

Study on Robbery Crime

【作者】 沈志民

【导师】 何鹏;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 抢劫罪是一种常见多发且性质严重的侵财犯罪,长期以来一直倍受我国刑法学界的关注。不仅因为抢劫罪发案率高,对人身和财产的破坏性大;而且还在于抢劫行为极具复杂性,并由此产生许多理论和司法上的疑难问题。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,对抢劫罪的基本理论问题展开了较深入系统的研究,而且还对司法实践中出现的各种疑难争议问题进行了初步的探讨。论文的基本框架和主要研究内容如下:第一篇抢劫罪概论,由二章七节内容组成。这部分主要是对抢劫罪进行宏观的研究。通过刑法史上的纵向考察,以揭示抢劫这一犯罪形式在人类历史上的发展、变化过程;通过刑事立法及理论上的横向比较,以揭示各国抢劫罪的差异及本质。其中,重点考察了抢劫罪在我国刑法史上的三个重要发展阶段。第二篇抢劫罪本论,由四章十九节内容组成,是本文的基础部分。在对抢劫罪概念、类型进行界定的基础上,重点研究了普通抢劫罪、加重抢劫罪、准抢劫罪的犯罪构成问题,目的是从微观上对抢劫罪进行准确的把握。一、抢劫罪的概念,反映理论上对抢劫罪的把握程度。在考察分析各种定义的基础上,对抢劫罪的概念进行了界定。抢劫罪的类型是我们所要研究对象的范围,根据立法规定和抢劫行为内在的逻辑关系,将抢劫罪划分为二大类20种具体类型。 <WP=234>二、普通抢劫罪的成立条件,是我们认定抢劫罪的核心内容。它不仅涉及对每一个构成要件具体含义的界定,而且还关系到对犯罪构成理论体系的理解。①关于犯罪构成理论体系,目前争议最大的是犯罪客体问题。笔者对犯罪客体是否犯罪构成的必备要件,如何界定犯罪客体的内涵等问题进行了简要的论述。②关于抢劫罪的客体要件,笔者对财产权和人身权的具体内容进行了界定。同时,对特殊财物能否成为抢劫罪的犯罪对象:如不动产、违禁品、赃物、赌资、借条等进行了深入探讨。③关于抢劫罪的客观要件,笔者对暴力、胁迫和其他方法的手段行为与劫取财物的目的行为的内涵进行了界定。重点论述了暴力的对象、暴力的程度以及抢劫罪手段行为与目的行为的关联性等问题。④关于抢劫罪的主体要件、主观要件的内涵,笔者也进行了界定。三、关于加重抢劫罪的成立问题,关键是对8种法定加重处罚情节的理解与界定。①关于“入户抢劫”,笔者重点论述了以下三个关键问题:第一,如何界定入户抢劫罪中的“户”;第二,对“入”的界定,也即违法入户与合法入户的问题;第三,入户盗窃在什么条件下才能转化为入户抢劫。②关于“在公共交通工具上抢劫”,笔者重点论述了两个有争议问题:一是在小型出租车上抢劫的,是否属于在公共交通工具上抢劫?二是该条能否包括对运行途中的公共交通工具加以拦截后实施的抢劫?③关于“抢劫银行或者其他金融机构”,笔者重点探讨了“其他金融机构”的范围、该条抢劫的对象以及如何界定“客户资金”等问题。④关于“多次抢劫或者抢劫数额巨大”,笔者对怎样才算一次抢劫进行了界定并对“多次抢劫”的立法合理性提出了质疑。同时,对“抢劫数额巨大”中的“数额巨大”,是一种纯客观的处罚条件还是兼含主观评价因素在内的争议问题进行了探讨。⑤关于“抢劫致人重伤、死亡”,论述了以杀人为手段的抢劫财物行为的定性问题。⑥关于“冒充军警人员抢劫”,笔者建议在该条款中增加处罚军警人员抢劫的立法规定。⑦关于“持枪抢劫”,<WP=235>笔者对持枪的含义,枪支是否包括假枪等问题进行了界定。⑧关于“抢劫军用物资或者抢险、救灾、救济物资”,笔者对军用物资的范围、是否要求行为人明知是上述特定用途的物资进行了论述。四、关于准抢劫罪的成立问题,笔者对三种准抢劫罪的成立条件进行了论述。其中,对理论和司法中争议较大的问题进行了分析和界定。①在转化型抢劫罪中,对“犯盗窃、诈骗、抢夺罪”,是否要求盗窃、诈骗、抢夺的财物达到“数额较大”?“犯盗窃、诈骗、抢夺罪”,是否包括以盗窃、诈骗、抢夺方法实施的其他犯罪?本罪的主体是一般主体还是特殊主体?以及“当场”的含义等问题进行了论述。②在携带凶器抢夺的准抢劫罪中,首先对该条款立法的合理性进行了评析,然后对该条款的法律适用问题进行了界定。③在聚众打砸抢中毁抢财物的准抢劫罪中,对该条款的立法情况和法律适用问题进行了论述。第三篇抢劫罪形态论,由三章九节内容组成。这部分是本文的重点和难点,主要研究了抢劫罪的三种特殊形态,即抢劫罪的未完成形态、共犯形态和罪数形态。一、在抢劫罪未完成形态中,笔者在论述未完成形态的概念、处罚根据以及抢劫罪预备、未遂和中止形态的概念、成立条件后,重点探讨了目前理论和司法界争议较大的8种加重抢劫罪是否存在未遂?如果存在其标准又是什么?以及如何认定抢劫罪预备形态、如何认定抢劫罪的着手等问题。二、在抢劫罪共犯形态中,笔者在论述了抢劫罪共同犯罪的概念、成立条件和主要类型后,重点探讨了抢劫罪共犯过限中的疑难问题。三、在抢劫罪罪数形态中,笔者在论述了罪数的区分标准、种类后,结合具体案件重点探讨了对抢劫罪罪数形态的认定问题。第四篇抢劫罪界限论,由二章九节内容组成。在这部分主要研究了抢劫罪?

【Abstract】 Robbery crime is a familiar crime against property with a serious quality, which has been focused on by the field of criminal law in our country for a long time. Many doubtful issues in theory and justice practice occur not only because of its high crime rate and serious harm to people and property, but also of complication of its activity. Based on the former scholar’s studies, the author systematically researches on basic theory problems of robbery crime, and discusses various disputable issues in justice practice. This dissertation’s construction and main content are as follow:Part one is a general conspectus of robbery crime, consisting of two chapters and seven sections, mainly concerning the macroscopic study on robbery crime. It demonstrates the development of robbery crime in human history by vertical inspection of history of criminal law, and through the transverse comparison in criminal legislation and theory, demonstrates the difference and nature of robbery crime among countries all over the world. In this part, the author emphasizes three important development stages of robbery crime in our country’s criminal law history.Part two is ontology of robbery crime, consisting of four chapters and nineteen sections. It is the basis of this dissertation. Based on defining the concept and types of robbery, it emphasizes the study on the constitution of ordinary robbery crime, aggravated robbery crime, quasi robbery crime to exactly comprehend the robbery crime in microcosmic view. ⅠFirst is the concept of robbery crime, reflecting the degree of comprehension of robbery crime in theory. Based on the analysis of the different concept, the author defines the concept. The criminal type is <WP=238>studying range, and we divide robbery crime into two parts and 20 concrete types based on the legislation and the internal logical relation of robbery act. Ⅱ The second is the term of existence of ordinary robbery crime; It is the core content that we define the robbery crime. It relates not only to the definition of every term of constitution, but also to the comprehension of system of constitution of crime. A. In the system of constitution of crime, the main issue is the crime object. The author gives a simple discussion on whether the crime object is essential term in constitution of crime, and how to define its connotation. B. In the object of robbery crime, the author defines the concrete content of property right and personal right, and in the mean while, deeply discusses whether some special property could become the criminal object of robber crime, such as immobile property, prohibited products, booty, wager, bet funding and i.o.u. C. In the objective element, the author defines the connotation of means act of violence, coerce and other method of the means and the purpose act of robbery, emphasize on the violence subject, violence level and the relation of act of means and purposes. D. In addition, the author also defines the connotation of subject element and subjective element of robbery crime.Ⅲ The third is about the establishment of aggravated robbery crime. And the key is to comprehend and define eight kinds of statutory aggravating circumstances. A. Intruding into the other people’s residence to rob. The author mainly discusses three questions as follow: firstly, it’s how to define “residence” in this crime; secondly, it’s about definition of “intruding”, the problem that whether it is legal to intruding into the other people’s residence or not; thirdly, in what condition can intending into another person’s residence to theft convert into robbery. B. Robbing on board the means of public transportation. The author mainly discusses two arguments as follow: firstly, it’s about robbing in taxi, that whether it belongs to robbing on public transportation or not; secondly, whether this article includes robbery on the moving public transportation after intercepting it? C. Robbing a bank or any other banking institution. And the author stresses on the scale of “other <WP=239>banking in

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期

