的历史。这种状况一直延续到今天。元代的诗、文、词、小说和文学批评等,并非没有成就,只是人们没有去了解和关注而已。 要改变这种状况,必须加强元曲以外元代各体文学的研究,其中十分重要而又任务艰巨的,当然是文学思想史或说文学理论史的研究,与此同样重要而又艰难的还有诗文的研究。我们应该致力于理清元代文学思潮发展的线索,描述出元代诗文发展的基本面貌。这一研究,不管是就横向的元代文学史的意义上说,或就纵向的中国文学批评史和中国诗文发展史的意义上说,其认识价值都远远超出这一问题本身。 根据元代学术史和文学史的状况,选取文学与理学关系的视角来进行研究,对于把握元代文学思想发展的脉络,对于认识元代诗文发展的历史,都是必要的和有利的。 文道关系是中国文学思想史上一对重要的关系,这一问题也是中国文学思想史的一个重要的问题。“文以载道”、“文以明道”、“文以贯道”,在中国文学思想史上是占据主导地位的声音。但自宋代理学产生之后,遂出现了文与道之分,形成了文统与道统的分离。在随后的元代,文统与道统经历了一个由分到合而再分的过程。分析这一分——合——分的过程,可以从一个侧面透视元代文学思想的丰富内涵和文学思潮发展变化的曲线。 宋代形成的新儒学——理学,在元代的遭遇和自身发展都是非常有趣的:一方面,理学著作被指定为科举考试的教科书,于是程朱一派的理学被认为是元代的“官学”,一方面,元代社会并没有为这种心性之学的发展提供条件,于是到元中期,理学各派的传人都不再是学者而成为诗文作家了。这一变化当然是理学先辈们始料不及的。从文学史的角度看,这一学术走向为理学精神向文学思想的全面渗透提供了河北大学文学博士学位论文条件,于是以理学为精神底蕴的文风在元代形成,如由理学对“圣贤气象”的人格追求而形成元代诗文之雍和平易之风,由理学追求“深造自得”到诗文追求“自得之趣”,由理学心性修养的“志以御气”到诗文中的“理以命气”和“不大声色”等。理学的哲学思维是理性的和深刻的,由理学精神影响而形成的这些文学思想也是理性的和深刻的,其中的含义是相当丰富的,不可简单视之。 一个时期的文学总是受着当时学术的影响。一个地区的文学,也总是受着这一区域士风、学风以及社会风气的影响。元代道统与文统的合一,使得经艺文章,几乎成为一而二、二而一、两位一体的。于是文风的衍变也就几乎与学术的流变同步。元代又是一个在分裂之后走向统一的王朝。长时间的宋辽、宋金南北对峙,使得中国南北方的学术与文学都表现出明显的地域差异。在南方,宋代以来形成的江西和浙江两大学术中心,其哲学主张和文学主张都不相同,元代承宋而来,于是以这两大学术中心为代表而形成的区域学术精神和诗文风貌也各不同。、到元代后期,在战乱中暂时安静的吴地聚集了一批文人,而浙江婆中地区的文人学者们则大多投向了朱元璋集团。吴中文人追求独立和自由与婆中学者自觉以道学为新政权服务,使得两个活跃的文化中心在学术精神和诗文风貌上都表现出极大的差异甚至对立。这就使得元代不同的区域形成了不同的学术精神和诗文风貌。要认识元代的文学思潮和诗文流派,这就成为一个非常重要的视角。与之相应,我们把元代诗文的发展分为三个时期,并简要地概括为前期南北抗衡,中期东西竞胜,后期吴越对立。 理学影响文学还有一个重要的成果,就是元代的文学思想家们从哲学的本题论的层面上展开了对文学问题的思考。文学本体论是由哲学本体论决定的,哲学“理”本论者便认为“文”的本体是“理”,哲学“气”本论者便认为“文”的本体是“气”。哲学的“本心论”者当然认为文学生自我心。这一分歧出现在宋元之际,关于这一问题的讨论贯穿整个元代。在元代,文学本体论问题成为文学的根本问题,人们在这一问题上的看法,决定了他文学理论的基本精神、基本倾向。在元代,文学的气本论占据了文坛的主导地位,文学的心本论也有一定的影响。气本论者强调文学法自然,心本论者强调文学的自我与个性,这就使得元代文学理论界很富于叛逆和开放的精神,于是在元代文论中,思想解放的声音处处可闻。 “吟咏性情”是中国诗学一个古老的话题,也是一个歧义纷呈的命题。元人普遍以“性情”论诗,当然各家所论,主张各不相同,他们使用的“性情,,这一概念,含义也各不相同。元人强调诗道“性情”,标志着诗学的“桃宋归唐”,即否定宋诗精神而回归唐诗传统。在元代以性情

【Abstract】 Yuan Dynasty is a special period in the Chinese history and the Chinese literature history as well. There have hitherto been many violent ups and downs in evaluating the literary achievements in Yuan Dynasty. In the first half of the 20th century, the study of traditional opera begun to become one of the hot issues in literary research under the influence of the western literary trends. Accordingly, the study of Yuan Drama soon became the famous school of Chinese literary researches, while the ontological study of Yuan Literature except for the Yuan Drama has been ignored for decades and it didn’t catch people’s attention until the end of the 20th century. The development history of the Yuan Poetry has either been overlooked or obscured so that the history of the Yuan Literature is actually an incomplete one and this situation still retains until this day. The fact is that people have failed to notice the great achievements in the filed of the Yuan Poems, prose, verses, novels and literary criticisms.To change the present status quo, the study of the other genres of literature beyond the Yuan Drama must be strengthened among which the most difficult yet the most important one is of course the study of literary thoughts and theory in Yuan Dynasty. Besides, the study of Yuan Poetry is equally important and difficult. We should be indulged in depicting the basic sketch of the development of the Yuan Poetry by following the clues of the literary thoughts in Yuan Dynasty. The value of this study is more significant than it covers itself, considered not only from the perspective of the Yuan literary history diatropically or from the development history of the Chinese literature or the Yuan Poetry longitudinally.It will be considerably necessary and helpful to study the literary trends of Yuan Dynasty and the development history of Yuan Poetry from the relationship of literature and Confucius on the basis of its literary and academic status.The relationship of literature and Taoism is an important problem in the history of the Chinese literary thoughts. "Articles are to carry faoist doctrines", "Articles are to explicate the doctrines", "Articles are to implement Taoist doctrines" are the mainstream voices in the history of the Chinese literary thoughts. However, after the rising of the Confucians since the Song Dynasty, the divergence between literature and Taoism took place resulting in the separation between literary approach and Taoist approach in literary study. In the ensuing Yuan Dynasty, they experienced a process of separation toIVcombination and then reseparation, which reflects the rich implication of the Yuan literary thoughts in one way and the development curve of its development in another.The vicissitude and the development of the new approach of Confucianism formed in Song Dynasty-Li School is very interesting: on one hand, Li School works were designated as the textbooks for royal examination so that the Li School proposed by Chengjing, Chengyi and Zhuxi was considered the official literature in the Yuan Dynasty; on the other hand, there’s no condition for this soul-oriented school to develop at that time, hence in the middle period of Yuan Dynasty the decedents of the different Li Schools were no longer scholars but poets which had not been expected by their forerunners. From the perspective of literary history, this orientation becomes a necessity for the Li School spirit to completely soak into literary thoughts, so that a literary style based on Li School spirit began to take root in Yuan dynasty, for example, the pursuit for saint personality in Li School form the peace and easiness in the Yuan poems, the pursuit for self-perfection forms the self-complecency poetic style, the pursuit for tranquility forms the stoicness poetic style and so on. The philosophy of Li school is rational and far-reaching, so is the literary thoughts founded on the Li school spirit whose entailment is thought-provoking so that it can never be neglected.The literature in a particular period is always affecte

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1152

