

【作者】 周春玲

【导师】 王晓明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 博士


【摘要】 文学的常态,或者说什么样的关系才是文学与现实生活所要建立起的理想、良性的正常关系,这一直是文学界在探讨和关注的问题。就九十年代文学来说,它一方面是向着现实密切地靠拢,而另一方面则是离现实生活越来越远,也许借用陈晓明的话就是:“文学与现实的关系,从来没有像现在这样直接而又虚幻,这样亲切而又表面”。这正是问题的复杂性所在。文学无法介入到现实之中,固然是因为,我们当下面对的是一个前所未有的复杂而又暧昧不清的时代,社会巨变带来的震荡和对人们生活的改变远远超出了我们在八十年代的想象。在此情此境中,旧有的文学常规业已基本失效。但也与九十年代作家自身素质的不足有关。 导言部分主要就九十年代文学无法真正介入现实生活的原因提出了自己的看法,并给出了具体的分析。同时,认为文学要想真正介入到现实中,必须以文学独有的审美的方式才最有效。 第一章 九十年代小说的叙事形式:关于写实 九十年代小说的叙事大抵可以说是一种“写实”的风格。但从整体上来看,九十年代小说的叙事过于平实,尽管在这中间,也不乏一些锐意进取的作家写出了一些形式新颖的作品,但普遍是叙事的粗糙化和陈旧感,甚至回到了一种最原始的写作方式之中,文学的“写实”变成了文学的“实写”。倘若仔细辨析,九十年代小说叙事的“写实”已不完全是传统意义上的“写实”,它们遵循着不同的写作规则。在貌似传统“写实”的外表下,是旧的叙事模式的变形以及新的叙事因子的增加。例如,在九十年代小说叙事中,放弃了传统叙事中的典型塑造,放弃了戏剧化的情节。另外,人物刻画也并不是小说叙事的用力所在,同时,叙事态度也发生了相应的变化。本章就九十年代小说形式因素中的主要概念:“还原”式写作和“琐碎化”倾向以及“真实性”问题来展开论述,目的是勾勒九十年代小说“写实”的主要成因以及其与现实文化结构之间的复杂关系,并给出相应的评价和解释。 第二章 日常生活写作:“敞开”与“遮蔽” 进入九十年代以来,随着中国世俗化进程的演进和消费主义浪潮的出现,“日常生活”越来越成为人们生活的重心和主线,个人的日常生活经验开始大规模地进入到文学创作之中,再加上,文学意图以书写日常生活来对宏大叙事进行消解,这样,在九十年代的小说写作中,日常生活叙事似乎以一种独立的姿态,以所谓的“敞开”和“原生态”而建立起了自己的叙事逻辑,但实际上,就九十年代具体的文学实践来说,九十年代的日常生活写作远远未达到令人满意的地步。本章第一节主要探讨了九十年代文学对世俗幸福是如何进行理解和释义的,认为:九十年代文学虽然及时地捕绘了当下人们在追求世俗幸福时的种种情态,但是,由于种种原因,文学非但没有积聚起对抗这种流行潮流的力量,反而是在对此描述的过程中激发了民众对世俗幸福更多的想象。第二节主要讨论九十年代文学是如何看待、回应在物化现实中人的情感方式、伦理、价值的变化,主要以张欣、唐颖、陈丹燕等作家的作品为对象展开论述。同时,也探讨一批与此相关的九十年代末期出现的所谓“另类”写作。第三节围绕着九十年代文学所表现的“庸常”和“无聊”的精神状况展开论述,指出这其中所隐藏的时代的重大精神问题。第三章从“艰难”到“苦难”—九十年代小说对现实的“冲击” 从九十年代中期开始,渐渐有一批作家从日常生活的琐事中脱离出来,将目光投向了身外那急剧变动和更为严峻的社会现实。他们或对国营工厂、乡镇企业艰难的发展现状担忧,或对底层人民生存的苦难深深同情和怜悯,他们带着疑惑、忧虑、愤慈的情绪试图通过对这些现状的描述来对现实做出回应,并对现实发出文学久违的“冲击”。然而,由于其思想力度的不足和精神资源的匾乏,他们无法对现实问题做出更深的思索和洞察;另外,想象力的贫弱,以及当下现实过于巨测和复杂,使得这些作品在介入现实时显得乏力,这也是九十年代小说在对现实生活进行回应时所存在的主要缺陷。本章在第一小节里主要从“现实主义冲击波”小说所展现的“艰难”现状,如何回应和解决这“艰难”现状,以及其艺术表现的粗糙这三个方面展开具体论述。第二节主要是以当下底层苦难叙述为主要分析对象,认为:九十年代的小说在对苦难进行叙述的时候,过分停留于对苦难事实的展示上,而缺乏对苦难深层原因的追究和探讨,从而削弱了对现实的批判力度;过分关注受难者在物质层面的困窘,而漠视、忽略了人在苦难中的精神和心理上的苦痛;在给出解除苦难的出路上,作家缺乏探寻的精神和更深层的理性的思考。结语文学的坚守 不管文学外部的生产机制发生了怎样的变化,也不管文学自身有了怎样的改变,文学还是应该坚守些什么,只有在这坚守中,它才能持久地芬芳,清洁和美好。在结语中,提出了两个希望。一是希望文学能坚守它的情感的力量。因为没有一部好的文学作品,不是通过情感来打动人,文学能吸引读者,恐怕靠的就是对人的内心情感的触动和击穿。而九十年代以来的文学在写作中是缺乏情感的,特别是缺乏一种能让人感到温暖和诗意的力量,这与作家

【Abstract】 What is the ideal, stable, and proper relationship between literature and real life? This question is always the focus and is discussed. Chen Xiao-ming describes 90s’ literature like the following, "Now, the relation between literature and reality is never more straight and close while shadowy and ostensible". It is the complexity that 90s’ literature is getting more involved to the reality, while it is getting farther. Why can’t the literature intervene in the real life? Not only because we live in such a complex and ambiguous times, and the great change of the society and the life has extended imagination and knowledge from the experience of 80’s, so the old literature rules are no longer valid but also because of the capability of the litterateur. In the introduction part, I analyze the reason why 90’s literature can’t intervene into the real life and present that the particular aesthetics taste is the only way by which the literature can intervene into the reality.In the first chapter, I talk about the narration of 90s’ novels. As the whole, 90s’ novels are realistic, but the over simple result in the copy of the reality. We can find that the narration of 90s’ novels is no longer the traditional style, although it is apparently seem same to the traditional realism. The narration of 90s’ novels uses the "raw" life recording, and discard the typical figuring, dramatic scenario. The main difference is the character depiction and the narration attitude. In this chapter, the main concepts of narration of 90s’ novels, "raw life recording" and "detail depicting", are discussed to explain the dominating reason which result in the 90s’ narration style. And I present the relationship between the narration of 90s’ novel and the reality culture structure.In the second chapter, we discuss the everyday life composition. In the 90s, with the emerging of the secularization process and the consumptive tide, "everyday life" has been take as the most important part of the life, the personal everyday life experience began to come into the literature composition. It is also used to clear up the magnificent narration. In 90s’ literature, everyday life narration seems founding the narration logic in an independent way, say, open and raw, but as to the reality and practice, the everyday composition is far from satisfying. In the first part we mainly discussed how to understand and explain the mundane happiness. It is declared that although the 90s’ literature timely snapshot the various scenarios while the people is pursuing the mundane happiness, for some reason it does not accumulate the energy to fight against the popular tide, it excite more imagination for the mundane happiness. In the second part, I discussed how the 90s’ literature deal with the change of the person’s sensibility, ethic, value. Some writer’s novels are discussed, including Zhang Xin, Tang Ying, Chen Dan-yan etc. In this part, "unconventional" composition emerging at the end of 90s is also discussed. In the third part, the discuss begin with the "mediocrity" and "fastidium" of 90s’ literature, and point out the non-trivial spirit problem.The third chapter discuss the "hardship" and "tribulation", analyzing how the 90s’ literature impact the reality. From the middle of 90s, some writers pay attention to the rapid changing and flinty reality. They worry about the difficulties of the factory development, sympathize and commiserate the tribulation of rough scuff, try to respond to the reality with doubt, worry, and resentfulness and begin an literature "impact" to the reality. Nevertheless, because the lack of mentality strength and spirit resource, they are not able to inspect and ponder the problem of reality deeper. And because of the leanness of imagination and the excessively complex and unpredictable reality, the 90s’ literature is impotent when intervene the reality which is the main limitation of the 90s’ literature respond to the reality. The first part discuss the "flinty" actuality that "realism shock wave" novels present, how to respond and resol

  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1025

