

A Study of the Effects of Physical Exercise on SWB of Senior High School Students and Their Psychological Mechanism

【作者】 陈作松

【导师】 季浏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 为了考察身体锻炼与高中学生主观幸福感是否存在关系、什么样的身体锻炼模式才能更有效地对高中学生主观幸福感产生影响、不同锻炼情境对高中学生主观幸福感的影响是否不同、身体锻炼对高中学生主观幸福感影响的心理机制是什么等问题,本研究在较系统地分析了国内外关于身体锻炼与主观幸福感及其预测指标关系研究的基础上,提出了该领域研究的不足和身体锻炼对高中学生主观幸福感影响的心理机制理论假设模型,并采用文献法、逻辑法、问卷调查法、访谈法、心理测查法、实验法、数理统计法等研究方法,对这些问题进行了研究。 首先,编制了高中学生主观幸福感量表。本研究在对主观幸福感概念理解的基础上,对106名高中学生进行了有关主观幸福感问题的开放式问卷调查和12名高中学生进行访谈;通过对开放式问卷调查和访谈结果的整理,结合国内外已有的主观幸福感量表的相同、相似的题目,选编了问卷初稿,在征求2名心理学教授、10名高中教师和部分高中学生的意见和建议后,对问卷初稿的条目进行增减、删改,建立了高中学生主观幸福感初始问卷。运用初始问卷对118名高中学生进行调查,根据调查结果对初始问卷的每一个条目进行项目分析,删除了CR值不显著和题目和总分相关不显著的项目后,得到了高中学生主观幸福感的初测问卷。运用初测问卷和情感平衡量表、一般生活满意感量表,对426名高中学生进行调查,对调查结果做探索性因素分析,共抽取了5个因素(Total分别为:5.547,3.917,2.772,2.690,1.864,Cumulative:47.9%),删除了在5个因素上负荷值均<0.3的题项,最终,得到了由35个题项构成的高中学生主观幸福感问卷。在对高中学生主观幸福感的心理建构和实证探索后,提出了高中学生主观幸福感的心理建构模型,并采用结构方程模型的方法,对模型进行了验证。结果表明,该模型的拟合度良好(GFI=0.886,AGFI=0.867,CFI=0.925,RMSEA=0.041)。同时,对量表内部一致信度和内容效度进行检验,结果表明,该量表具有良好的信、效度。 其次,采用分层加随机抽样的方法,在全国选取了2520名高中学生,运用自编的高中学生主观幸福感量表等测量工具,对身体锻炼与我国高中学生主观幸福感及其较成熟的预测指标的关系进行了调查研究,共回收有效问卷1968份。再对最有可能影响高中学生主观幸福感的生活事件变量发生变化的样本进行剔除,剩余803个样本作为研究身体锻炼与高中学生主观幸福感关系的被试。然后,将影响高中学生主观幸福感的性别与学校类别变量作为控制变量,对身体锻炼与高中学生主观幸福感的关系进行多元协方差分析,结果表明,(1)是否自觉进行身体锻炼对高中学生主观幸福感各层面的整体检验的效应显著(Wi Iks’八值=二956,F二7.29,P(0.01)。(2)身体锻炼量对高中学生主观幸福感各层面的整体检验主效应不显著(Wilks’八值二二973,F习.77,P>0.05),锻炼持续时间对高中学生主观幸福感各层面的整体检验的主效应显著 (WilkS’八值=.851,F二10.7,P<0 .01),身体锻炼量与持续锻炼时间交互作用的效应也显著(WilkS’八值=二942,F二1.92,P<0,05)。(3)结构方程模型分析结果支持了修正后的心理机制理论假设模型(GFI=0 .902,AGFI二0.857,CFI二0.866,RMSEA=0.078)。 再次,以有效促进高中学生主观幸福感的身体锻炼模型为干预手段,以合作式锻炼情境、自主式锻炼情境以及独立式锻炼情境为自变量,以高中学生主观幸福感为因变量进行实验研究,结果表明,不同锻炼情境对高中学生主观幸福感的效应显著 (wiIk’s=0 .717,「幼.72,P<O.OI),同时进一步验证了身体锻炼对高中学生主观幸福感影响的心理机制模型。 通过对上述研究结果的分析,本研究得到了以下结论:(1)高中学生主观幸福感可以分为正性情感、负性情感、生活满意感、学习满意感、身体满意感5个维度。(2)编制的高中学生主观幸福感量表可以反映高中学生主观幸福感的全貌,具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为身体锻炼与高中学生主观幸福感研究的测量工具,也可用于对高中学生的精神健康和心理发展的诊断、咨询与指导。(3)参与身体锻炼高中学生比不锻炼的高中学生的主观幸福感更加强烈,这一差异表现在两者之间的情感成份和特殊生活满意感上。(4)一次的身体锻炼对高中学生主观幸福感没有影响,长期性的身体锻炼可以提高高中学生主观幸福感。(5)小锻炼量和中等锻炼量的身体锻炼随着锻炼持续时间的增长,对高中学生主观幸福感影响加深,而大锻炼量随着锻炼持续时间的增长对高中学生主观幸福感的影响,呈现倒“V”型的曲线状;随着锻炼持续时间的增长,中等锻炼量的效果明显优于小锻炼量和大锻炼量的效果。(6)与锻炼量相比,锻炼持续时间对高中学生主观幸福感影响更显重要。(7)身体锻炼不仅可以直接对高中学生主观幸福感产生影响,而且可以通过身体自尊,人际关系、人格等中介变量对高中学生主观幸福感产生影响。(8)身体锻炼是一种积极的应对方式,但无助于提高应对方式。(9)不同锻炼情境对高中学生主观幸福感的影响效果不同,有利于激发锻炼者自主需要、关系需要的锻炼情境更有助

【Abstract】 Does the relationship between physical exercise and the subjective well-being(SWB) of senior high school students exist ?What kind of physical exercise pattern can positive effects have on the SWB? Will different kinds of training environment affect differently on it? What is the psychological mechanism physical exercise having on it? With regard to all these questions and the like, this research gives a relatively systematic analysis on the studies at home and abroad about the relationship between physical exercise and the SWB as well as the forecasted index, on the basis of which the shortcomings of the studies in this field and theoretical hypothesis model for the psychological mechanism of the influence physical exercise has upon the SWB of the senior high school students. Many methods have been employed to probe into this research, such as literature review, logics, questionnaire, interview, psychology survey, experimentation, mathematical statistics, etc.In the first place, a measurement list of the SWB of the senior high school students is laid out. On the basis of the conceptual understanding of the SWB, this research has done an open questionnaire survey about SWB on 106 senior high school students and carried out talks with 12 students of this category. The first draft of questionnaire is selected and edited by means of sorting out the results of the open questionnaire survey and the talks with the combination the existent similar topics in the measure lists from home and abroad. Entries of this draft have been added and deleted to make it a preliminary questionnaire after soliciting opinions and suggestions from 2 psychologists, 10 senior high school teachers and some senior high school students. The preliminary questionnaire is used to carry out a survey on 118 senior high school students. In the light of the results, item analysis is made upon each entry in the preliminary questionnaire. When the obscure CR value and the inconspicuous items of the relevancy between the topic and the total sum have been crossed out, the elementary examination questionnaire comes into being. The elementary examination questionnaire, the emotion equilibrium scale and the ordinary life satisfaction scale are used to survey 426 senior high school students. The outcome of this survey has been analyzed through exploration factors. Five factors have been taken out, with total of which is 5.547, 3.917, 2.772, 2.690, 1.864 respectively, cumulative 47.9%.The entries that have negative value below 0.3 of these 5 factors have been left out. Thus, a total of 35 entries make up the final questionnaire. After probing into the psychological construction and the authentic proof of the SWB of the senior high school students, the psychological construction model is put forward, which is validated by means of structural equation modeling. The outcome shows that the matching of this model is all right, the figures of which are GFI=0.886, AGFI=0.867, CFI=.925, RMSEA=0.041.At the same time, the consistency and reliability of this scale and the effectiveness of its context are also verified. As the results reveal, this scale is reliable and effective.Secondly, delaminating and random sampling are combined to make a survey on the relationship between physical exercise and the SWB as well as the forecasted index.2520 senior high school students have been chosen and measurement tools such as the self-editing scale on the SWB are employed.1968 copies of effective questionnaire have been withdrawn. The changing samples of life events variable, which have the greatest impact upon the SWB, are eliminated. The rest of 803 samples are under scrutiny to understand the relationship between physical exercise and the SWB. Next, take the gender difference and school classification as the control variable, as they both have impact on the SWB of the senior high school students, the relationship between physical exercise and the SWB has undergone the Multivariate ANOVA with the results as follows. l)Physical exercise on one’s own initiative or otherwise

  • 【分类号】G804
  • 【被引频次】128
  • 【下载频次】4115

