

Study and Design of Physical Layer of Optical Network Termination of APON System

【作者】 董大圣

【导师】 迟泽英;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 光学工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 基于异步传输模式(ATM)的无源光网络(PON)结合了ATM的多业务多比特率支持能力和PON的透明宽带传送能力,其光纤入户模式(FTTH)是宽带接入技术的发展方向。本文是对ATM-PON系统终端ONT物理层特别是TC层的设计思想与关键技术的全面分析。论文的主要内容如下: 论文首先对ATM技术以及B-ISDN分层模型进行了概括,分析了APON系统的网络结构,并以TC层为核心重点分析了APON系统的工作原理,在此基础上分析了APON系统终端ONT基于分层设计思想的总体设计方案,并对TC层的关键技术进行了深入探讨。 其次,针对APON系统的数据保护功能要求,分析了循环冗余校验技术,得到了信元定界和数据校验的并行校验算法;针对数据扰码功能,在分析帧同步扰码技术(FSS)和分布式扰码技术(DSS)工作原理的基础上,论述了TC层设计中使用的并行FSS和并行DSS技术;针对时钟恢复功能,对锁相环原理和基带信号的功率谱密度进行了分析,为时钟恢复功能的设计打下理论基础。 再次,本文在分析物理层功能的基础上提出了物理层(包括物理媒介层特别是TC层)设计的软硬件实现方案。其中,软件方面,着重分析了TC层的信元定界、解扰、测距等八个子模块的设计以及仿真结果,论述了TC层设计中采用的一些编程优化技术;在硬件方面,运用高速电路板的设计规律与技术,完成了包括光/电转换、时钟恢复、FPGA芯片及其配置等电路的物理层电路板的设计,并给出了物理层电路的原理图和PCB图。论文的最后部分,讨论了物理层电路软硬件的测试方案,分析了光端机的设计并给出了硬件测试方案和测试结果;分析了测试数据源的编制并给出了软件测试方案与TC层的测试结果。文章最后给出了使用逻辑分析仪等手段得到整体联调的测试结果。 本课题得到江苏省高技术项目资助,项目名称“基于异步传输模式的无源光网络系统(APON)终端ONT的研制”,项目编号:BG20011046。对物理层电路功能调试与检测的结果以及ONT整体连通调试实验表明,整个硬件电路与软件设计已经完成G983.1协议所规定的APON系统终端ONT物理层的功能,特别是研制成功了具有自主知识产权的的传输汇聚层(TC)功能的核心芯片,达到了预定的设计要求。

【Abstract】 The Passive Optical Network based on Asynchronous Transfer Mode (APON) combines the ATM technique with the PON technique, so it can support different services and has the capability to transfer information from service network interface to user network interface changelessly. The FTTH mode of PON is the trend of the broad access network. This dissertation is the summing-up of the design of ONT-the termination of APON system, and emphasizes on the design of physical layer of ONT. The content of this dissertation is as follows:Firstly, this dissertation illustrates the ATM technique and the B-ISDN model, analyzes the structure and the principles of APON system, and then brings forward the layered designing scheme of ONT.Secondly, the CRC technique is analyzed for the data verification of APON system, and then the parallel cell-delineation algorithm and the parallel division algorithm are acquired based on the analysis. The scrambling technique, such as FSS and DSS, is also analyzed according to APON system. The PLL theory and the frequency of the base-band signal are analyzed for the clock recovery function of physical layer.Thirdly, based on the analysis of physical layer’s function, the scheme of software and hardware designing implementation, including physical media layer and the TC layer, is brought forward. As for the software, the designing and simulation result of each sub-module of TC layer is analyzed, during the analysis process, some programming and optimization technique is expatiated. As for the hardware, the designing of physical layer circuit is analyzed along with high-speed circuit technique, and the PCB is given at last. At the end, the debugging scheme and the debugging result is given.This project ’Development of the Termination of APON System-ONT’ is supported by the high technique fund of JiangSu province, the serial number of the project is BG20011046. The debugging result of Physical Layer indicates that the physical layer functions, especially the TC layer functions with full intellectual property(IP), specified by G.983.1 recommendation has been accomplished well, and the designing goal scheduled is achieved.

【关键词】 异步传输模式无源光网络光网络终端物理层传输汇聚层
【Key words】 ATMPONONTPhysical LayerTC Layer

