

The Psychology of the Soliloquy and the Psychology of the Dialogue: Two Kinds of Language Appearance of the Psychology

【作者】 周宁

【导师】 葛鲁嘉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 心理学的研究中存在着两种话语形态,即独白的心理学与对话的心理学。长期以来,心理学的研究是一种独白式的研究。独白的心理学遵循主客体二分法,把被研究者对象化,表现为理性的独白、主体的自言自语和方法程序的独白。“独白”的心理学逐渐丧失了生活意义,研究被束缚在方法程序的壁垒之中。独白的心理学从心理的自然一致性原则、心理的实体性原则以及心理的因果性原则三大原则出发,将人类心理等同于自然物,抹煞了人类心理的特殊性。独白的心理学最终导致了心理学专家的自言自语、心理学理论的自言自语和研究方法与程序的自言自语,最终导致了心理学的抽象化研究。在心理学研究中,研究者与研究对象的关系是一种“我——你”的关系。在独白的心理学研究中,这种“我——你”关系首先表现为“人——物”的关系,表现为理性的独白,追求绝对的理性,将世界看作是主体理性的附属。独白的心理学追求对心理的形式化解释,用对心理行为的研究代替了现实社会中人与人关系的研究,用对理性思想的研究代替了对现实个体与人群的研究。注重心理的结构与形式,忽略了作为心理行为的实际生活内容。独白的心理学过分夸大了作为研究者的主体的地位。在自然科学研究中,科学家是绝对的主体,自然物是绝对的客体,自然物是统一在主体理<WP=160>性的范畴中,是用主体理性的语言来表达的。心理学家将这样的研究模式运用到心理学的研究中,心理学家变成了绝对的主体,被研究的人成了绝对的客体,在实验研究中尤为如此。在独白的心理学中,“我——你”关系还表现出另一种形式,即“你”被承认为一个人,而不是物。在这种关系中,要求“我”必须完全排除自身的历史性和偏见,客观地了解“你”,还“你”真实的面目。这实际上犯了十九世纪施莱尔马赫与狄尔泰的历史主义的错误,因为它忽视了“我”本身的历史性,在这样的关系中,主体是在完全“倾听”客体,是另一种形式的“独白”。这种关系在本土心理学的研究中尤为典型。独白的心理学还表现为合理性与合情性的割裂。一方面,专家心理学强调了研究的合理性但缺少了合情性;另一方面,民众的常识心理学强调了研究的合情性,但是缺少了合理性。对话的心理学从心理的非自然一致性原则、心理的非实体性原则以及心理的非因果性原则出发,主张心理学专家与民众的对话、心理学理论与现实生活的对话以及研究方法与研究问题的对话。对话的心理学强调心理学研究的现实性,提倡在研究中建立一种相互开放和平等对话的关系。在对话的心理学研究中,“我——你”关系既不是“人——物”的关系,也不是“人——人”的单向度关系,而应当是主体与客体之间的一种平等和相互开放的关系。对话的心理学首先要排除理性的“独白”,避免“人——物”关系的自然科学模式,不再把人当作理解人性的工具,而是把人当作目的。对话的心理学应当抛弃对心理行为的形式化解释,避免用抽象的原则来替代现实的关系。“对话”的任务是理解,不是解释或说明,“独白”则是试图去说明对象,用主体的语言来规范对象。在研究个体心理生活的时候,“对话”尤为重要。对话的心理学还强调研究的整体性。“独白”的心理学是将人类活动孤立地置于某处,用“标本式”的方式加以研究,目的在于从每一个单独<WP=161>的事件中寻找到他们彼此的联系。这样直接导致了心理学研究陷入到了方法与程序的泥潭,也使心理学的学科统一性受到了严重的危害。“对话”的心理学主张采用整体性原则,将个体的活动与行为置于社会、历史、文化之中。“对话”的心理学打破了主客体之间的界限,强调主客体之间的相互开放和平等对话的关系,让生活意义回归到“对话”的研究当中。二十世纪后期,对话逐渐成为中心话语。心理学也发生了相应的变化,例如后现代主义心理学与非科学心理学的兴起。这些变化都有一个共同点,那就是主张在心理学的研究中抛弃传统的二元主义认识论,摆脱实证主义那种“标本式”的研究,强调采用辨证的方法,突出人的社会性和现实性。可以看出,在心理学研究中强调“对话”的倾向越来越明显,“对话”是心理学发展的方向,也是心理学重新树立在社会文化和心理生活中的权威和地位的必经之路。

【Abstract】 There are two kinds of language appearance in the research of the psychology, namely the psychology of the soliloquy and the psychology of the dialogue. For a long time, the research of a kind of soliloquy is the main current type of the research of the psychology.The psychology of the soliloquy follows two cents of subject and object , turning drive researcher object, express to soliloquize for the rational soliloquy, corpus with the soliloquy of the method and procedure. The psychology of the soliloquy lost the living meaning gradually, the research is tied up in the barracks of the method and procedure. The psychology of the soliloquy sets out from the entity principle of the nature consistency principle, mental state and cause and effect principle three greatest principles of the mental states of the mental state, equaling the human mental state to nature thing, denying the special state of the human mental. The psychology of the soliloquy was end to cause the psychological expert soliloquizes, the psychology theory soliloquizes , the soliloquizes of study method and procedure, Finally, it caused the abstract research of the psychology .In psychology study, the relation between researcher and object is the a kind of relation " I —— you" . Psychology in soliloquy research inside, <WP=163>first ,this kind of" I —— you" the relation expresses for the relation of the " person —— thing", performance for rational soliloquy, pursue the absolute reasonableness, see the world to make is a corpus rational and subsidiary.The psychology of the soliloquy pursues to explain to the formalization of the mental state, using to replace the realistic social middleman to the behavioral research in mental state and person relation of research, use the research to thought to reasonableness replaced to the realistic individual and the research of the crowd. Make a point of the construction of the mental state and form, neglected the behavioral real life in mental state in conduct and actions contents.The psychology of the soliloquy exaggerated the position of the corpus of the conduct and actions researcher excessively. In natural science study, the scientist is an absolute corpus, the nature thing is an absolute object, the nature thing is unified in rational category in corpus, be used what the language of the corpus reasonableness expresses. Psychologist will like this of the research mode makes use of the research inside of the psychology, the psychologist became the absolute corpus, drive the person who study absolute a, in experiment research particularly for such.In Psychology of soliloquy, the kind of relation " I —— you" still expresses an another form, namely the relation of which the " you" is regarded as a person, not thing. In this kind of relation, request the " I" must expel oneself completely historic with the prejudice, understanding the " you" objectively, returning the true facial expression in " you". This kind of thought led to seriously mistakes, because it neglected the " I" oneself historic, in such relation, the corpus is in the complete" listen to" a, is the " soliloquy" of another form. This kind of relation is typical model in the research of the native psychology. <WP=164>The psychology of the soliloquy make the split into pieces between the rationality and the common feeling . On the other hand, expert’s psychology emphasized the investigative rationality but is in need of to match the feeling; On the other hand, the civil common sense psychology emphasized that match the feeling but is in need of the rationality investigative.The psychology of the dialogue is from the mental state not nature consistency principle, mental state not entity principle and mental state not the cause and effect principle sets out, laying claim to the psychology the expert and civil dialogue, psychology theories and dialogue and research methods of the actuality life and study the dialogue of the problem. The psychology of the dialogue emphasizes the psychology investigative and realistic, promotin

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期

