

Study on the Application of Rough Set-Based Knowledge Acquisition and Decision in Train Traffic Control

【作者】 黄康

【导师】 张一军;

【作者基本信息】 铁道部科学研究院 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 行车指挥自动化是铁路运输高新技术的集中体现,是充分发挥铁路本身所具有的运输能力、确保铁路运行安全的重要保证。本文首次将粗糙集理论与行车指挥结合起来,对行车指挥过程中的属性集进行了归纳和总结,建立了完整的对行车指挥知识挖掘、行车指挥知识的自学习和对调度员进行辅助决策支持的基于粗糙集理论的智能决策系统,为行车指挥智能化提供了新方法。 本文对现有的行车指挥的应用过程进行了分析,发现其中存在的问题,而后从粗糙集理论出发,建立了基于粗糙集理论的智能决策过程模型;在对行车指挥的粗糙集知识表达的分析中,发现列车在实际的运行过程中,客观的存在两个调整过程,即自然调整过程和人工介入调整过程,自然调整过程就是在列车运行过程中,调度员不干预列车的运行,而只是监督列车的运行,只有在列车间运行发生冲突时,调度员才对列车的运行进行调整。这两个过程的提出有利于发现调整的实质,提高调整的实效性和调整的有效性。 通过对行车指挥的粗糙集决策的评价分析,建立了对粗糙决策评价分析的自成体系的分析理论。 在本文的最后,提出了完整的基于粗糙集理论的行车指挥决策系统,充分论述了基于粗糙集理论的行车指挥过程和方法。

【Abstract】 The train traffic control is the railway transportation high-tech centralism manifests, makes the best of the transport capacity which railroad itself has, is the important guarantees for the railroad movement security. This article for the first time unifies the rough set theory and the train traffic control, induces and sum up the policy-making attribute in the train traffic control process, has established the integrity intelligence decision system by the train traffic control knowledge acquisition, self-study and the assistance decision-making support to the dispatcher based on the rough set theory, has provided the new method for the train traffic control intellectualization.This article has carried on the analysis to the existing train traffic control application process, discovers the questions existed, then embarked from the rough set theory, has established the intelligence decision-making process model based on the rough set theory; through the train traffic control rough set knowledge expression analysis, it discovered that there are two objective adjustment procedures during the train in the actual movement process, namely the nature adjustment procedure and the manual involvement adjustment procedure. The nature adjustment procedure is in the train movement process, the dispatcher does not intervene the train’s movement, but only supervise the train’s movement; only has the conflicts between the two trains’ movements, the dispatcher then carries on the adjustment to the train movement. These two processes proposed is advantageous to the discovery of adjustment essence, enhances the adjustment’s actual effect and validity.Through to the train traffic control rough set decision-making appraisal analysis, this article has established the adult department’s analysis theory to it.Finally, proposed the integrity train traffic control decision system, fully elaborated train traffic control process and the method based on the rough set theory.

  • 【分类号】U292
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1181

