

Research on the Regulation System and Sustainable Consumption of Forest Products

【作者】 马岩

【导师】 蒋敏元;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文以可持续发展理论和一般可持续消费理论为基础,在我国经济迅速发展、生态需求日益成为人类的首要需求的形势下,针对林产品所具有的生态产品、生产性消费品和生活性消费品的独特属性,提出林产品可持续消费及其调控体系研究这一命题,目的在于通过深入研究,促进林产品可持续消费理论的形成和发展,有助于在满足消费者对林产品的物质需求的同时,实现人类生活质量的全面提高。 本文始终以马克思主义理论为指导,在理论框架形成过程中,结合相关多学科理论,对林产品消费系统进行认真分析。确定林产品可持续消费的内涵、思想、原则、目标。明确了林产品可持续消费模式,除了具有一般可持续消费所具有的公正性、系绕性、协调性以外,更加突出了生态优先的原则。以适度的林产品消费促进林业产业的发展,同时又能培育这种可再生资源自我修复、完善的能力,防止资源的耗竭。构建具有适度性、低资源消耗性、环保型、高科技含量性的林产品可持续消费模式。 本文分析了我国目前林产品的消费领域中存在的影响林产品可持续消费形成的问题,并分析这些问题的形成原因和相互关系。以此为基础,通过突出政府在林产品可持续消费推进中的主体地位,同时发挥社会组织、生产者、消费者团体和市场的共同作用,依据消费需求演进的基本规律、影响要素的重要程度和制度安排的效率等方面因素,确定林产品可持续消费推进路径。 构建林产品可持续消费评价指标体系,实现林产品可持续消费的有效调控。对指定区域内林产品的消费现状进行评价、预测、决策和规划,力求使评价体系符合科学性、完整性、可操作性等原则,成为调控的有力依据。林产品可持续消费调控系统,从本质上说是指政府部门、企业界、消费者团体,依据可持续消费的评价结果和区域内的实际情况,通过选择适当的手段和时机,对林产品的消费过程进行调整、控制和管理。国家主体通过经济、行政政策和法律等手段,实施林产品可持续消费调控。开展面对广大消费者的可持续消费教育、健全消费者组织、以科技创新、制度创新为标志的可持续生产性消费建设,使可持续消费贯穿于林产品的整个生命周期。同时,搞好国际国内的两个市场的建设,使林产品消费不断纳入市场经济轨道,实现资源的有效配置。 本研究与经济、社会实际相结合,解决林产品可持续消费推进中的问题。以黑龙江省为案例,针对森林资源、生态环境现状,在分析林产品可持续消费问题时,与生态省建设、小康社会建设协调起来,实现多目标有效整合。在整合基础全面化、整合方式多样化的前提下,通过社会制度的民主化,社会群体组织化、社会价值准则重新确立等手段,实现林产品可持续消费、生态省建设、全面小康社会建设的互相促进,协调发展,并最终实现生态、经济、社会的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 The dissertation is based on the sustainable development theory and ordinary sustainable consumption theory. With the rapid development of economy and society in China, the ecological requirement has become the first one for human beings. Forest products have owned the specific attributes that are ecological products, productive consumer goods and living consumer goods. In this conduction, the subject of the sustainable consumption form of the forest products and the research of controlling system is put forward. The aim is to promote the formation and development of sustainable consumption theory of forest products through deep research. It can help improve the living quality of human beings all-round as well as help satisfy the consumers’ material need of forest products.The dissertation uses the Marxism as guide from beginning to end. During the process of theory framework formation, it analyses the consumption system of forest products seriously with the combination of many other relevant theories and defines the connotation, concept, principle and aim of sustainable consumption of forest products. Furthermore, it clarifies the sustainable consumption form of forest products. Including the fairness, systematicness, coordination and efficiency of the ordinary sustainable consumption, it also emphasizes the principle of ecological priority. The proper consumption of forest products could improve the development of forestry and foster the renewable resources’ capabilities of self-restoration and perfection and prevent the exhaustion of resources. Consequently, we can establish the sustainable consumption form (mode) of forest products that is proper, low-consumption of resources, environmental protection and high content of technology.The dissertation analyses that there are many problems that affect the formation of sustainable consumption in the field of forest products consumption at present in China It researches on the changeable methods to realize the sustainable consumption of forest products by means of analyzing these problems, the relation between them, and the formatting reasons, emphasizes the main status of government, makes social organization, producer consumer-self and the market play a role together. According to some aspects such as the basic rule of consumption demand evolution, the important degree of influential element and the efficiency of system arrangement, make sure the advancing methods of sustainable consumption of forest products.The establishment of the evaluation index system of sustainable consumption of forest products and the realization of effective control of forest products sustainable consumption are very important. It is the reasonable motivation of control to evaluate, forecast, decide and plan the current situation of the forest products consumption in a certain area in order to make the evaluation system meet the principles of scientific, complete, operative, functional, hierarchical and dynamic. Forest products sustainable consumption control system is an important content of this passage. It is an enforcement control made by the government, enterprises, consumer groups and informal organization, and which is based on evaluated results and regional actual situation, and which is beneficial to forest products sustainable consuming mode. And the forest products’ consuming process is regulated, controlled and managed mainly by means of taxation, finance, monetary and administrative policy andlaw through selecting correct methods and opportunity. Besides, it also contains: strengthening the sustainable consumption education of the consumers; perfecting consumer organization; sustainable product consuming suggestion marked by creating of science and technology system to make sustainable consumption run though the whole period of forest products; and suggestions of making a good job of national and international markets to make forest products sustainable consumption enter the path of market economy gradually and realize the effective arrangement of resources.With the c


