

Research on the Systematic Renovation of the State-owned Commercial Banks in China

【作者】 范肇臻

【导师】 潘石;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治经济学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 当我们经历漫长的跋涉正式成为WTO的成员后,我们除了激动和欣喜之外,更多的是面对机遇和挑战所感受到的一种责任和一种负荷。面对入世后国际先进金融同业的挑战,只有明确目标,在有限的时间内加快改革、创新制度、主动顺应金融全球化的大趋势,才能在国际竞争中生存和发展。制度是社会经济发展的重要变量。而产权又是构成制度的最重要的变量。国有商业银行制度是否有效,直接关系到金融配置的效率。好的制度是能进行有效激励和约束的制度,是可以激励人们发挥创造力,提高生产力的制度。国有商业银行问题从根本上来说是一个制度问题,由于我国在整个经济体制改革时期,没有在最根本的制度——产权制度上进行真正根本性的改革。因此,我国传统的产权制度并没有发生根本性的变化,也没有真正解决国有财产的“真正负责任的所有者”这一关键问题。从中国的基本国情来看,只有建立合理的产权制度,才能实现邓小平同志所说通过深化改革“把银行办成真正的银行”的目标。本文以“国有商业银行制度创新”为切入点,从制度方面以产权为主线探索国有商业银行产权制度的改革,其中既有对未来的理性思考,更有积极务实的探索。这不但是对已有国有商业银行产权改革理论的深化,而且这种选题思路符合我国国有商业银行的现实,能切中问题的关键和要害。在此基础上笔者进行系统的深层次的理论思考和创新,为国有商业银行制度改革的框架提供创新的思路。中国的四家国有独资商业银行产权为单一的全民所有。国家代表全体人民来行使所有者权力,名义上的产权主体是代表国家所有的政府,而实际占有、使用银行财产的是银行主管和员工,但他们只是作为银行的经营者,并不是真正拥有银行法人的财产权力。这种缺乏明确产权界定,占有权、使用权、支配权和收益权等各种权责利边界模糊的产权制度,导致了各经济当事人对国有商业银行资产的权责利关系不清,国有商业银行资产管理中的产权约束主体缺位。由于缺乏所有<WP=178>者监督,经营者亦缺乏利益机制的驱动,难以实现利益的激励兼容,其直接结果导致国有商业银行经营效率低下,风险意识淡薄,内部控制缺乏动力,不良资产居高不下。物竞天择,适者生存。加快国有商业银行产权制度改革,培育在新经济环境中的竞争优势是我国国有商业银行改革的当务之急。国有商业银行产权制度改革的推进,必须借助于一定的途径或实现形式。因此,如何选择国有商业银行产权制度目标模式的实现形式就成为产权制度改革的关键。我认为,国有商业银行产权改革的重要途径就是进行股份制改造。国有商业银行股份制改造,核心就是要办成真正的商业银行。主要内容是,按照现代商业银行要求,建立规范的公司治理结构和严明的内部权责制度,形成良好的财务约束和内在风险防范机制,同时要进行相应的财务重组,加快处理不良资产,充实资本金,建立良好的财务基础和严格的财务标准。国有商业银行股份制改革的最重大意义在于消除制度瓶颈,确立和完善现代银行制度和公司治理机制。竞争的效率取决于制度的效率。只有通过深刻的制度性变革或制度创新,才能有效地激发出国有商业银行潜藏的巨大活力和潜力。在如何进行国有商业银行股份制改造方式上,有许多观点和争论,也有很多人提出了方案,如“控股公司模式、基金持股模式、法人股模式、个别先行上市模式、整体上市模式、集团模式”等等,每种方式各有其利弊。我个人的意见是实施这样一项艰巨而复杂的系统工程,既要有紧迫感,又不能急于求成;既要充分考虑各种可能影响金融安全的因素,又不能过分强调外部环境,小打小闹,贻误战机。因此,国有商业银行产权制度改革应按一个有序的步骤逐步实现,采取渐进式改革的方式进行。在对待国有商业银行上市的问题上,要摒弃犹豫不决的态度,坚决展开国有商业银行上市的前期准备工作,力争国有商业银行早日上市。通过上市组成的新的产权制度能为国有商业银行提供一种来自市场的激励和约束压力。并使国有商业银行成为资本充足,内控严密,运营安全,服务和效益良好的现代金融企业。这是我国国有商业增强竞争力的最有效途径之一。在股份制改造的基础上,国有商业银行应尽快建立规范的股东大会、董事会、监事会和高级管理层的组织架构,明确股东大会、董事会、监事会、高级管理层的权责,以科学、高效的决策,执行和监督机制,确保各方独立运作,有效制衡,使国有商业银行真正获得独立的法人产权地位和自主经营权,彻底摆脱各种形式的政府干预。对于国有商业银行经营制度的选择,以新的视角重新审视了当前分业经营的有<WP=179>效性和合理性。尽管目前我国必须实行分业经营,推行混业经营还需要一定时间,但是我国正在经历一个特定的向混业经营转变的酝酿时期。这一时期内,我国既不会立即推行混业经营,也不会背弃潮流,一味坚持分业经营,而是辩证地对待国际金融混业趋势,走出一条渐进式从分业到混业的道路。这一进程取决于三个方面的约束:一是国有商业银行产权制度改革的步伐,二是内控制度的建设和完善程度,三是金融监管能力和水平的提高。制定“混业经营”进程时刻表必须充分考虑到这些制约因素。?

【Abstract】 The fate of the commercial banks in China is of vital importance to the healthy and stable development of the Chinese economy. After entering WTO and facing the challenge of the internationally advanced financial fields, the Chinese commercial banks must have a clear goal and reform resolutely. Only through these ways, could they win at last. If they let things be as what they are like and don’t reform firmly, renovate the system and adapt themselves to the financial internationalization trend, they definitely will not survive and develop in the international competition.The system is an important variable to the development of the society and economy. Therefore, the efficiency of the system of the state-owned commercial banks relates to the efficiency of the financial distribution directly. Basically speaking, the problems in the state-owned commercial banks are systematic problems. Because our country is in the period of economic reform, reforms of the essential system, that is the property rights system, have never been taken. In our country, the traditional property rights system hasn’t changed fundamentally, and the key problem of “true responsible owner” of the state-owned assets has not been settled really. In view of China’s conditions, if we don’t establish the rational property rights system, we will never realize the goal put forward by Deng Xiaoping, that is, “changing banks into real banks” through deepening reform. This paper takes the “systematic renovation of the state-owned commercial banks” as its key point and tries to explore the systematic reform of the state-owned commercial banks on the basis of property rights. Not only does this deepen the theory of the property rights reform of state-owned commercial banks, but also does the thinking of choosing this title conform to the reality of the state-owned commercial banks in our country. So this paper could hit the key point of the problem. Besides, the author carries out the systematic, deepening, theoretical thought and renovation, and provides renovation thinking on how to set up the frame to <WP=181>reform the state-owned commercial banks. The property rights of the four solely state-owned commercial banks are owned solely by the whole people in China. The country carries out the ownership power on behalf of the people. The nominal principal of the property rights is the government that represents the country, but the parts who really possess and use the banks’ assets are the people who are in charge of the banks and the staff. This property rights system lacks the clear definition of the property rights and leads to the confusion of ownership, the right of use, distribution and gains. So, there isn’t the binding principal of the property rights in the assets management of the state-owned commercial banks. Because of the lack of the owners’ supervision, the people who run the banks can’t be driven by the existing interest mechanism. This directly causes the low working efficiency in these banks, the dim risk consciousness, the lack of internal control and the high rate of bad assets. Therefore, we must reform the property rights system of the state-owned commercial banks.To carry out the reform of the property rights system of the state-owned commercial banks, we must draw support from some ways on how to achieve the goal. So, how to choose the ways is key to the property rights reform. I think that the important way to reform the property rights system of the state-owned commercial banks is to transform the banks into company limited. That is the way to establish the real commercial banks. The main contents are as follows: According to the requirement of the modern commercial banks, we should set up the standard corporate governess structure and strict internal responsibility and right system, form good finance binding and internal risk profile mechanism, restructure the assets, deal with the bad assets, replenish the capital and establish the good financial basis and strict financial standard. Only t

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期

