

Study on Distribution Park Optimization Layout and Critical Technology of Logistics Operation

【作者】 毛薇

【导师】 金俊武;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国加入WTO后受经济全球化影响的日益加深,现代物流业逐步成为新的经济增长点。经济的快速发展和消费需求量的增长需要加快发展现代物流业,这是顺应包括我国在内的世界各国经济发展的战略选择,也引起了各国政府、企业界、学术界的广泛关注,各国普遍重视现代物流产业和物流发展水平对本国经济发展的影响,现代物流业的发展趋势成为学术界研究的热点问题。规划建设物流园区是发展物流业的关键,进行物流园区优化布局和物流关键技术的研究可以提高物流产业的综合效益。物流园区是现代物流业发展到一定时期的产物,又被称为物流团地,是一家或多家物流企业在空间上集中布局的场所,是具有较大规模和综合物流功能的物流集中用地。在提供的各种优惠政策环境下,进行相关基础设施建设,引进物流企业发挥聚集效应,实现物流业与社会效应的可持续发展。论文在阅读大量国内外文献基础上,引入其它相关学科的理论和方法,结合课题和吉林省的实际情况对物流园区的优化布局和物流运行关键技术从理论方法和实际应用方面进行深入研究。论文完成的主要工作及有创新方面的研究有如下几个方面:(1)论文采用调查研究的方法根据分货类的有关调查结果,开创了通过调查的方法确定物流作业系数的开端。把用于质量分析、库存分析的主次因素分析法应用于吉林省物流市场的定位分析,运用统计软件根据各统计年度的数据给出了帕雷托仿真图。把系统聚类最小树法应用于确定物流园区分期建设的动态实施序列,选取与物流业发展有关的经济、货运量等指标,改变了一次静态规划园区的方法,为物流园区分期建设协调发展提供较为科学的依据。(2)在物流园区有限个备选的地点中,按照定性分析和定量分析相结合<WP=123>的原则,运用层次分析法确定物流园区选址重要性因素的排序。在层次分析法的特征向量求解时,采用乘幂法的主特征值的迭代方法代替了方根法和和积法,同方根法和和积法的应用计算的工作量相比较,乘幂法的特点是公式简单,易于上机实现。(3)根据货物的优先服务时限和货类价值不同确定配送任务的优先级,以汽车空车配送里程最小为目标构造物流系统的动态简化模型。使用计算机软件MATLAB编程求解,对实时化车辆调度模型及系统进行了描述研究。图论动态规划方法对配送中心的配送线路优化设计可以减少计算量,节约时间。(4)引入了学习型组织管理理念,为了实现供应链信息共享,对有序资源分配法进行了改进,提出了信息共享的仿真模型并采用了近似优化的任务调度执行方法,提高资源的利用率和并发进程的执行效率。(5)根据物流发展的历程,采用制度经济学的观点和制度分析的方法,分析了物流制度的变迁和创新。全文共分为七章,其中第二章到第六章为论文的主体部分,各章的主要内容为:第一章是绪论。介绍了论文研究的必要性及意义、 国内外相关研究成果现状综述、论文研究的主要内容及基本思路。第二章是物流园区分期建设科学排序的实现方法研究。系统分析了吉林省物流业发展现状。用系统聚类的最小树方法确定了物流园区分期建设的实施序列,为吉林省物流发展规划提供依据,确定在长春、吉林和延边州先建设物流园区。第三章是物流作业系数和物流园区选址规划的研究。这章介绍了物流园区的内涵、类型和作用 ,分析了物流园区规划布局的原则和服务功能的确定 ,根据物流作业系数和全社会分货类公路货运量统计资料进行了物流量的预测,采用层次分析法确定了影响物流园区的选址因素,结合长春社会和经济特征根据已有的货运站布局对长春市的物流园区选址进行实证研究。第四章是物流运行关键技术之一—配送中心共同配送线路优化和车辆调度模型的设计。在研究车辆调度问题的分类的前提下,提出了根据货物的优先服务时限和价值不同确定优先权的约束条件,在满足优先权的要求下以货物配送的货类和车辆为基础,通过对物流配送中运输车辆调度问题的研究,以汽车<WP=124>空车配送里程最小为目标构造物流系统的动态简化模型。采用图论中动态规划算法进行了配送中心配送线路的优化设计。第五章是物流运行关键技术之二—物流园区信息平台规划及供应链信息共享的模型及其优化,把信息化建设作为提高物流效率的重点,搭建物流管理信息平台才能为用户提供超值物流服务。物流信息系统的研究和规划是物流园区规划的主要内容。现代物流系统以信息流为主导,联结系统中的各个子系统,根据目标需求实时、动态地合理调度系统的资源,因此它是一个动态的系统,系统状态呈跳跃式变化,并且状态的迁移发生在一串离散的时间点上。在进行供应链管理信息共享的优化设计时,建立了针对所研究系统的仿真模型。将信息管理系统简化为离散并行系统仿真模型,并提出了优化策略,提高了效率 。第六章是物流制度创新和物流政策平台研究。这章主要分析了物流与经济发展的关系、 相关的物流制度的变迁、 物流制度创新的研究并在此基础上提出了发展现代物流业的对策。物流园区的建设不仅仅是一种硬件设施的建设,也是一种软件的建设和创新。第七章是对全文的总结。本章的最后,对未来的研究工作方向做了展望,社会化物流?

【Abstract】 With the growing influence of economic globalization on China after she joined WTO, modern logistics is gradually becoming a new economic growth point. Rapid development of economy and growth in demand for consumption makes accelerating to develop modern logistics a strategic selection of economic development of the whole world including China. It also attracts close attention of the governments, business world and academic society of the world. All countries generally think highly of the influence of modern logistics and its development level on domestic economic development. The problem of modern logistics has become a hot point of research in the academic society. Planning and construction of Distribution Park is the key of logistics development. And planning layout of Distribution Park and key technology of logistics can improve comprehensive benefits of logistics industry. Distribution Park is the product of modern logistics which has developed into a certain stage, also known as distribution location which is a place of centralized layout in space of one or multi logistics enterprises and logistics centralized place with large scale and comprehensive logistics functions. In the environment of various preferential policies offered, we should carry out relative infrastructure construction, introduce logistics enterprises to exert build-up effect and realize sustainable development of logistics and social effect. Having read a lot of foreign and domestic documents, this article introduces theories and methods of other relative subjects, and researches in depth optimized layout of Distribution Park and key operational technology of logistics in <WP=126>theoretical method and practical application combining in combination with the thesis and practical situation of Jilin Province. Main jobs innovation of this paper are as the following.his paper makes innovations in the following aspects: (1)Using the method of investigation and research and based on relative investigation result of different kinds of cargo, this paper begins to decide coefficient of logistics operation with the method of investigation. It uses analysis method of primary and secondary factors that were previously used for quality analysis and stock analysis for orient analysis of Jilin provincial logistics market, uses statistical software to provide Parito emulation diagram according to the data of each statistical year. This paper applies system clustering minimum tree method to implementation sequence of construction in installments of Distribution Park, selects economic and freight volume indexes that are relative to logistics development to change the method of primary static planning park, thus providing scientific reference for harmonious development of construction in installments of Distribution Park. (2)In the limited standby positions of Distribution Garden, combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis and hierarchy analysis are used to decide the order of importance of selecting Distribution Park site selection. As solving characteristic vector of hierarchy analysis method, alternative manner of dominant eigenvalue calculated in power method takes the place of root method and summation product method. Compared with the workload of calculation by root method and summation product method, the characteristics of power method are that its formulas are simple and it is easy to realize on computer. (3)According to different time limit of priority service and value, dynamic simplified model of logistics system is created aiming at the min. mileage of automobile delivery. Using computer emulate software MATLAB, this paper describes and studies real-time vehicle scheduling model and the system. It also introduces relative graph theory and dynamic planning method to optimize the design of the delivery lines of the delivery center, thus reducing calculation <WP=127>amount. (4)This paper introduces study-type organization and management ideas. In order to realize information sharing and improvement

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期

