

【作者】 李军

【导师】 阎守诚;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 唐朝温暖湿润的气候使其成为中国历史上一个自然灾害频发的朝代。自然灾害的发生,从根本上而言是一场危机,它的发生使社会各层面受到冲击,迫使社会各阶层做出不同的应对措施,以求平稳渡过危机。 一般而言,中国古代自然灾害引发的社会危机,可粗略地概括为两大方面:一是在社会经济方面。灾害给民众的生产、生活带来巨大的破坏,减灾救灾、恢复生产是当务之急;二是社会政治方面。灾害冲击封建统治,政局的动荡为各社会阶层、集团的斗争提供了新的平台。关于灾害危机与唐代社会的应对以往学者关注的重点在于政府的赈灾措施,讨论的问题多在于灾荒救济方面,如仓储的建立、救荒制度的实施等等。政府的这些救荒活动一定程度上缓解了饥荒的压力。但总体来说,政府自我的救助目标永远高于救助灾民的目标,而灾荒的恶化也往往是政府的恶劣表现所致。但过去对这方面的研究远远不够,灾害危机在政治方面的影响和作用也应引起相应的关注。 自西汉而来,“天人感应”的“灾异天谴论”严重影响着唐朝政府对于灾荒的处置措施,也是灾害危机和影响唐代政治的理论根据。 灾害危机对皇权形成巨大的冲击。身为上天在人间代言人的皇帝在灾后的应对必然是先对上天负责,他们往往要下诏自谴,采取一系列禳弭灾害的行动,如避正殿、减膳、祈禳、出宫女、改元、虑囚、下诏求言等,用现代科学眼光看,有些属于封建迷信,甚至荒诞不经的。其实,从唐代史料看,这些活动有丰富的政治内涵,并会对救灾以至政局发生一定的影响;但就当时的实际情况而言,应该加以具体分析,有些措施对于改善灾民环境、稳定灾民心理、安定社会秩序均具有一定的进步意义,它们与减灾救济活动相辅相成,不能偏废,是不能全面否定的。 灾害危机对朝廷政局产生潜在的影响,如,灾害会使太子的确立产生变故;宰相们基于“阴阳燮理”说,而请求辞职禳灾;朝廷党争也往往利用灾害带来的契机展开:地方官的救助活动配合朝廷进行,实行禳灾与救灾两种方式。 灾害危机使社会形成动荡。东突厥、吐蕃、回鹘等少数民族的命运在灾荒的影响下发生变化,或盛或衰;灾荒也影响着朝廷与少数民族间的关系;灾害的发生影响到朝廷对待藩镇的态度;灾害带来的最大后果是丧失了生产与生活资料的百姓,在政府的不作为,甚至更重的腐败与剥削下,忍无可忍,为了获得生存的机会,灾民们只好揭竿而起,唐王朝二百九十余年的寿命毁于一旦,灾害是其重要原因之一。 认清唐朝各阶层在灾害时期的不同反应,而不是随便地以“迷信”或“荒诞”而置之不理,对于丰富唐朝历史的了解,尤其是对唐代政治的了解是有所裨益的。

【Abstract】 Tang dynasty is a natural calamities frequently occurring times owing to its warmth and moisture. As far as the nature is concerned , the natural calamities’ appearance is a crisis. The social levels were shocked by their occurrence. This made the levels carry out all kinds of measures in order to steadily overcome the crisis.In general, we can roughly summarize two aspects according to natural calamities’ leading to social crisis: one is social economy. The calamities brought many losses to people’s manufactures and lives. Lessening calamities and rescuing calamities are urgent; The other is social politics. The calamities lashed feudal dominion. Political situation’s turbulence provided with a new balcony for the social levels and groups’ struggles. In respect to calamities’ crisis and Tang’s handle, former historians paid attention to the authority’s measures to relieve the people in stricken areas. The topics discussed mainly centered on famine’s relief, for example, setting up storehouses, carrying out the measures to send relief to a famine area. These methods relaxed the authority’s pressure to some extent. At the same time, the government’s purpose to save oneself was much more significant than that to relieve victims of a natural disaster. Usually the authority’s disgusting conduct led to famine’s aggravation. But in the past, these researches were not far enough. The political impact of the calamities should be paid corresponding attention to."The theory of Calamity Punishments by Nature" of "Interaction between Man and Nature" had an serious effect on the Tang authority’s famine measures since Xi Han dynasty.The famine crisis had a enormous impact on imperial power or authority. As the spokesman of the Providence in the world of mortals, the monarch must be firstly responsible for the Providence. He usually promulgated rescript for condemning himself, and took a series of measures to pray to gods to avert a misfortune, such asaverting mail hall, reducing meals, praying to gods, sending out maid-in-waiting, changing the title of his reign, "Yin Zai lu Qiu" and promulgated rescript for expostulating, In terms of modern science, some measures were superstitious, even fantastic. In fact, these measures had both plentiful connotation of politics in historical data and a certain impact on political situation; and it must be construed specifically. Since some measures could improve the environment of victims, tranquilize the mind of victims and compose social order, they and the action of almsgiving were in step with each other. It must not to do one thing and neglectanother, and these measures shouldn’t be negated entirely.The famine crisis had a potential influence on imperial power or authority. For instance, the famine may change the establishment of prince or make prime ministers resign based on the "Yin Yang Xie Li". The dispute of party usually made use of famine. The salvation of local officials proceeded in concert with the court, and they prayed to gods to avert a misfortune and provided disaster relief.The famine crisis made society turbulent. The fortune of the minority such as Turks> Tubo. Huihu and so on, was made flourish or decline and the relation between court and minority was influenced. The famine had a impact on court’s the attitude towards seigniors. The most result of famine was the victims having lost the means of production and living. They couldn’t endure and had to rise up as the court didn’t provide disaster relief, or even aggravated corruption and exploitation. The Tang Dynasty ruined after lasting more than 290 years partly because of famine.If we have realized the different reactions of all estates of the Tang Dynasty, and regard them not as "superstitious" or "fantastic", it is significative to enrich the understanding of the history of the Tang Dynasty, especially the politics of the Tang Dynasty.

  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1743

