

The Change of China’s Employment System and the Choice of Public Policy

【作者】 张勇

【导师】 史忠良;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 就业问题不仅是重大的经济问题,而且是重大的政治问题。对于当代中国来说,能否较好地解决就业问题,直接涉及到经济社会可持发展和社会福利水平的改善。长期以来,受计划经济体制的影响,就业往往被看成是经济社会发展的副产品,理论研究仍固守计划经济理论,研究的侧重点是配置的高度集中与计划问题。受传统经济理论的影响,中国就业缺乏明晰的思路,尤其对劳动力供求关系变动及其影响因素缺乏足够的把握,以致于在实践工作中,出现重经济增长、轻就业的现象,导致经济社会发展手段与目标的倒置。在当前市场经济条件下,当前,中国就业矛盾日益突出,就业管理正面临着重大转轨,这既是市场经济的客观要求,也是由中国国情所决定的。就业增长被列为中国宏观经济四大调控目标之一还是近年的事,理论界对于保持就业增长、正确处理就业与经济增长的关系、促进劳动力市场的发展以及政府在就业管理中的作用等研究处于探索阶段。通过就业问题的研究,有利于增强对当前中国就业形势紧迫性的认识,有利于创新就业观念和工作思路。抓住经济全球化发展的有利时机,承接全球职业转移,通过改善劳动力供给结构,尤其通过提高中国就业弹性系数,进一步扩大就业需求,使中国走出一条既加快发展,又扩大就业的经济发展的路子。 国外就业理论成果颇丰,早期文献较多地关注劳动力需求,进而出现了劳动力需求边际生产力理论。凯恩斯理论关于就业水平取决总需求水平具有代表性。上世纪下半叶,发展到劳动力供给研究,如贝克尔、舒尔茨等,其中贝克尔在劳动力供给研究方面做出了基础性贡献,为后来的劳动力供给理论研究提供了强有力的支持。在经济增长模式中,哈罗德——多马模式、新古典主义模式和新剑桥模式,都从不同角度揭示了劳动力资源配置对经济增长的作用,从而阐述了就业的经济含义。西方发展经济学家如刘易斯等人,考察了发展中国家人口流动规律,论述了人口流动与经济发展的关系。在中国,对就业问题的研究近年来开始增多,主要集中在劳动力需求方面。多数人认为,就业需求不足根源于内需不足,他们认为解决就业问题的根本途径是扩大需求。对中国就业问题的特殊性即总量矛盾的普遍性与结构性矛盾的特殊性研究文献还不多,尤其是把就业作为经济增长的优先目标,坚持就业优先的经济发展战略目前尚存争论。因此,需要我们对中国的就业问题进行深入的研究。 本文按照中国就业制度变迁的历史线索和路径,运用经济学的基本理论采集了大量的数据和资料,对中国就业制度创建与变迁开展分析,按照经济增长与就业的逻辑关系,对经济增长与就业变动、中国就业状况、国外就业、中国就业触发与公共政策选择进行了论述,最后对“十一五”时期中国经济发展与就业战略问题进行了总体思考。 第一章本文的导言部分。主要分为问题的提出、研究对象和研究方法、论文框架、研究的意义、国内外研究动态等内容。这一章主要是介绍本文研究的动机,也就是说为什么要关注中国的就业问题,而在研究就业问题时,又为什么要把中国就业制度变迁与公共政策选择作为自己研究的主题。我认为,从历史的源头出发,顺着历史的长河对中国就业体制的演变进行分析,它可以使我们横跨计划经济与市场经济两个大的历史阶段,比较全面和系统地分析中国各个不同历史阶段就业制度的变化和发展的状况,有利于我们比较准确地分析存在的问题,并找到解决问题的具体措施。研究对象和研究方法,主要是体现主题个性、特点和研究视角等方面。分析框架、研究的意义和国内外研究动态等问题的叙述,主要是想从这三个不同的方面给出一个概况性的交待,在总体上把握其基本情况。第一章主要是全文研究动因、主题、目的、方法、主要内容等方面的简要描写,目的是为写作起基础和铺垫作用。 第二章主要研究中国就业制度的创建与变迁。通过对计划经济体制下建立的就业制度分析,研究其基本特征。分析经济转轨时期中国就业制度变迁的客观必然性以及变迁的诱因和过程。作者通过历史分析方法,结合制度经济学原理,用历史的和动态的分析方法,观察和分析中国传统就业制度到市场经济条件下的就业制度变迁的过程。中国就业制度创建是在新中国成立之初,面对历史遗留下来的大量失业人员,政府采取全部留用和包下来的政策,严格限制辞退职工,并把这项就业制度作为民主改革的内容之一。随着国民经济的恢复和有计划大规模经济建设的开展,需要有组织、有计划地保证国民经济各部门、各地区、各行业所需要的劳动力,使统一的劳动力招收与调配成为可能。在中国经济“赶超”战略的影响下,为了保证工业积累,从1952年开始,国家出台了粮食购销、城市粮油计划供应、户籍管理等制度,限制了农村劳动力向城市二、三产业流动,使中国“二元经济”结构得到了强化。上世纪50年代期间,针对这种制度存在的种种弊端,国家也曾考虑对这种就业体制进行改革。但是,由于各种原因,这种刚性的就业不但没有改善,反而得到了强化。传统的就业制度的目标取向与当时传统的计划体制相一致,它集中表现为:一是以实现城镇劳动力的充分?

【Abstract】 Employment is not only an economic issue but also a political issue. The solution of the employment problem directly affects the social welfare and the sustainable development of the society. For a long time, employment has been considered as the by-product of economic development, due to the influence of the traditional planned economy system. Theoretical researches stick to the traditional economic dogma, focusing on the highly centralized economic distribution and planning ideas. As a result, employment policy in China lacks a clear strategy, especially lacks a control of the changing factors that affects the relation between the supply and needs of labor force resource, which leads to the overemphasis on economic growth and the slight on the employment in practical work, thus setting the cart before the horse concerning the devices and aims of economic development. In today’s context of market-oriented economy, contradictions caused by employment are becoming more and more obvious. The management of employment is facing a significant challenge, which is both the demand of market economy and the actual condition of China. Recently, the growth of employment is listed as one of the four major controlling aims of the macro economy in China. Theoretically, only tentative researches are conducted on such issues as maintaining employment growth, dealing with employment and economic growth, promoting the development of labor force and developing the role of government in employment management. The research on employment aims to arouse the awareness of the urgency of employment situation in China and change the conventional ideas of employment and management strategies. By taking chance of the globalization of economy, improving the structure of the supply and need of labor force, and developing the elastic coefficient of employment, China will step on a road of economic development that meets both the demands of the economic development and the employment of labor force.Foreign studies in employment theories are fruitful. Early documents are mainly on the needs of labor force, which brings about the marginal theory concerning the needs of labor force. The representative is Keynes who suggested that the level of employment depends on the total needs .By the latter half of the last century, research focused on the study of the supply of labor force, represented by Gray. s. Backer, Schultz Theodore W. etc. , among whom Gray. s. Backer made the fundamental contribution in the research of the supply of labor force and paved way for the later researchers. In the study of the8mode of economic growth, Harrod Domar Model, New Classicism Mode, and New Cambridge Mode explored the affects of labor force allocation on the growth of economy, thus illustrating the implication of employment economy. Western economists like Lewis W Arthur examined the laws of the moving of population in developing countries to demonstrate the relation between the population moving and economic growth. In China, researches on the issue of employment are a recent topic, focusing mainly on the needs of labor force. Most researchers tend to agree that the fundamental solution to employment lies in expanding and creating the needs of labor force. Few researches are conducted on the particularity of China’s employment, i.e, the . universality of total contradiction and structural contradiction. There remain controversies concerning whether employment should be of the preferential consideration of economic growth. For this reason, we should have a further and deeper research on the issue of employment in China.This dissertation follows and analyzes the historical change of employment system in China. By collecting large amounts of data and statistics based on the principles of economics, the dissertation discusses the logic relation between economic growth and employment, economic growth and employment change, China’s employment situation, employment in other countries, China’s employment triggering and the choice of public policy, and finally ends wi

  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2881

