

Towards a Green Canon:an Ecological Study of“New Period”Literature

【作者】 韦清琦

【导师】 王宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 生态批评是90年代兴起于北美并迅速向世界扩展的批评浪潮。传统的文学理论虽已从对文本内在语言结构的精细分析中抬起头来,开始关注世界,但基本上将“世界”同义为社会,而世界应该是包括了自然的世界,艺术本该是和自然、生命亲善的。生态批评正是以对人与自然的联系的关注使批评家进一步突破文本的社会历史语境,站在地球生物圈的高度上考察传统文学经典的构成、现存文学理论的得失,再现缺席已久的自然在文本乃至文化中的地位。虽然生态批评自诞生时起便遭到不少非议,但由于其对女性主义、后殖民等政治性批评的传承,也由于现实的语境压力——环境恶化、人与自然关系的日趋紧张——这股新兴的批评潮流已越来越显示出它旺盛的生命力。生态批评不仅是严肃的批评家社会责任感的表现,其重要意义还在于彻底打开了文学研究的视野,标志着文学研究已不仅穿越了其他的人文学科,也跨向了自然学科和自然。 生态批评已在西方批评界占有了一席之地。我国的生态批评研究也已起步。鲁枢元的《生态文艺学》、曾永成的《文艺的绿色之思:文艺生态学引论》都是本领域里的开创性尝试。生态批评又为中国人文学科提供了一个与西方学术对话的良好机遇,因为在这一思潮中研究的客体是全人类得共同应付的问题,实实在在的环境问题直接或间接地压迫着许多国家各个学科的学者。作为一个有蓬勃朝气的发展中国家,中国在引进西方科学、理性精神的同时应当特别重视其对环境的负面效应。还因为中国文化中蕴涵着天人合一等深刻的生态思想,这和西方生态批评对二元论的解构试图不谋而合。在这样的背景下,如果一方面能把生态批评放在中国语境中作一番初步的探讨,另一方面尝试将其运用于对中国一些典型文本(如张炜、苇岸、徐刚等人的写作以及大型环境文学丛书“碧蓝绿”)的解读,那么也许可以为文学批评思路与视角的开拓尽一份绵薄之力。 本论文先以理论评述开始,包括对其主要代表人物(如布依尔)和有影响的著作(如格劳特菲尔蒂主编的《生态批评读本》)的研究;再以上述研究为基础,尝试运用生态批评对当代中国文学界一些尚未受到重视的作品进行阐释,挖掘出新的价值。这一文本分析的工作还特别关注一些热点问题,例如运用生态批评和全球化理论对“非典”时期见诸报刊的相关反思性写作进行整理。 本文研究的方法在一定程度上借鉴了格劳特菲尔蒂等学者对经典的修正式重构策略,从文本分析入手总结出优秀生态文学作品的一些特点。例如在解读苇岸的代表作《大地上的事情》时,先考察自然是如何在其中再现的,反映了何种生态意识,将其比照一些主流报告文学中流露出的对自然的偏见;接着可以试图描述自然写作应该具有什么样的传统,作家的应具有生态思想。 本论文旨在建构一种以非人类中心主义和“位置”意识为标准的绿色经典,使一些尚未受到重视的作家(如苇岸、周晓枫)的作品以及另外一些成名作家尚未受到重视的文本(如张炜的非虚构作品)能够充分显现其生态价值。本文希望通过研究,揭示出生态批评的应用价值,这将重点体现在对文本的解读上,同时还将涉及在现代社会里对自然的理解和对生态化的生活方式的理解。

【Abstract】 Ecocriticism is a critical insurgency that rose in North America in the 90’s and has now become a global movement. Although literary theories have shown a tendency of getting out of the textual close reading and paying more attention to the outsise world, this "world" means to a large extent the society or the human world. Ecocriticism argues that the world is to include the natural world, and art is to be related to nature and life. Ecocriticism, by focusing on the relationship between man and nature, enables the critics to break further out of the social-historical context of the literary works, so that when they review the formation of canon and critique the present literary theories, they are able to bring the whole earth biosphere into their academic vision and represent the absent identitiy of nature in the texts and even in culture. From the day it came into being, ecocriticism has been challenged by traditional theories, but once it applied the postmodern methodology of decentralizing and deperipheralizing that had already been acknowledged by feminism and post-colonialism, it has increasingly been vigorous. This is also "thanks to" the environmental deterioration in that more and more people feel it necessary to consider the issue against a cultural rather than a scientific background. Ecocriticism is not only an expression of social justice tended to by earnest critics, its significance lies as well in fully unfolding the critical visual field, which indicates literary studies have crossed not only other humanities but also scientific disciplines.While having won a beachhead position in the western critical field, ecocriticism has already found its counterparts in China. Lu Shuyuan’s Ecological Research in Literature and Art and Zeng Yongcheng’s The Green Reflection of Art represent the achievement of Chinese ecocritical movement. Ecocriticism offers the Chinese academy an opportunity to communicate with the western, for the object of their study is an issue with which all human beings are confronted. Furthermore, the traditional Chinese culture has rich ecological elements such as the faith that man is an integral part of nature. This agrees with the deconstruction of dualism done by the western ecocritics. Thus it will be very meaningful if I put ecocriticism in the Chinese context on one hand and employs it to interpret some typical texts such as those written by Zhang Wei, Xu Gang and Wei An on the other.Based on an review of the theories of ecocriticism, this dissertation attempts to re-interpret some peripheral texts and to update their values. It is possible for Chinese ecocriticism to turn to the strategy of make a revisionist reformation of the traditional canon. It is possible to construct a green canon the value of which is mainly in accordance with ecological insights, namely, the anti-anthropocentric viewpoint and the consciousness of "place". According to the green benchmark, for instance, Wei An’s The Events of the Land that has been considered minor will be regarded as a green canonical writing.

【关键词】 生态批评环境自然生态文学绿色经典
【Key words】 ecocriticismenvironmentnatureecological writinggreen canon
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2350

