

The Style Research about Tales of Marvels of Tang and Song Dynasty

【作者】 李军均

【导师】 谭帆;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 作为中国古代小说的主流文体之一,传奇小说自唐代产生直至晚清消亡,其文体一直处于一种发展变化状态。这种变化既缘于传奇小说文体自身演进的内驱力的作用,又有和其它文学文体的交互影响的原因,还受社会风习和政策法令等的制约。因此,传奇小说的文体在不同时代展现了不同的传奇风貌。 在古代中国,小说一般不被认为是文学的一种,因此其地位卑下,一直生活于子、史的夹缝中。因而真正具有独立文体的小说——传奇体小说,迟至唐代才出现。不过,从其文体渊源来看,却呈现出多源多祖的局面,既有先唐笔记体小说的范本意义,也有先唐史传的叙事模式的孕育,还有先唐散文、诗赋等浪漫诗心的培育,当然还有其它方面的文体催生因素。在这些因素的合力下,传奇体小说在唐代宣告独立。 在唐五代,传奇体小说经历了初期的雏形叙事时期,其叙事范式还深受六朝志怪等笔记体小说的影响;至中期则发展成熟,建立了自己“文备众体”的传奇文体叙事规范;唐代末期和五代时期,传奇小说的发展出现了尊体与变体两种潮流,前者是传奇小说文体叙事艺术的进一步丰富和完善,后者则是一种倒退,向史传靠拢,消解了传奇小说的文学性。 宋代传奇小说的发展是唐五代传奇小说的继承和创新,其继承性体现在“敦重文学”的雅化文体,其创新则是传奇小说的俗化。传奇小说的俗化可以分为两种情况:一是“以俗为雅”,一是“化雅入俗”。这两种文体的发展演化趋向带来了元明清传奇小说文体的新发展,即中篇传奇小说的出现和雅俗共融的传奇小说文体叙事模式。然而,在晚清的近代化转型时期,因为白话在文学领域取代了文言文,传奇小说这种文体也就随之消亡了。

【Abstract】 The Style Research About Tales of Marvels of Tang and Song DynastyAs one of the main trend literary form of classical novel, the style of Tales of Marvels has been in a developing and changing condition from Tang Dynasty to late Qing Dynasty. It’s more than one reason made the change come forth.such as the self development about style of Tales of Marvels, the reciprocal influence about different literature styles.the restrict of society habitude and policy Therefore, the style About Tales of Marvels showed itself varied scenes in different times.In ancientry china, novel had been at a disadvantage because it was been excluded about literature.for this matter, the novel of deep-dyed possess independency style sense, Tales of Marvels.was late appeared in Tang Dynasty .But its style origins has taken on manifold complexions, the model for calligraphy or painting purport of note-style novel earlier Tang Dynasty.the narrate mode of history record earlier Tang Dynasty ,and the romantic affect of essay and poem Tang Dynasty,and and all that Tales of Marvels has been stand alone In Tang Dynasty for such factors interactional action.In Tang and wu-dai Dynasty, Tales of Marvels has gone through several development periods.In initial narrative mode stages,it was profoundly tampered with note-style novle of liu-chao Dynasty.In metaphase.it has been full-blown and set up a narrative criterion which has both of different literature stylcAnd in the telophase of Tang Dynasty and wu-dai Dynasty, Tales of Marvels came forth two tideways.one was respected style,the other was anamorphosis.The former was the farther enrichment and consummated of the style narrative mode,but the latter was a retroversion,it closed to history record and cleared up the Tales of Marvels about literature character.Tales of Marvels in Song Dynasty has inherited and inaugurated from Tang and wu-dai Dynasty.The inheritance incarnated in the elegant style and the innovation embodied in the common customs style. The secularization of Tales of Marvels has two complexion,one was as common for elegant,the other was translated elegan to common .And the development and evolution of the two styles brought the fresh development about the legend style in subsequent Dynasty.the emergence of nouvelle and the narrative mode which was suit both refined and popular tastes. However, along with the modernize transfer in late Qing Dynasty,the writing in vernacular Chinese has gradually replaced classical style of writing,so the legend style has no alternative to walk up to its disappearance.

【关键词】 传奇小说文体叙事
【Key words】 Tales of Marvelsstylenarrate
  • 【分类号】I207.411
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2358

