

Study on the Institution Innovation Model of State-Run Geological Exploration Enterprises in China

【作者】 孙英男

【导师】 李守义; 关凤峻;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 “地质勘查是国民经济建设的先行性、基础性工作,服务于经济建设和社会发展的全过程。地质勘查队伍为我国社会主义建设事业做出了重要贡献,在全面建设小康社会的新阶段仍然担负着重要的任务。近年来,地质勘查单位认真贯彻国务院关于地质勘查队伍管理体制改革的部署,通过广大干部职工的共同努力,改革工作取得了显著成效。但是,对地质勘查单位实行属地化管理并逐步实现企业化经营的任务还没有完成,在改革和发展中还存在一些困难问题亟待解决” (摘自国办发[2003]76号文件)。我国国有地勘企业的改革到了不改不行的关键时刻。因此,本文从地勘企业的制度创新模式研究入手,试图解决我国地勘企业改革中遇到一系列问题和困难。本文认为,地勘企业改革的突破口是地勘企业的制度创新模式研究,改革的切入点应从我国地勘企业制度创新模式中的根本问题体制和机制入手,来解决我国地勘企业改革中遇到的一系列问题和困难。为方便起见,研究范围只限于原地质矿产部所属的地勘局,技术范围主要是固体矿产勘查部分,同时,以黑龙江省地勘局为范例进行问题的研究。通过对我国地勘企业制度创新模式的研究,建立适合黑龙江省地勘局地勘企业发展、可操作性强的现代化企业制度模型,为研究对象及各行业和部门所属地勘企业改革进行有益的探索,以便加速推进我国地勘单位企业化进程,同时,为其他生产性事业单位的体制改革提供借鉴。本文对我国国有企业制度创新和西方企业制度创新的现状、理论和我国国有地勘企业制度创新现状和模式进行了研究,利用国内外企业制度创新理论和成果,建立了黑龙江地勘企业制度创新模式,并提出我国国有地勘企业制度创新模式建立的措施和建议。通过改革,地勘企业经济实力不断壮大,产业结构发生了深刻的变化,经济运行机制、管理制度也在改革中不断创新和完善,探索企业化道路已初见成效。但是,也存着许多问题和困难,也有少数地勘企业仍在等待、观望,总是强调地质勘查工作的特殊性,不愿改变现状,不充分利用政策积极深化改革,这样只会贻误时机,损害广大地质勘查工作者的利益。地勘企业制度创新中存在的问题和困难很多,主要是吃“皇粮”的思想根深蒂固,市场意识滞后。队伍技术老化、设备装备技术落后。经济规模不大,分散不集中,缺乏资金,竞争力不强,历史的包袱沉重。同时,由于地勘企业长期受计划经济的束缚和影响,形成了许多固有的特点和弊端,严重制约了地勘经济的发展。地勘工作管理体制改革滞后,使地勘企业错失了许多发展机遇。 <WP=161>适应社会主义市场经济体制既是地勘企业制度创新的外在需要,也是地勘企业生存和发展的内在要求。地勘企业制度创新的实质,就是地勘企业主动适应外部环境要求,建立和完善符合市场经济体制要求的内部运行机制,这是地勘企业生存和发展的必然选择。地勘企业制度创新的最终目标——建立现代企业制度。由于地勘企业具体情况不同,建立现代企业制度模式不可能千篇一律,应从各自基本条件和内外部实际情况出发,选择最适宜的企业模式。黑龙江省地勘企业制度创新模式选择途径是组建企业集团公司(以省地勘局为单元), 母公司由原地勘局机关为基础组建。通过对黑龙江地勘企业制度创新模式的研究,可以预见,地勘企业集团是地勘企业最终完成企业化改造的基本平台,是地勘产业期望融入全球经济一体化的重要载体。此外,我们还不得不重视地勘企业生存的外部环境及内部条件表现出的强烈的特殊性。这种现实决定了国内外企业集团组建和发展的经验对其明显缺乏可借鉴意义。所以,地勘企业集团组建和实施的复杂性和艰巨性无疑非常突出。因此,调动全行业经济研究人才的聪明才智,为地勘企业集团大厦的建设献计献策,将是今后一个时期政府有关部门、地勘企事业单位及各级各类学术团体的一项重要职责。本文构建了我国地勘企业制度创新模式基本框架,并提出保证模式建立的政策和措施建议。本文主要成果及应用价值和意义:1、本文建立了黑龙江省地勘企业制度创新模式,从地勘企业制度创新模式建立的战略目标设计、建立方式、模式类型、多元化经营、制度保证、创新主体的培养、指标体系的构建、黑龙江地勘企业集团角色转换和使命等,首次系统地作了大量的创新性研究和探索。2、在模式类型、多元化经营、指标体系的构建等方面具有推广和应用价值。3、在分析制度创新对经济增长贡献方面本文首次采用了定量分析方法。4、首次提出政府应保证地勘企业在矿业权市场中的主体地位的新的理论观点,并首次提出一种新型的政府、企业和市场的关系与矿业权市场运行新模式。5、首次构建了适合不同地区,不同条件,可供选择的我国地勘企业制度创新模式基本框架。6、提出为保证我国地勘企业制度创新模式建立应注意的六个问题和六条建议。这些成果能够为国家、政府、地勘企业提供政策等参考依据;为直接从事商业性地质工作的地勘企业提供理论指导;对于完善我国地勘企业管理体制,提出政策建议;具有理论和实践应用价值;预期可取得较大的经济效益和社会效益。在西方企业制度创新理论研究与中国地勘企业制度创新实践的探索中,得出适合我国地勘企

【Abstract】 Study on the Institution Innovation Model of State-Run Geological Exploration Enterprises in China“Geological exploration serve for economic construction and social development all the time as playing a role of prerequisite and basic in the national economic construction. Our socialism construction attribute much success to exploring work, which still take big responsibility to building all-well society. Recently, remarkable effect in innovation of Geological Exploration Enterprise is bring into as implementing administrative innovation of exploring groups, which deployed by State Council, and with help of workers. However, building scientific business administration still can not achieve and some problems need solve” (sited from State Council Document No. [2003] 76). Innovation is the only choice to our State-Owned Geological Exploration Enterprises, and now it is the time. Therefore, the present thesis is aimed to solve the problems in the innovation by means of building an innovation model. It is suggested that the break-through of the Geological Exploration Enterprises innovation exist in building innovation model, the system and mechanism of enterprise innovation model are two main focuses, which can solve the problems and difficulties in the innovation. The paper only pay attention to Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resource Exploration (BGMRE) which belong to Department of Geology and Minerals in order to simplify the process, and process of geological survey will be as a example which was carried by BOE in Heilongjiang Province. According to study in innovation model of Chinese Geological Exploration Enterprises System (CGEES), modern business system model is build with feature of easy to operate, which is fit for development of enterprises in BGMRE in Heilongjiang province. It is therefore benefit to CGEES innovation as well as to other correlating professions, and therefore can carry forward the business procession of CGEES and benefit to other production departments which need to innovate. The paper builds the innovation model of Geological Exploration Enterprises System (GEES) in Heilongjiang province, at the same time, some effective measures and suggestions to building innovation model of EES are proposed, based on the study of the present situation, the promotion of available theories and the comparison of the CGEES innovation models between Chinese State-Owned and Western Enterprise system. By means of innovation, the economy of Geological Exploration Enterprises becomes much better gradually, while the production structure is heavily changed. The operating <WP=163>mechanism of the economy and management system are both well developed during the process. And the Geological Exploration Organization as Business already has taken some effect. However, problems and difficulties still are existing, as a few Geological Exploration Enterprises are still waiting instead of taking some effective measures, and they are still emphasizing the difficulties of the exploring work instead of taking full benefit of the innovation policies, as a result, it is harmful to the exploring work. Many problems do exist in GEES mainly as follows: (1) the concept of full-invested by central government is ingrained; marketing realization is always out of time; equipment and technique are out of date; economic scale is small and disperse accompanied with shortage of capital; as a result, it’s can not compete to others with heavy historical burden. Meanwhile, Geological Exploration Enterprises has many basic features and defects because of it is always bond up by planned economy, which halt the economic development of Geological Exploration Enterprises. Many good chances can not be caught because administrative mechanism fall behind. To adopt the socialism market economy is not only the need of innovation of Geological Exploration Enterprises system, but also the need of these enterprises themselves. The essence of system reform is that these enterprises should adopt themselves to the environment so that build and

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期

