

Research into the Construction Mode of the Ball-team Enterprise Organization in Line with the Dissipative Structure

【作者】 刘兴国

【导师】 韩玉启;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 论文在总结前人有关管理理论、组织理论研究成果的基础上,对当代知识经济条件下企业组织结构设计的问题进行了较为深入的探索。论文的研究以创建新型企业组织结构模式球队型企业组织为研究的着眼点,借助于数学分析的工具与方法,分析论述了在当代企业组织中建设球队型企业组织的必要性与意义,并分析了球队型企业组织的组织有效性;对当代组织理论的发展提出了新的设想,进行了有益探索,初步构建新型组织结构模式的主要框架。论文研究建立在非线性动力学与博弈论的基础之上,将定量分析的方法与工具和企业组织理论的研究紧密结合在一起,借助于博弈论的有关内容与数学分析模型对企业管理中存在的一些问题进行深入的数学分析,这种尝试无疑是必要的和有益的并将提供给未来的组织理论研究相当的借鉴价值。论文研究的理论基础是传统的管理学理论与现代非线性科学的耗散结构理论,希望通过本文的研究将现代非线性科学与传统管理理论有机结合;一方面是为了促进非线性科学的推广,同时更是为了推动管理学的研究向新的方向的发展,促进数学与物理学等定量化研究手段在管理学研究中的运用。论文的研究目的是构建一个适合于当代新经济环境要求的新型企业组织结构模式,基于这一根本目的,论文对企业组织的有关理论进行了深入的探讨。论文从自组织的角度出发,结合博弈理论与非线性动力学的研究成果,对当代企业组织理论的发展进行了有益的探索,并了在当代企业中建设球队型企业组织相关内容。论文内容一共包括6章,第1章为绪论,第6章为结束语:从第2章到第5章构成了本论文的主体内容。论文绪论部分对组织、组织理论以及组织结构的有关理论与概念进行了简单的介绍;阐述了六种传统的企业组织结构模式的基本内容,对各种组织结构模式的优缺点进行了分析,并作了对比分析;总结了长期以来管理学家们对组织理论进行研究的主要成果,指出现有研究成果中尚待进一步研究的有关内容;分析了现代企业组织转型的根本诱因、组织转型的主要目标,并对企业组织转型的过程、机制与途径、球队型企业组织的研究现状进行了简单的介绍。论文第2章分析了球队型企业组织的生存环境与组织设计问题进行了研究;论文从总体上将球队型企业组织所面临的基本环境分为两类,即企业组织的内部环境与外部环境;球队型企业组织的内部环境包括企业规模、雇员素质、组织的内部关联度以及企业文化等因素;球队型企业组织的外部环境因素主要指的是球队型企业组织所面临的市场竞争程度、行业组织规模、技术发展等;当然,当代知识经济对球队型企业组织发展的影响也是不容忽视的;论文对球队型企业组织的设计问题进行了研究,在批判传统组织设计原则的基中文摘要博士论文础上提出了球队型企业组织设计的根本原则以及球队型企业组织设计的维度观点、重新评价了球队型企业组织结构要素之间的相互关系;最后,该章还对球队型企业组织的管理控制问题和球队型企业组织的构造过程借助于数学模型进行了定量化的分析研究,又寸球队型企业组织的产出控制、球队型企业组织的资本结构调整、产品结构调整以及球队型企业组织中的信息传递控制、球队型企业组织的创新控制与管理等问题进行了研究。论文第3章的研究是基于耗散结构理论基础的,本章在介绍耗散结构理论基础上首先分析了球队型企业组织的耗散特性,分析了球队型企业组织的动态性、开放性与无边界性特征;根据耗散结构的嫡流理论,分析研究了球队型企业组织嫡流模型,分析指出了企业内外环境中影响球队型企业组织正负嫡流变化的各种因素,并对球队型企业组织中的嫡流控制与企业管理进行了分析。论文第4章借助于微生物的聚合机制的研究对球队型企业组织的聚合生长问题进行了较为深入的分析研究,研究了球队型企业组织的聚合过程、聚合概率与聚合生长概率,研究了球队型企业组织的自进化问题,分析研究了球队型企业组织的弹性测定与弹性变化,研究了球队型企业组织的寿命周期、寿命周期的再循环问题以及寿命周期与嫡流变化的关系,研究了球队型企业组织自催化问题。论文第5章对球队型企业组织的有效性等问题进行了较为深入的数理分析;论文借助于经济学的规模函数与博弈论的有关分析都证明了球队型企业组织的小型规模有效性:球队型企业组织是一个充满活力的自组织,组织的活力促进了球队型企业组织的管理效率;无论是从组织敏捷性,还是内部协调性或博弈的角度看,它都促进了组织效率的提高;此外,球队型企业组织的稳定性问题也在本章的结尾部分进行了分析研究。在论文的第6章中,对论文研究的主要结论与取得成果进行了概括,并对论文的不足之处、论文涉及内容中需要进行研究完善的部分给与了必要的说明。 论文希望能够通过新企业组织结构模式的运用来有效地促进我国企业管理效益的提高,改变我国企业现有的不利竞争局面,提高我国企业的核心竞争能力。论文在以下几个方面取得了一些新的研究成果。首先,提出了球队型企业组织的新概念,并对球队型企业组织的基本特征、生存环境以及球

【Abstract】 The thesis gives a summary of the theoretical study that has been achieved in the field of management and organization, and makes a thorough inquiry about the construction design of the business organization in line with the contemporary knowledge-based economy.Aiming at the creation of a new mode of business organization i.e.the ball-team enterprise organization by the use of mathematical analysis and method, the thesis verifies the necessity and significance of the establishment of the ball-team enterprise organization in the contemporary business organization, discusses the efficiency of such organization, promotes new ideas and inquires about the theoretical development, and sets up a principal framework of the ball-team enterprise organization.It takes non-linear dynamics and the game theory as the basis of research and studies the theories of business organization by making a quantitative analysis, which is to deal with the problems occurring in the business organization by making use of the game theory and mathematical analytic model.This proves to be a necessary and rewarding attempt and of some value in the future similar study.As a good combination of the traditional management theory and dissipative structure, are discussed here, the thesis is expected to accelerate the application of non-linear dynamics, to facilitate the study of management developing in a new direction and to promote a quantitative analysis by the use of mathematics and physics in the field of management.Thus the thesis makes rewarding study of the contemporary business organization and comes to analysis the business organization of the ball-team enterprise organization that should be established in the contemporary business.The thesis consists of 6 chapters: the first an introduction, the last a conclusion, in between is its body.In the first chapter the organization is introduced, along with its theories and the theories and concepts relevant to its construction.It then presents six traditional constructions of the organization and states their pros and cons.Next, it shows the major achievement that has been made in the study, some of which are proposed for further discussion; it analyzes the fundamental causes and the principal end of the transformation of the organization in the modern business, of which the process, the mechanism and the means are clearly expounded.Chapter 2 analyzes and studies the existing environment of the ball-team enterprise organization and the design of the organization.The former is generally categorized into two groups, the internal environment,including scale, quality of the labor, correlation of the company, culture, etc., and theexternal environment such as competitiveness in the market, scale of the organization,technological development, etc.(The knowledge-based economy is not to be neglectedhere; for it somehow does influence the development of the ball-team enterpriseorganization.) The latter is dealt with by criticizing the traditional principles of design,promoting the essential principles for the ball-team enterprise organization, making thepoint of dimension and revaluing the correlation of its constructional factors.Finally thischapter presents a quantitative analysis of the management control and the constructionalprocess of the’ ball-team enterprise organization by the use of mathematical model.It alsostudies the organization of its output control, structural regulation of capital and product,message transmission control, organization creation control and management, etc.Chapter3 is based on the theory of dissipative structure; it analysis the dissipative characteristic ofball-team enterprise organization firstly, such as the characteristic of dynamic, open andboundlessness; with using the entropy flow theory of dissipative structure, the entropy flowmodel of ball-team enterprise organization is analyzed and the factors that have effected onthe positive and negative entropy flow in the enterprise, interior and exterior surroundingshave been pointed ou


