

【作者】 陈建平

【导师】 王斯德;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 杜鲁门继任总统后,在内政方面,顶住保守派的巨大压力,继承罗斯福的政治遗产,提出了公平施政纲领。公平施政不仅捍卫了罗斯福新政的成果,而且还在继承新政成果的基础上对新政加以完善和拓展,是美国20世纪新自由主义改革史上一个承前启后的重要阶段。公平施政对促进社会经济发展、提高美国人民物质文明生活水平、实现更大程度的种族平等、使美国进一步向福利国家迈进等方面都起了积极作用。正是杜鲁门的公平施政,才传承了美国20世纪的新自由主义改革,把美国社会推上新的发展台阶。因此,本文以《在“公平施政”的旗帜下——杜鲁门政府内政研究》为题,力图对杜鲁门的公平施政作一个全面的论述。 全文约22万字,共分为7个部分,即绪言、第一章公平施政纲领的出台及背景、第二章宪政制度的完善和政府机构改革、第三章杜鲁门政府的公民权利问题、第四章杜鲁门政府的经济政策、第五章杜鲁门政府的社会保障政策和结束语。 绪言部分简要介绍了本课题的研究意义、杜鲁门的生平及其所处的时代、国内外史学界对本课题的研究现状以及本文写作的初衷。 第一章公平施政纲领的出台及背景。本章先介绍杜鲁门继任总统时所面对的国际国内局势,特别是在国内政治和经济方面所遇到的一系列难题。然后叙述杜鲁门公平施政纲领的主要内容及其演变过程。 在大战结束时,杜鲁门向国会提出了包括政府机构改革、充分就业、扩大社会保障、解决公共住房等计划在内的21点纲领,从而拉开了“公平施政”的序幕。1948年竞选连任成功后,杜鲁门在其1949年的年度国情咨文中,把过去各种建议综合起来,形成一个更广泛、更系统、更具体的计划,正式提出了“公平施政”的口号。从此,“公平施政”就如罗斯福的“新政”一样,成为杜鲁门政府内政纲领的标志。公平施政是罗斯福新政的继续和发展,公平施政是20世纪初以来美国新自由主义改革的一个承前启后的历史阶段。 最后再分析杜鲁门提出公平施政的三个因素:杜鲁门个人政治上的需要、杜鲁门个人政治信仰的反映以及杜鲁门政府对外政策的必然要求。 第二章宪政制度的完善和政府机构改革。本章介绍杜鲁门对国家机器进行的必要调整,即对政府机构进行了一系列的改革,并完善了美国的宪政制度。 杜鲁门修改了美国总统继任制的有关规定,进一步扩大总统的权力,特别是在立法、外交等方面的权力,从而完善了美国的宪政制度。 杜鲁门的政府机构改革包括裁减战时机构和改组、增设一些新机构两个层面。杜鲁门把政府机构改革作为公平施政的一个重要内容,大力裁减在新政和战争期间设立的一些政府机构,提高办事效率,减轻政府负担。同时根据形势的需要,增设国防部、中央情报局、国家安全委员会、原子能委员会、参谋长联席会议、经济顾问委员会等一些重要机构,使美国政府行政机制得到进一步完善,更加适应时代的要求。 杜鲁门进行的政府机构改革使美国政府的决策机制更加完善,决策程序更加规范,更具有科学性和民主性。同时,总统权力的扩大提高了总统解决日益复杂、广泛的社会、政治、经济问题的能力,完善了美国的宪政制度,这些都对战后美国的发展产生了深远的影响。 第三章杜鲁门政府的公民权利问题。本章介绍杜鲁门时期同公民权利有关的三个问题:联邦雇员忠诚调查计划、同麦卡锡主义的斗争、黑人民权状况的改善。 杜鲁门之所以在任内进行忠诚调查,既是美国反共产主义传统的反映,也是杜鲁门与保守派、特别是同共和党进行政治斗争的需要,同时也与杜鲁门自己对这一问题的认识有关。忠诚调查在实施的过程逐步升级并越来越多地侵犯公民的自由民主权利,这是杜鲁门不愿看到的。杜鲁门虽然也是个坚决的反共产主义者,但是,他同共和党人对形势的判断完全不同,认为国内不存在着共产主义颠覆的危险。杜鲁门进行忠诚调查初衷是为了驳斥共和党对民主党政府对“共产主义软弱”的指责,希望在不剥夺个人权利的基础上来确保美国的国家安全。当杜鲁门感到忠诚调查对公民自由的威胁越来越大时,己经无法按照自己的意愿去改变它了。这是杜鲁门最悲哀的地方。 同麦卡锡主义的斗争是本章的第二部分内容。麦卡锡主义是麦卡锡等在美国政治和社会生活中掀起的一股反动政治潮流。杜鲁门对麦卡锡主义日益泛滥的非常痛心,也试图与之进行斗争,但收效甚微。 黑人民权状况的改善是本章的第三部分内容。在黑人民权运动日渐高涨的背景下,杜鲁门在民权问题上采取一些重要措施,其力度大大超过了罗斯福时代。杜鲁门建立“总统民权委员会”对民权状况进行全面调查,该委员会经调查提出了《为保障这些权利》的报告,产生了巨大的反响。在委员会报告的基础上,杜鲁门向国会提交了关于民权问题的立法的10点纲领。此外,杜鲁门还以颁布总统行政命令的方式绕过国会保守派的阻挠,取消了军队中的种族歧视和种族隔离。在杜鲁门政府的影响下,美国最高法院在几个有关民权的诉讼中做出了有利于黑人的判决,为最终废除“隔离但平等”的原则创造了条件。 第四章杜鲁门政府的经济政策。在经济方面,杜鲁门顺应20

【Abstract】 After he succeeded presidency, Truman withstood the great pressure from the conservatives, inherited the political inheritance of President Roosevelt and put forward Fair Deal platform in domestic affairs. Fair Deal not only defended and inherited the achievements of the New Deal, but also expanded and perfected it. It was an important stage of the 20th century’s New Liberalism Reform of the United States, which carried on the past and opened a way for future. With the implementation of Fair Deal, economic development was promoted, the living standard of the American people was enhanced and social equality was realized to a greater degree, so that the United States was made well on its way towards a welfare state. Besides, it was Truman’s Fair Deal that carried on the New Liberalism Reform of the United States in the 20th century and pushed the American society to a new developing stage. This dissertation, entitled "Under the Banner of Fair Deal: a Research on the Domestic Policy of the Truman Administration ", is just an attempt to give a comprehensive analysis of Truman’s Fair Deal.The dissertation consists of 5 chapters together with an introduction and the conclusion. The Introduction briefly discusses the significance of the research on Fair Deal, introduces Truman’s life and the time period he lived, reviews the current research situation at home and abroad, and explains the original purpose of this writing.Chapter one, the Coming out of Fair Deal and its Background, gives a description of the domestic and international situations Truman faced when he succeeded the presidency, especially the difficulties in the aspects of domestic politics and economy. Then, the main contents of Fair Deal platform and its development are introduced, with an emphasis on the nature of the Fair Deal.When the World War Two ended, Truman submitted a 21-point program to the Congress, which covered reforming the government institution, realizing full employment, extending social security and providing public houses. It marked the beginning of the Fair Deal. After he was re-elected, Truman summed up all of his advices in his State of Union Message 1949 and transformed them into a program more comprehensive, more systemic and more specific, which he formally named it the "Fair Deal". From then on, "Fair Deal" became a symbol of Truman’s municipal program just as that of Roosevelt’s New Deal. Fair Deal was the continuing and further development of the New Deal, as well as a historic stage of the New Liberalism reform that carried on the past and opened a way for future.Finally this chapter analyses the three factors that made Truman put forward Fair Deal platform: the political need of Truman, Truman’s political faith and the inevitable requirement of Truman’s foreign policy.Chapter Two, The Institutional Reform of the Government and the Perfection of the Constitutional System, describes Truman’s adjustment of national machine that was very necessary at that time. Truman finished a series of reformation to the government institutions and perfected the Constitutional system.Truman revised the rules about the succession of presidency and extended the power of the president, especially in the field of diplomacy and legislation, thereby perfected the constitutional system.Truman’s institutional reforms involved cutting the wartime organization, reshuffling some organizations, and establishing some new organizations. Truman established the Department of Defense, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Council, Atomic Energy Commission, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Council of Economic Advisers and some other important government departments. What he did made the government’s administrative mechanism more effective. It was, therefore, an adaptation to the demand of the development of the time.Truman’s institutional reforms made the American government’s decision-making mechanism more perfect, decision-making process more canonical, more scientific and more democratic. At the same time, the extension of president’s power incre

  • 【分类号】K712
  • 【被引频次】10
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