

Variations Among Cultivars of Zizania Latifolia in Nutrients Accumulation and Distribution and the Mechanisms

【作者】 江解增

【导师】 朱庆森; 曹碚生; 杨建昌;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 茭白作为中国原产的特色水生蔬菜,以前仅在我国长江流域及其以南的少部分地区种植,在产区周边地区消费。20世纪80年代以来,随着我国种植业结构调整、蔬菜流通体制改革,全国各地纷纷引种茭白,但由于生态条件的变化,茭白的生长发育情况发生了一定程度的变化,不少地方沿用其原产地的栽培技术,导致产量、品质、采收期等发生了较大变化,甚至种植失败。因此,对于不同类型的茭白品种,研究其在生长发育、尤其是肉质茎膨大过程中,植株(含单茎蘖,下同不另)各部位养分的积累分配的品种间差异,以及与各品种类型植株共生的黑粉菌之间的差异,对于各地茭白的优质、高产栽培技术有重要的指导意义。 本论文研究了茭白两类型代表性品种肉质茎膨大前后植株各部位养分积累量和含量的变化及其相关的生理生化差异,并进行了茭白养分积累分配调控的田间试验;论文还率先对不同品种共生黑粉菌的生物学特性进行了初步研究。取得如下主要结果。 1、茭白肉质茎膨大过程中其干重和鲜重快速增加,短缩茎、叶片、叶鞘的干重和鲜重则明显降低,并以短缩茎的降幅最大,说明短缩茎是养分积累、转运的“中间库”。在肉质茎膨大之前,植株茎蘖各部位的总糖、还原糖、淀粉积累量持续上升,短缩茎中积累量最高;肉质茎膨大开始时,各部位碳水化合物积累量下降,以短缩茎的下降量最大;膨大前叶片的光合产物在短缩茎和叶片中积累并以以短缩茎为主,植株积累的碳水化合物主要以淀粉形式存在。孕茭前14C同化物在短缩茎的分配率较大,上位叶片、叶鞘也有较多积累;肉质茎膨大后,大量的14C同化物在肉质茎中积累;饲喂叶片光合产物除供应自身茎蘖外,还向植株其它各茎输送,品种间在积累量、含量等方面均有明显差异。 2、茭白植株地上各部位N、P、K含量总体呈不断下降趋势,而至肉质茎膨大时有一峰值。叶片N、P含量持续下降,K含量前期下降,膨大前显著上升;短缩茎N、P、K含量前期下降,膨大前迅速下降,膨大后转而上升;肉质茎N、P、K及蛋白质含量膨大初期迅速上升,随即稳定并呈下降趋势;叶片蛋白质含量变化不明显;短缩茎蛋白质含量在二次分蘖期和膨大期前出现峰值,膨大后期也转而上升,是为翌年的生长进行新一轮养分积累。品种间表现为具体含量有所不同而变化趋势相似,蒋墅茭总体较低而葑红早较高,上升与下降在时间上的差异与品种物候期差异相吻合。扬州大学博士学位论文 3、肉质茎的膳食纤维含量较高而粗纤维含量较低,总膳食纤维以不溶性膳食纤维为主,膨大过程中膳食纤维含量变化较小,后期出现上升趋势;纤维素含量上升而半纤维素含量下降;非结构性碳水化合物主要成分含量总体上升,后期出现下降,其中蒋墅菱肉质茎中蔗糖含量较高。 4、生长过程中雄菱叶片净光合强度高于正常菱,肉质茎快速膨大期正常菱叶片净光合强度显著提高;品种间以蔚红早叶片净光合强度较高,在植株生育前期尤其明显,说明蔚红早茎粟较强的长势主要在生育前期奠定。菱白生育过程中以细胞分裂素类激素含量明显高于其他激素,肉质茎膨大前其含量显著上升,膨大过程中快速下降,Z+ZR可能是肉质茎膨大的启动因子;肉质茎内的酸性转化酶(Al)、蔗糖合成酶(55)分解方向活性较高并快速下降,短缩茎内则以淀粉酶及55合成方向活性较高,说明养分由短缩茎内分解并输送到肉质茎中供其快速膨大生长所需;保护酶也在肉质茎膨大过程中有较高活性并快速下降,并显著高于其短缩茎及雄菱茎尖,证实肉质茎膨大属于感病机制。品种间在叶片净光合强度、激素含量、酶活性及其变化等方面均存在明显差异。 5、菱白黑粉菌在PSA及Zc即ek培养基、pHS一6条件下繁殖速率较高,并均能完成其生活史,培养形成的黑粉菌厚垣抱子在形态上与灰菱内的基本相同,适宜温度因不同品种内黑粉菌而不同、与肉质茎膨大的适宜温度基本吻合;不同菱白品种的黑粉菌及其不同培养形态之间,其主要矿质元素的原子百分比存在差异,培养菌落分泌的激素含量不同;在相同温度下连续多次培养,不同菱白品种的黑粉菌繁殖速率均呈增加趋势、相互间差异缩小。而以同一品种菱白在不同地点、不同选种技术种植多年后田间自然分离的灰菱内黑粉菌为试材,在不同温度、pH值、培养基配方下培养,并对不同的培养形态进行能谱分析。结果表明,不同菱白黑粉菌菌株的菌落其生长速率和主要元素的原子百分比均存在一定程度的差异,采用不同选种技术而形成的差异比采用相同选种技术形成的差异明显,因此,在菱白种植过程中,强调年年选种是必要的。 6、不同程度剪叶后,各处理的肉质茎在开始膨大后最初几天内干、鲜重差异不明显;其后,剪去叶片对肉质茎膨大影响仍不大,但切除叶鞘,干、鲜重增幅明显减小;整株剪叶比单茎剪叶处理对肉质茎膨大的影响大,剪去叶片与切除叶鞘、叶片表现相似。由此认为,菱白肉质茎膨大所需养分主要依靠茎鞘在之前的积累,肉质茎膨大过程中植株茎粟间存在养分交流,品种间在膨大速率上有一定差异。相同品种菱白的菱墩不同留孽数处理对茎粟高、假茎高、假茎粗、叶片抽生数等性状影响不明显,品种间差异

【Abstract】 As feature vegetable originated from China, Zizania Latifolia Turcz. was only cultivated along Yangze River and fewer south areas, and consumed around the areas before 80S of twentieth century. After that time, the planting structure has been adjusted and the system of vegetable circulation reformed, so Zizania Latifolia Turcz.has been introduced to many areas around China. Owing to the change of ecological condition, the growth and development of Zizania Latifolia Turcz were altered, but the cultivation technology used in some areas is from the origin place. The yield, quality and harvest time changed, and so as to the failure of the cultivation. So, it is very important for the research of high quality and yield technology in Zizania Latifolia Turcz to study the growth and development, the rule of main nutrients accumulation and distribution in plants (including tillers) during the plumping of stem, and the symbiosis of Ustilago esculenta P. Henn. with different cultivars, with Zizania Latifolia Turcz.cultivars of different types as materials.With two typical cultivars of Ustilago esculenta P. Henn. as materials, the changes of nutrients accumulation and concentration in different parts of the plants, and the relevant physiological changes, were investigated during plumping of the stems. A field study was conducted on the adjusting of the nutrients accumulation and distribution. Biological characteristics of symbiotic Zizania Latifolia Turcz. were pre-studied in the cultivars.In this research, A systematic research was conducted on the rule of main components accumulation and transport and the differences among cultivars. The to nutrient accumulation and transform were compared between two cultivars. and within cultivars were investigated after many years’ cultivation and cultivar selecting. Some field experiments were conducted according to the rule of nutrient accumulation and distribution in different parts of plant and tillers. The results are showed as follows:1. Tiller’s accumulation of dry matter was lower before colonies occlude period, then increased distinctly after colonies occlude period. It was considered that nutrients were mainly used to form new tillers. Dry and fresh weight of gall increased rapidly in its swelling. Those of culm, leaf blade, leaf sheath decreased accordingly, and falls of culm weight was the most.Culm was considered as ’mid-pool’ of nutrients accumulation and transportation. Before the gall expanding, the accumulation of total sugar, reducing sugar and starch increased continuously and the greatest amount of carbon assimilates were observed to be accumulated in the culm, as compared with that in other organs. When zizania gall began to expand, the carbohydrate in other organs stopped accumulating. Most carbohydrates stored in culm were remobilized. The culm serves as stored organs for remobilized assimilates to the growth of zizania gall. Starch is the main form for stored carbohydrate, and most of 14C assimilates was pre-fixed in culm before pregnant. The accumulated carbohydrate in upper leaf and sheath of plant was higher than that of its lower leaf and sheath. During the period of gall expanding, Most of prefixed-14C was remobilized into gall. The labeled assimilates fixed by leaves supplied not only for its straws but also for the other parts of the plant. There were obvious differences between cultivars in accumulation, content, etc.2. The contents of N, P, K in the up-ground parts descended in zizania latifolia during the whole growth period and it reached the highest value at the gall swelling stage. The contents of N,P descended continuously while that of K fall and it increased notably before expanding. The contents of N, P, K of the culm declined smoothly at the beginning stage and declined rapidly when the gall began to expand. After expanding, the contents of N, P, K in the culm increased. The contents of N, P, K in the gall rose at the earlier expanding stage and then it declined steadily. But the change of protein content wasn’t marked. The protein con

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期

