

A Study on Cai-E’s Political Thoughts

【作者】 邓江祁

【导师】 饶怀民;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 蔡锷(1882—1916)是中国近代史上著名的军事家和政治家。他虽然在世仅有短暂的34年,但为国家的独立与富强,他努力研习西方资产阶级民主革命理论,积极探索救国图强、振兴中华的道路,成功地领导了辛亥云南重九起义,并参与发动和领导了反袁护国战争,为创建和捍卫资产阶级民主共和国立下了不朽的功勋。同时,在救国图强的过程中,蔡锷吸收中国古代传统思想精华,借鉴近代西方政治文明成果,结合近代中国反帝反封建斗争的实践,形成了他独具特色的政治思想。 80多年来,特别是近20多年来,学术界对蔡锷的研究不断深入,并取得了不少成果。但由于多方面的原因,从总体上看,蔡锷研究还有待进一步深化。本文选取蔡锷的政治思想进行研究,以期通过对蔡锷政治思想比较全面、系统的研究,有助于人们对蔡锷的深入了解,推动蔡锷研究进一步深入。 本文认为,蔡锷的政治思想大致可归纳为反帝爱国思想、民主革命思想、国权思想、政党思想和宪政思想等五个方面。 鸦片战争后,中华民族与帝国主义之间的矛盾成为中国近代社会最主要的矛盾。反对帝国主义侵略、争取国家的独立和民族的解放是摆在近代中国人民面前的主要历史任务之一。生活在清末民初的蔡锷一生都在关注着国家和民族的命运,强烈的爱国思想促使他义无反顾地投入反帝斗争。他鼓吹尚武主义,主张造就军国民,呼吁实行义务兵役制,要求加强军事和国防建设,以强大的武力抵御帝国主义列强的侵略。 作为一位真诚的爱国者,蔡锷在学习西方、寻求救国救民真理的过程中,逐渐认识到中国几千年的封建专制制度是造成中国停滞不前、落后挨打的根本原因。因此,他的思想开始倾向反清革命,主张推翻清朝封建专制统治,实行资产阶级民主政治,建立资产阶级民主共和国,以实现其强国福民的政治理想。基于此,蔡锷领导了辛亥云南重九起义,并致力于民国政权和经济建设。1915年,面对袁世凯帝制自为,蔡锷挺身而出,以为四万万人争人格的大无畏精神参与发动和领导护国战争,为“再造共和”出生入死,最后献出了自己宝贵的生命。 国家主权是一国立国的基本条件。在学习西方的过程中,蔡愕认识到国权的重要性,形成了比较清晰的国家主权观念。鉴于清廷腐败、国权沦丧的历史教训,蔡愕呼吁收回被帝国主义列强攫取的国家利权,主张主权在国、国权高于人权,希望以此维护国家的统一,加速中国的近代化。 在政党和政党政治方面,蔡愕充分肯定其在资产阶级革命民主革命和政权建设中的重要作用,主张政党要有明确的政纲,讲究党德、立党为公。同时他还积极探索政党政治的运作问题,主张政党政治要以国家利益为前提,反对因党争影响国家的政权建设,并提倡军人不党主义,主张军队国家化,以免武人干政,造成国家政治动荡。 为实现民国长治久安,蔡愕主张实行宪政。他从西方资本主义国家的宪政实践出发,主张民国立法、行政、一司法机构实行三权分立、权力制衡,并从民国宪政建设的实际出发,提出建立强有力政府思想,主张中央政府掌握用人行政权、军事权、财政权和外交权,实行军民合治,缩小行政区域,以增强中央政府的权威,消除省自为谋,保障宪政的顺利实施。与此同时,蔡愕关注民国宪法的制定,主张民国宪法要从中国的实际出发,有利于强有力政府的建设,以伸张国力,保障民权。 总之,蔡愕的政治思想紧扣近代中国人民反帝反封建、实施救国图强的时代主题,兼采中西文化之所长,饱含爱国主义思想,并透露着浓郁的军人气质和求真务实的精神,反映了近代中国先进知识分子对于建立一个统一、强大的资产阶级民主共和国的不懈追求,因而具有积极意义丁其中有的观点和主张对于我们今天建设中国特色的社会主义民主政治仍有借鉴作用。当然,由于时代、阶级和个人认识上的局限,蔡愕的政治思想也不可避免地存在一些不足和矛盾之处,如理想与实际脱节、主观动机与客观效果背离等,需要我们认真加以甄别、‘分析和扬弃。雌、

【Abstract】 Cai-E(1882-1916) was a famous militarist and politician in the modern history of our country. He had made imperishable achievements and contribution for the nation’s independence, richness and powerflilness during his short lifetime of only 34 years by establishing and protecting the bourgeois democratic republic country, succeeding in rising and leading the Yunnan Revolution of 1911 and anti-Yuan Shikai War, actively exploring the route of saving and rejuvenating the nation through the learning of the western capitalist revolutionary theory. During this process, he absorbed and adopted the distillate of traditional ancient Chinese ideology and the civilization of modern western political results, combining with the practice of neoteric Chinese anti-imperialism and feudalism, forming his characteristic feature of his political thoughts.For 80 years, especially recent 20 years, the world of academy has taken a deep research into Cai-E’s thoughts and made a lot of achievements. But it is still necessary and there is also a great vacancy for us to deepen this research. This paper selects Cai-E’s political thoughts as its research object in an attempt to help the people deeply understand Cai-E and further the research of him.The author thinks that Cai-E’s political thoughts can be divided into five aspects : anti-imperialist and patriotic thoughts, democratic revolutionary thoughts, state sovereignty thoughts, party thoughts and constitutionalism thoughts.After the Opium War, the contradiction between the Chinese people and imperialism became the primary contradiction of modern Chinese society. And it was one of the historical missions for modern China tooppose the aggression of imperialism and strive for the independence and liberation of the nation. Living in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic China, Cai-E paid a close attention to the fortune of the country and nation. His strong patriotic thoughts urged him to devote into theanti-imperialist struggle. He advocated wariorism, boasted military nationality, claimed compulsory military service and declared to strengthen military forces and national defense in resistance of the aggression of imperialist countries.As a pure-hearted patriot, Cai-E gradually realized that the several thousand years of Chinese feudalism and despotism system had been the primary cause of China’s stagnancy and backward during his study of the western society and his search for the route of saving the nation. His political tendency consequently turned to oppose Qing dynasty, overthrow the feudalist rule of Qing dynasty, execute capitalist democratic politics, establish bourgeois democratic republic in order to realize his political ideal of powerful country and wealthy people. Based on the upper democratic revolutionary idea, Cai-E led the Yunan Revolution of 1911 and contributed to the construction of national politics and economy. In 1915, Cai-E died a glorious death for rising and leading the war of opposing Yuan Shikai’s re-imperialization and for the Reconstruction of the Republic.The state sovereignty is the basic condition of the establishment of a country. Cai-E realized clearly the importance of the state sovereignty during his study of the western society and formed a clear concept of the state sovereignty. Due to the corruption of Qing government and the decline of state sovereignty, Cai-E appealed to the withdrawing of the stateeconomic rights snatched by the imperialist countries. He claimed firmly that sovereignty belonged to the state and state sovereignty laid higherabove human rights, so as to maintain the unification of the country and fasten the country’s political and economic construction.Cai-E fully affirmed that party and party politics played an important role in the construction of bourgeois revolution and democratic politics. He also thought that a party should have a definitive political program, pursue the party virtue and stand for the public interests. He also explored the principle of the party political operations. He held on firmly

【关键词】 蔡锷政治思想研究
【Key words】 Cai-Epolitical thoughtsResearch
  • 【分类号】K258
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】658

