

A Study on the Bronze Wares of Zhou Dynasty in the Regions of Wuyue and Baiyue

【作者】 郑小炉

【导师】 林沄;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本论文研究内容为吴越和百越地区出土的周代青铜器,全文共分七个部分。《绪论》。界定了吴越和百越地区的地理范围和本文的主要研究对象,回顾了吴越地区和百越地区青铜器研究的简要历史,归纳了学术界对吴越和百越地区周代青铜器研究方法的发展变化、传统研究的范围和已取得的成果,并指出其不足之处。第一章 《各地出土的青铜器及其年代》。本章对江苏南部、安徽南部、浙江、福建、江西、湖南、广东、广西等八个地区出土的周代青铜器以及这些地区之外的区域出土的周代有铭吴越青铜器,按发现年代的早晚顺序逐一介绍了各遗址出土的铜器以及陶器等其它伴出器物的情况,并简要地判断了各遗址的年代和其中出土铜器的年代。第二章 《南方青铜器断代问题的探讨》。 本章首先对南方青铜器的断代理论进行了探讨,将之分为对单件青铜器断代和对青铜器群的断代两个层次,对单件青铜器的断代方法主要是参考中原标准和周边铜器断代成果、建立自身发展序列和根据伴出器物断代,而对青铜器群的断代方法则是依据最晚特征的铜器和共出的陶瓷器等来判断,同时还提出了进行横向比较时应注意的问题。接着以宁镇地区的车马器、屯溪 M1、M3、南安大盈寨山出土铜器为例进行断代,将宁镇地区的车马器分为三组,年代分别为西周晚期、春秋早期和春秋晚期。而屯溪 M1、M3 的年代分别为西周中期和晚期,南安大盈寨山铜器群的年代为西周前期。第三章 《典型越族铜器型式的划分及其分布概况》。本章分青铜容器、兵器、乐器、工具、杂器五个部分对其中有较多发现并有明显的变化规律的典型越式铜器进行了型式上的划分,并简要介绍了各种型式铜器的分布范围。第四章 《文化因素的分析》。本章对吴越和百越地区周代青铜器包含的各种文化因素进行了分析,将之分为除典型越族铜器之外的其它越族铜器、中原型铜器、中原和地方因素的融合型铜器、楚系铜器、徐舒铜器及巴蜀铜器因素、云南铜器因素、淮夷铜器因素和鄂尔多斯铜器因素等几个部分,并详细介绍了各种因素包含的器类及其具体特征。同时对越族特有的纹饰进行了分析,将之分为交连纹、变形夔纹、动物纹、王字形纹等 20 个类别,并举例说明各种纹饰的具体形制。最后举例分析了不能分群铜器的特征。第五章 《南方青铜器的分区与分期及其族属推断》。主要根据考古学文化的分区成果和各地出土越式铜器的差异,将之分为吴越地区和百越地区两个大区,其 159<WP=164>中吴越地区包括宁镇地区、屯溪地区、太湖杭州湾地区和浙南地区四个小区,百越地区包括湖南地区、江西地区、广东和广西东北部地区、广西中西部地区和福建地区等五个小区。并分期介绍了各区出土青铜器的状况和特征。接着,参照文献记载和以往的研究成果,对各区青铜器的族属进行了推断,认为宁镇地区为吴人的中心分布区,太湖杭州湾地区为于越的中心分布区,屯溪地区为干越的中心分布区,浙南地区为另一支于越人的分布区,江西和湖南越人的族属名称不清,广东和广西东北部地区为西瓯分布区,广西中西部为骆越分布区,福建地区的越人早期为称作七闽,晚期为闽越和东瓯。第六章 《各区铜器之间的关系及越族的迁徙》。首先分析屯溪地区与湖南地区的相互联系,认为这两个地区在铜器器形、纹饰和陶器等方面都有比较密切的关系。接着又分析了两广地区与湖南地区、吴越地区的相互联系,认为湖南地区的铜器因素从西周时期即已对两广产生影响,春秋后期以后更为广泛。而吴越地区的铜器因素则主要从春秋后期开始进入两广,战国时期更为广泛。通过简单总结两广地区铜器的构成,认为广东和广西东北部地区的铜器来源是多元的,湖南、吴越和土著三方面的因素是其主要成分。并以广东地区的部分墓葬为例,结合陶器和埋葬习俗说明了其墓主的族属,认为战国时期尤其是战国后期,吴越地区越人有一个向岭南迁徙的过程。

【Abstract】 This paper deals with the bronze wares of Zhou Dynasty excavated inthe regions of Wuyue and Baiyue . The whole passage includes seven parts. In the Introduction, it concerns the geographical boundary of theregions Wuyue and Baiyue ,and the main research target. It looks back intothe brief history of research on bronze wares in Wuyue and Baiyue . It sumsup the development, change, traditional research scope and establishedachievements existing in the academic circle on research methods of bronzewares in these two areas; meanwhile ,it also points out the shortcomings. Chapter One: The bronze wares excavated in various regions and theyears of excavation. This chapter gives an introduction to the bronze wares ofZhou Dynasty unearthed in such regions as southern Jiangsu, southern Anhui,Zhejiang,Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan ,Gongdong, Gongxi, and the Wuyue bronzewares with inscriptions on them according to the year of discovery. It makesa general statement of the earthenwares and other accompanied excavations.It gives a concise judgment of the year of the relics and the excavated bronzewares as well. Chapter two : Probe into the age judgment of bronze wares in theSouth . It first inquires into the theory on age judgment of bronze wares inthe south of China . There is age judgment on separate bronze ware andgroups of bronze wares. Approaches to determine the year of the separatebronze ware mainly are to consult Central Plains criteria and the judicialaccomplishments of peripheral bronze wares, to establish its owndevelopment order and refer to the appendage. Approaches to determine theyear of groups of bonze wares are in accordance with the latest bronze waresand the accompanied pottery .In the meantime, it also points out theproblems worthy of attention while making a horizontal comparison .In thefollowing, it takes the bronze chariot fittings in Ningzhen area ,Tunxi M1 andM3,the unearthed bronze wares in Dayingzhaishan of Nan’an as an exampleto determine the age. The bronze chariot fittings in Ningzhen area are divided 161<WP=166>into three groups,and their age is separated into late Western Zhou Dynasty,the earlier and later Spring and Autumn Period. The age of Tunxi M1 and M3falls into middle and late Western Zhou. The age of groups of bronze waresin Dayingzhaishan of Nan’an belongs to the earlier Western Zhou. Chapter Three: Division of the types of distinctive bronze wares ofYue nationality and the respective study of distribution. It includes five parts-----bronze vessels, weapons , musical instruments , implements ,andmiscellaneous utensils. It gives a formal division of the typical Yue bronzevessels which are discovered widely and have many obvious laws ofchangement and it gives a general introduction on the distributary areas ofvarious bronze wares . Chapter four: Analysis on Cultural Elements . This chapter analysesthe various cultural elements embodied in the bronze wares of Zhou Dynastyin Wuyue and Baiyue areas. Beside the typical bronze wares of Yuenationality, there are some others of Yue nationality, bronze wares of CentralPlains, bronze wares with a combination of Central Plains and localelements, bronze wares of Chu and Xushu and bronze factors of Bashu,Yunnan ,Huaiyi and Eerduosi and the like. It makes a detailed description ofthe diverse wares and the specific features. At the same time, it describes theparticular decorative patterns of Yue nationality . There are twenty categoriessuch as Jiaolian pattern, Bianxingkuiz pattern , Dongwu pattern andWangzixing Pattern with illustrations of the specific characteristics to variouspatterns Finally, it expounds the traits of bronze wares that can not begrouped with examples.. Chapter Five: The Areas and Stages of southern bronze wares, as wellas the deduction of nationality. According to the regional achievements inarcheologi

【关键词】 吴越和百越周代青铜器
【Key words】 Wuyue and BaiyueZhou DynastyBronze Wares
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K876
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2035

