

A fMRI Study and an EEG Study of the Development of the Brain Mechanisms of Fear and Its Regulation in Adolescents

【作者】 马庆霞

【导师】 郭德俊; 郭春彦; 金真;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 青少年恐惧情绪及调节发展的研究,是当今情绪领域研究的前沿和热点课题。本研究样本选择中国青少年为被试,使用功能磁共振成像技术(fMRI)和脑电成像技术(EEG),将实验法和主观报告相结合,探讨了10—17岁青少年恐惧情绪及其调节发展的脑机制特点。青少年恐惧情绪的fMRI研究中,被试是30名10-17岁右利手青少年(15名男生,15名女生),观看10张恐惧面孔,10张中性面孔,重复4遍,每次重复中,面孔的顺序随机排列,被试判断面孔的性别。然后观看40张恐惧图片,40张中性图片。恐惧图片和中性图片间隔呈现,每组10张。青少年恐惧情绪调节的EEG研究中,被试是46名12-16岁青少年,观看20张中性图片(不调节);对恐惧图片,其中20张进行再评价调节情绪,20张仅观看,不进行情绪调节。 研究首先通过问卷调查发现,10-17岁青少年随着年龄增加,报告的感情强度降低。在fMRI的研究中发现,青少年在知觉恐惧面孔和恐惧图片时,边缘叶、右杏仁核、枕叶都有激活。知觉恐惧图片时,左杏仁核、颞叶和右额叶也有显著的激活。对恐惧面孔的知觉更多是一种习惯化的反应,可能不需要左杏仁核的参与:而对恐惧图片的知觉更多是一种评价性的反应,可能需要左杏仁核的参与。其次,在对恐惧面孔和恐惧图片的反应中,10至15岁青少年杏仁核都有激活,而15至17岁青少年杏仁核都没有激活。随着年龄增加,左额叶和枕叶的激活也随着增加。这表明随着年龄增长,青少年左额叶的发展是其恐惧情绪发展的生理基础。这一结果与问卷调查的结果是一致的,并为其提供了生理依据。第三,女生在知觉情绪刺激时,额叶和边缘系统及大脑后部的激活都高于男生,因而产生更强的情绪体验。说明男女生的情绪体验差异是有大脑生理基础的。在EEG的研究中发现,12-14岁初中生知觉恐惧图片时,左前额叶(FP1)位置11.72Hzα2波提高,右顶叶(P8、P4、CP4、PZ、CPZ)9.77Hzα1波降低。15-16岁高中生知觉恐惧图片时,前额叶(FCZ、FZ、F4、F8、F3、F7、FP1)位置11.72Hzα2波、右额叶(F8、FT8、FC4)10.74Hzα1波、前额叶位置(FZ、F7、F8)8.79Hzα1波提高,中线额(FZ)、左半球(FC3、C3、TP7、CP3、P7、P3)、顶叶(CZ、Pz、CPZ、CP4)9.77Hzα1波降低。额叶的发展是青少年恐惧情绪发展的大脑生理基础,也就是说,在青少年时期,大脑仍处于发展阶段,具有一定的可塑性。这些结果与Davidson等人的研究结果是一致的。 特别是本研究首次使用EEG研究情绪调节,结果发现,青少年前额叶和左颞叶θ波与恐惧情绪调节有关。对于12-14岁初中生来说,对恐惧情绪进行调节时,左额叶(FP1,F7,FT7)和左颞叶(T7)6.84Hz θ波,以及中线额(FZ,CZ)和右中额(FC4,F4)5.86Hz θ波降低。对于15-16岁高中生来说,对恐惧情绪进行调节时,额叶(FP1、F7、F3、F4)和左颞叶(FT7、T7)4.88Hz θ波,以及右侧额(FT8,F8)和左侧额(FT7)、右顶叶(CP4,P4,CPZ,PZ)5.86Hz θ波降低。同时还形成了EEG研究情绪调节脑机制的新模式。结果表明,可以用EEG探讨情绪调节的脑机制。这些都是本研究的创新之处。本研究用实验证实了情绪神经心理学的理论观点,即大脑额叶调节、控制情绪反应。前额皮层的发展是情绪和情绪调节发展的大脑生理基础。 总之,本研究采用中国青少年被试和中国人的面部表情图片,使用fMRI和EEG等先进技术,研究恐惧情绪和情绪调节发展的脑机制,获得了与国际上已有研究一致的结果。同时,创新性的使用EEG研究恐惧情绪的调节,获得了有意义的结果,并且形成了新的EEG研究模式。这些研究结果为我国青少年恐惧情绪和情绪调节发展的研究积累了脑机制的的资料,也为青少年恐惧情绪和恐惧情绪调节发展的特点,提供一定的生理依据,为揭示青少年情绪和情绪调节发展的规律提供了实验依据。

【Abstract】 The brain mechanisms of fear and its regulation in adolescents from 10 to 17 years old were investigated by using fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and EEG (electroencephalogram) techniques. In the fMRI study, thirty right-handed healthy adolescents (from 10 to 17 years old) viewed blocks of fearful faces (10 faces) alternating with neutral faces in blocks (10 faces). After presentation of each face, subjects made a decision as to its sex by pressing one of two buttons. Then subjects viewed blocks of fearful pictures (10 pictures) alternating with neutral faces in blocks (10 pictures). Each experiment comprised eight separate 30-s presentation phases, alternating between 10 fearful and 10 neutral stimuli. In EEG study, emotional EEG was recorded from forty-six right-handed healthy adolescents (from 12 to 16 years old). The EEG study included "Attend trials" and "Reappraise trials". On Attend trials, either a fearful or a neutral picture was shown and participants were instructed to attend to, but not to try to alter any feelings elicited by it. On Reappraise trials, a fearful picture was shown and participants were instructed to reinterpret the picture so that no longer elicited a negative response. Results and conclusions: Adolescents (from 10 to 17 years old) reported higher affective experience in the response to fearful pictures and fearful faces with grade. Significant activation was observed in the limbic lobe, right amygdala and occipital lobe during the facial expressions task and the picture task. Significant activation was also observed in the temporal lobe, left amygdala and right frontal lobe during the picture task. The activation in the left frontal lobe and occipital lobe was greater with age during the task. Significant activation was observed in the amygdala in adolescents from 10 to 15 years old during the task. No significant activation was observed in the amygdala in adolescents from 15 to 17 years old during the task. There was greater activation in the limbic lobe, frontal lobe and occipital lobe in girls than in boys during the picture task. Adolescents (12-14 years old ) displayed larger 11.72-Hz a 2-band at the left prefrontal lobe and smaller 9.77-Hz a 1-band at the right parietal lobe when they were instructed to Attend fear picture than to Attend neutral pictures. In contrast, adolescents (15-16 years) displayed larger 11.72-Hza 2-band at the frontal lobe and larger 10.74-Hz a 1-band at the rightfrontal lobe and larger 8.79-Hz a 1-band at the frontal lobe and smaller 9.77-Hz a 1-band at the central frontal lobe and the left hemisphere and the parietal lobe when they were instructed to Attend fear picture than to Attend fearful picture. The development of the prefrontal lobe is the brain mechanisms of the development of fear in adolescents. The brain is plastic in adolescent stage. These results were consistent with Davidson et al.’s findings.EEG was used firstly to examine the brain mechanisms underlying emotion regulation. The EEG study showed that 9 -band amplitude at the frontal lobe and the left temporal lobe was related to emotion regulation of fear in adolescents. Adolescents (12-14 years old) displayed smaller 6.84-Hz theta-band at the left frontal lobe and the left temporal lobe and smaller 5.86-Hz theta-band at the central frontal lobe and the right frontal lobe when they were instructed to regulate fear than to watch fearful pictures. In contrast, adolescents (15-16 years) displayed smaller 4.88-Hz theta-band at the frontal lobe and the left temporal lobe and smaller 5.86-Hz theta-band at the frontal lobe and the right parietal lobe at when they were instructed to regulate fear than to watch fearful pictures. In this study, new model was developed to explore the brain mechanisms underlying emotion regulation. EEG can be used to examine emotion regulation. The proposals from the neuropsychological theories for emotion were demenstrated. The prefrontal lobe is the brain mechanisms underlying the development of fear and its regulation. This study had theoretical and

【关键词】 青少年恐惧情绪调节脑机制fMRIEEG
【Key words】 AdolescentsFearEmotion regulationBrain mechanismsfMRIEEG
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1545

