

【作者】 刘德恩

【导师】 丁钢;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2004, 博士


【摘要】 本文试图从职员发展的角度着眼,在考察职员生活史的基础上,揭示教育与职员发展的关系。鉴于可供参考的职员生活史料很少,本项研究最主要的方法是口述史调查。从十多位上海职业老人调查所得资料,主要用来反映职员个人生活史细节和深层问题,而间接的史料调查和统计资料则主要作为反映职员阶层的整体状况。其他的相关记录和研究资料,则主要用于对照和解释说明。 资料所反映的近代上海职员群体的一般状况是,民国时期的职员已经成为仅次于工人的第二大社会群体,20世纪30年代末作为一个阶层已经形成。他们在经济上处于小康水平,即基本生活开支之外还有剩余;政治上比较温和,更接近于改良主义;他们基本上都受过小学以上的教育,但阶级意识还不十分清晰。此外,职员分散地分布于政府、企事业单位和公共部门中,群体结构显得不太均衡,大多数为中低级职员,以男性为主。就所属行业而论,商业职员最多,工业部门的职员中纺织业占绝对优势。 论文的主体是以个案分析为例,展示民国时期上海职员的生活和教育状况。他们主要是工程技术人员、护士和医生、以及商业职员。工程技术人员具有相当的专业性,尽管他们多数只有中等文化程度,但已经发挥着重要的技术职能,并形成了珍视技术价值的意识倾向。同时教育与生涯发展的关系在他们身上得到较为明显的体现,他们所接受的理论密切结合实践的教育方式很有借鉴意义。 西医界的护士和医生的西化程度是最明显的。大多接受过严格的专业教育,工作的要求和待遇都相当高,并形成了尊重生命、敬业乐群的职业精神。她们的教育和职业具有很强的实践性。 商业职员的情况最为复杂多样。他们所受的教育从小学到专科学校不等,有的来自商科学校,有的受过学徒训练,也有业余学校毕业的。他们的就业方式也同样复杂,有的靠社会关系很容易觅得职位,有的则经过几年的努力才找到满意的工作,也有半路改行而来的,甚至还有毕业后找不到相关的工作而被迫改从他业的。在当时复杂的社会背景中,商业职员似乎并未能够充分发掘和张扬自己的商业文化。 以上三类职员几乎都不同程度地受到社会动荡的影响,而战争的影响尤其巨大。他们基本上都接受过专门教育,对自己的职业价值也基本能够认可。不过三类职员各自的行业个性也比较明显。 最后一章里对这项研究的内容作了总结,并重新审视了研究方法和今后的研究课题。结论认为,职员群体已经构成了一个独立的阶层,在经济、政治、文化等各方面都有自己的独特性,但是这一阶层的发展却比较缓慢,以至并未导致整个社会结构的重大变迁。这主要为中国半世纪的动荡的社会条件所限定。虽然教育与职员发展有一定的适应性,但这只是低水平的适应,并不能实现教育与职员的重大发展,说明只有充分重视和发展经济事业,职员阶层才能得到更大的发展。

【Abstract】 In the view of white collars’ development, began with field investigation of old white collar’ life history, the author want to indicate the relation between white collar’ life and education. For little related data, the author had to find more data by himself-by dictation survey, by statistics work from some related literature, etc.By the end of 1930s, the white collars of shanghai had developed one class-the second largest class, only after the working class. Most of them lived a bit rich life, received elementary school education or more and stood neither side of revolutionary classes or ruling classes. But the white collars distributed un-evenly. Almost all of tern were males, and most of them worked in commerce and in spinning. Few of them were in high position of the company.By cases analysis, the thesis indicates 3 groups of white collars-technicians, nurses, and clerks.With the demand of professional skills, technicians, all of them received secondary vocational education or more. And there were a good relation between the theories and the practices in the education. They had been played in important positions, and respected the value of technology.The nurses received even more strict education. They had to learn hardly and work hardly too. But almost all of them were satisfied with their profession, for they could get a job easily and had a very high salary.Clerks varied greatly with cases. Their education were elementary, middle, secondary and third level schools. Some of them come from apprenticeship, some from commerce schools, some from part-time schools. They found job easily or difficultly, depending on their relationship with the companies. The changes in the career were great, some got out of commerce, and some others got in.All of the 3 groups were affected by the wars and big social movement. These social events stopped their education, or made them lost job. Even so, every group had their own character.In conclusion, the author points out, the white collars had developed a single class politically, economically, and culturally. But this class had grown very slowly because of long-time social convulsion. Only with peace and great striving for economic development, can the class grow well.

  • 【分类号】C913.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】752

