

Theoretical and Positive Study on the Tourism Regional Cooperative Development--Mechanism, Mode and Coordinative System

【作者】 秦学

【导师】 刘君德;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 经济一体化、区域化成为当今世界的一大趋势,世界性、地区性的经济合作组织如雨后春笋般出现。随着世界经济一体化、区域经济集团化进程的加速,世界各国各地区近年来明显加快了旅游业区域合作的步伐,尤其以包括亚洲在内的发展中国家最为突出。中国旅游业的国内国际合作也呈现出蓬勃发展之势,近年来与周边国家和地区广泛开展了旅游开发合作、旅游研究合作,国内的旅游业区域联合发展更是方兴未艾、一浪高过一浪。 始于20世纪70年代末期的改革开放,使中国经济迈上快速发展之路,促使中外经济文化交流的不断扩大,旅游业在这样的背景下迎来了发展的春天。1984年中共中央提出发展旅游业“五个一起上”的方针政策,在经济发展、开放扩大、政策英明的综合作用下,20世纪80年代末期中国国内旅游形成了的以广东开放地区为先导、以江南繁盛之地为中心,神州大地、自南向北、由东往西的蓬勃发展之势。全国各地区的旅游业潜能和积极性被大大激发,各地旅游业出现了突破本地区、本系统、本行业界限,形成了跨行业、跨地区协作发展的良好开端和普及之势。进入90年代后,中国旅游业“大旅游、大市场、大产业”的格局初步形成,国内各具特色、规模有别、层次不同的旅游区域层出不穷。这些旅游区域内各旅游经济主体(地方政府、企业、民间)之间开展了广泛深入的旅游业合作,合作形式多种多样,合作内容日益全面,合作机制日臻完善,合作效果越来越明显。 在国内各个旅游合作区域中,以广东省、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区为主体的“粤港澳大珠江三角洲旅游区”是旅游业区域合作开展得最为成功的地区。粤港澳旅游区位于我国华南地区、中国和东南亚及南亚的过渡地带,处于极重要的战略位置。该区域以广东、香港和澳门三省(特区)为核心区域,辐射到周边的海南省、广西东南部、湖南和江西南部、福建西部,形成我国目前范围最大、旅游经济最发达的跨省(区)旅游合作区域。20世纪80年代中期三地提出的“粤港澳大三角旅游区”构想,形成三地旅游业合作的理论雏形;以1993年12月成立的“粤港澳珠江三角洲旅游联合推广机构”为标志,三地旅游业进入实质性合作阶段。特别是,90年代中后期港澳相继回归祖国,2003年广东与内地部分城市居民个人赴港澳旅游市场的开放,2004年内地与港澳两个CEPA的实施,“泛珠江三角洲”概念的提出,粤港澳三地的旅游业合作进入迅速提升“广(度)深(度)高(度)速(度)”的阶段。10年来,粤港澳三地旅游业通过密切合作、荣辱与共,已高度融为一体,成为国内最活跃、亚洲知名、具有较强国际竞争力的旅游区域。作为区域旅游目的地的形象已经形成,目前世界已有40多个国家500家旅行社销售这一旅游线路。“大珠江三角洲紧密整合型经济区”和“粤港澳旅游金三角”在国际上的影响和地位越来越重要。 本文根据以上背景,以粤港澳大珠三角地区为案例,全面探讨了旅游业跨区域联合发展的内在机理、合作模式、合作内容、协调机制与对策等深层次问题。粤港澳地区旅游业合作是世界旅游业区域合作的一个典型代表,因此论文首先按照从宏观到中观再到微观的逻辑顺序,对国内外旅游业跨区域合作进行全面的综述。论文在简要分析世界旅游合作的背景和总体格局后,重点分析了中国旅游业区域关系总体态势、旅游业跨区域联合发展概貌以及国内旅游业跨区域合作典型案例,为人们展现了一幅中国区域旅游业合作的壮观图景,从中也可以了解到粤港澳旅游业合作的宏观背景。 在论文的第二部分,全面分析了旅游业跨区域联合发展的内在机理,首先分析了旅游业区域成长的一般规律,侧重分析区域旅游业的空间扩张以及由此引起的空间竞争与合作原理。接着深入探讨了旅游业跨区域联合发展的经济学理论、地理学原理、社会学和文化学原理和系统理论等理论机制,并从区域利益机制、微观动力机制、产业空间扩张机制几个方面探讨了旅游业跨区域联合发展的动力机制。随后对中国及粤港澳地区的旅游业区域合作的内在机理进行了实证分析,论文从中国旅游业区域差异及问题、中国旅游业中的“行政区经济”现象、中国旅游业跨区域联合发展的必要性与现实条件几个方面作了细致入微地分析;也对粤港澳三地旅游业合作存在的内在机理和动力机制作了深入探讨。使人们对粤港澳三地深厚的历史和文化渊源、对我国实施“一国两制”的伟大创举有更深刻的认识和理解. 论文第三部分,根据世界旅游业发展的实践全面系统地总结了旅游业跨区域合作的模式,包括区域模式、合作主体模式、合作领域、合作内容、合作方式等,并以粤港澳地区为例进行了实证分析。论文不仅系统回顾了粤港澳旅游业联合发展的历史和发展阶段,并且从不同层面、不同角度对该地区的旅游业区域联合发展进行了全面归纳,总结出该地区旅游业联合发展的模式。 论文第四部分,着重探讨了旅游业区域合作的协调机制,首先分析了旅游业区域协调机制的特殊性,指出政府协调机制对旅游业区域联合发展的重要意义;继而对粤港澳大珠三角地区旅游业合作协调机制的演变历程及特点、本区域旅游业合作与发展中存在的问题与障碍进行了详细

【Abstract】 The economic globalization and localization have become one of big trends of the world . The global and regional economic cooperation organizes grow quickly. With the acceleration of such process, the step of the regional tourism cooperation quicken up obviously. Among them, the development of Asia including China is mostly stand out. The internal and international cooperation of China tourism grow rapidly. Recently, China has carried out travel exploiting and tourism research cooperation with neighboring countries. The unit development of domestic tourism grow quickly even more.The reformation and open-up, which began at 70’s of 20centuries, make Chinese economy stride on the high way. It also promote the economic and cultural interaction between China and foreign countries. Under such background, the tourism greed itself spring. In 1984, The Central Party Committee put forward the "Five Together" policy. Under the integrating effect of the development of economy, open-up and the right policy, the Chinese national tourism have formed the fast developing trend which guide by open area like Guangdong, centered with south area of the Changjiang River, covering all over the country from west to east, south to north. The tourist potential and activity all over the country have been inspired. The tourism of each region has broken through the limits of area, system and industry. The good beginning and popularization of cooperative development which stride over the region and industry have been formed. After 90’s, the pattern of big tourism, big market and big industry of Chinese have been primary formed . A large number of tourism regions with different characteristics appear one by one. The main bodies of different tourism regions carry out abroad and deep cooperation. The cooperation’s form are various, and the content are all-including, and the mechanism become more and more perfect, the effect are more and more obvious.Among all these travel cooperative regions, the region of "Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Great Pearl River Delta Travel Region" whose main bodies are Guangdong, Hongkong and Macau is the best successful area. The Guangdong- Hongkong-Macao travel region lies in the area of Southern China, locates at the transitional are between China and southeast of Asia and south of Asia, which is great strategic position. The core area of the region is Guangdong, Hongkong and Macau, which radiate the neighbor areas such as Hainan province, southeast of Guangxi, west of Fujian etc, and it is the biggest and most developed across-provinces travel cooperative region. At the middle of 80’s 20 centuries, the assume of "Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Great Triangle Travel Region" formed the theory rudiment of the tourism cooperation of the three regions.Symbolized by the set up of "Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Pearl River Delta TravelPopularizing Agency" in December of 1993, the tourism of the three areas come into essential operation. Especially, Hongkong and Macau came back to China one by one in the later middle of 90’s; in 2003, Guangdong province open the market that individual can go to visiting Hongkong and Macau; in 2004, the two CEPA carry into execution of hinterland and Hongkong and Macau; the concept of "Extensive Pearl River Delta" is brought forward, the cooperation of Guangdong, Hongkong and Macau came into the period of widening scope and depth, increasing the height and speed. For ten years, through tourism tense cooperation of Guangdong, Hongkong and Macau, the three area have become a region which is the most active in China, famous in Asia, and more competitive in the world. The image which the area have been taken for regional travel destination has formed. There are about 500 travel agencies in more than 40 countries operate this travel road. The international impact and position of "the Closed Economic Zone of Great Pearl River Delta" and "the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Golden Travel Triangle" become more and more important.This study, according to the above background, taking the Great Pearl River Delta of


