

Historical Geographical Study of Buddhist Culture in Northwest China

【作者】 介永强

【导师】 史念海; 吴宏岐;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 宗教问题是当今中国突出的社会问题之一。从全国范围看,无论是历史上,还是在现阶段,我国西北地区的宗教问题尤为突出。如何做好西北地区的宗教工作,不仅需要宗教学、民族学、社会学等相关学科的深入研究,也需要从历史地理学的角度进行探讨。因为当代的宗教文化现象大都植根于历史时期,不了解历史时期宗教时空变迁的状况,也就很难准确把握当代宗教的区域特征。历史上,多种宗教广泛流行于西北地区,然而,就其对西北历史文化的影响来说,佛教影响最大。今天,除了伊斯兰教,佛教仍是西北地区分布最广、教徒最多的宗教。因此,研究历史时期佛教文化在西北地区的分布及其变迁,对于我们全面深刻认识当今西北宗教问题的由来和演变,具有十分重要的意义。 寺院是僧众弘法布道的的主要场所,是佛教文化的重要载体。不同历史时期,西北佛教寺院的地理分布呈现出不同的特点。公元前1世纪,佛教越过葱岭,首先在塔里木盆地广泛传播,塔里木盆地是汉魏时期西北佛教寺院分布的重心所在。两晋南北朝时期,佛教寺院在西北地区渐渐增多,在以凉州(今甘肃武威)为中心的河陇地区形成了一条较为狭长的佛寺分布带,长安成为两晋南北朝西北佛教寺院分布的新兴密集地区。隋唐时期是中国佛教的黄金时代。隋唐王朝多次敕令“按州置寺”,佛教寺院覆及了整个西北地区。京畿道和陇右道是唐代西北佛教寺院分布的密集地带,京兆府是寺院分布的密集中心,唐长安城寺院分布的密度在中国佛教史上尚不多见。宋辽夏金时期,陕西关中、甘肃河西、宁夏银川、青海玉树、新疆吐鲁番创建的佛教寺院较多,亦是那时西北佛教寺院分布较多的地区。元代西北关陇地区佛教寺院较多,西宁卫(今青海西宁)、甘州(今甘肃张掖)和凉州(今甘肃武威)是藏传佛教寺院分布较多的地区。明清西北佛教寺院的地理分布以河湟地区最为密集,规模也最大,河西地区次之。 石窟是开凿于山崖峭壁间的特殊形式的佛教寺院,是西北佛教文化的重要遗存。西北地区石窟寺规模宏大,数量众多,分布广泛。从现有遗存来看,西北石窟寺按地域特征可分为西域区、河西区、陇中区、陇东南区、陇东区、宁南区和渭北区。由于地理条件的不同,不同区域的石窟在建筑形制和造像手法上异彩纷呈,具有鲜明的区域特色。西域的岩石质地较松,为防止石窟倒塌,所以把印度支提窟中的舍利塔改造为中心柱,使之起支撑窟顶的作用,同时也便于僧徒右旋礼拜诵经,中心柱形支提窟成为西域石窟的主要窟形。基于同样的原因,西域早期的大立佛可能是用泥土塑造代替雕刻。河西石窟石雕造像极少,这是因为受到岩石松散等自然条件的限制,而且接近西域,故采用了西域石窟塑像和壁画并举的方法,造像绝大部分为泥塑和石胎泥塑。以河西姑减为中心的“凉州模式”石窟,最主要的特点是出现了中心方柱,并把中心方柱的四面分开数层开盒造像。陇中和陇东南地近中原,石窟造像的本土化色彩比较明显,表现出更多的中原艺术风格。往往利用天然洞穴建窟,较完整的佛盒尚未出现,造像尚未形成整体布局,这不仅是陇中区而且是陇东南区石窟形制和造像的特点。陇东地区的山岩多属砂岩,比较坚硬,宜于雕刻,石窟造像大多以石雕为主。宁南须弥山石窟是内地保留中心柱最晚、最多的石窟,石雕造像采用密集平行线阴刻,这种技法被称为“黄土高原”雕刻风格。西北地区幅员辽阔,地理条件千差万别,石窟造像多姿多彩。总体看来,越靠近西域的石窟,越有印度的特色;越靠近中原的石窟,本土化色彩越强。 佛典之翻译是佛教在中国传播的基础。历史上,大规模的佛经翻译活动在西北地区持续了将近1000年。初期的佛经翻译多为一人暗诵传译或数人讲译同施。随着译经事业的发展,翻译佛经成为一种有组织的活动。十六国北朝时期,西北各地开始出现了大大小小的译场。隋唐政府特设翻经院和弘法院,皇家寺院亦常常辟为译经场所,译事极盛,译场组织益臻完备和精密。中古时期,大大小小的译场在西北形成了西域、河西、关中三大译经文化区,长安是中古时期西北地区最大的译经中心。佛教律藏的翻译完成于东晋时代,律学的弘传主要在南北朝隋唐时期。北朝隋唐时期,(十诵》、《五分》、《僧抵》、《四分》诸律之学率皆流行西北地区。十六国时代,鸡摩罗什在长安时,弗若多罗等人译出《十诵律》,莫定了此后长安成为西北地区《十诵律》之重镇。隋唐以前,关内素奉《僧抵律》,《五分律》亦在关陇局部地区流行一时。追至隋唐,《四分律》成为律学之正宗,长安成为西北地区律学之巨镇,关中律学如日中天。佛教义学以南北朝时期最为兴盛,以隋唐时期最为繁荣。十六国北朝隋唐时期,众多王朝定都长安,义僧大德普会京举,拥经讲肆,长安义苑蜂次栉比,关中聚集一时名宿,佛教义学高于风云,河西地区稍逊一筹,其它地区义理不名。中古西北佛教学术文化以关中最为发达,河西和西域次之,其它地区大为逊色。 佛教在其漫长的历史发展过程中形成了众多流派,不同时期西北地区盛行的佛教流派不同,同一时期佛教流派在西北地区的传播亦非千篇一律。汉魏两晋南北朝时期,?

【Abstract】 The religious problem is one of the prominent social problems in nowadays China. That problem in northwest China is especially prominent historically and currently. Proper dealt with the religious affairs demands not only in - depth research in such related disciplines as religious history, ethnology and sociology but also the study from the historical geographical perspective. Since most present religious cultural phenomena are rooted in historical periods, it will be difficult to grasp the regional features of present religions without the knowledge of the chronological and geographical change of religions in historical periods. In Chinese history, quite a few religions were widespread in the northwest. However, Buddhism has the deepest impact on the historical culture in those regions. Nowadays, Buddhism still remains the most influential religion with the largest number of followers in the northwest apart from Islam. Therefore, the study of the spread and change of Buddhism in the northwest in different historical periods will play a significant role in our comprehensive and thorough understanding of the sources and evolutions of current religious problems in those regions. Buddhist temples , the important carriers of Buddhist culture , serve as the main places for monks to spread Buddhism . In different historical times, the geographical distribution of Buddhist temples in the northwest took on different characteristics. Around 1st century B. C. by the way of Congling Buddhism was first disseminated in Tarim Basin which was the center of Buddhist temples in the Han and Wei dynasties. In the Two Jins, Northern and Southern dynasties, more temples came into existence in the northwest, and Chang’ an became another center for the growing numbers of temples. In addition, a narrow strip of temples appeared in Helong region with Liangzhou (present Wuwei)as the center. The Sui and Tang dynasties were the golden periods for Chinese Buddhism during which Buddhist temples could be found everywhere in the northwest. Temples were densely located in Jingji Dao and Longyou Dao with Jingzhao Fu as the center. The density of temple distribution in Chang’ an was rare in the history of Chinese Buddhism. In the Song, Liao, Xia and Jin dynasties, the number of newly -constructed Buddhist temples was rather large in Central Shaanxi, Hexi Gangsu, Yinchuang Ningxia, Yushu Qinghai and Tulufan Xinjiang which also were the major places for temple distribution in the northwest. In the Yuan dynasty there were many Buddhist temples in Guanlong in the northwest. Rather a large number of Tibetan Buddhist temples could be found in Xiningwei (present Xining Qinghai), Ganzhou (present Zhangye Gansu)and Liangzhou(present Wuwei Gangsu). In the Ming and Qing dynasties, Hehuang region was the most densly - located region of Buddhist temples with the largest scale while Hexi region was the second.Grottoes, special forms of Buddhist temples carved in cliffs, are important relics of Buddhist culture in the northwest. Carve temples in those regions are of grand scale, large number and wide spread. From the preserved relics, carve temples in the northwest can be divided into Western Regions district, Hexi district, Central Gansu district, Southeast Gansu district, Eastern Gansu district, Southern Ningxia district and North of the Weihe River district according to their regional features. Owing to different geographical conditions, grottoes in different areas bear distinct regional features in architectural forms and figure - making. The northwest regions have a vast territory with various geographical features and colorful Buddhist figures. Generally speaking, the grottoes close to the Western Regions bear more Indian features while those close to Central Shaanxi assume more Chinese cultural features. In the Northern, Sui and Tang dynasties, Lu learning including Shisong, Wufen, Sengqi, Sifen gained much popularity in the northwest. Before the Sui snd Tang dynasties, Sengqilu had been long adhered to in Central Shaanxi and Wufenlu was also popular

  • 【分类号】K928.6
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】3063

