

Oil and Gas Geological Characteristics of Compresso-Shear Basins in Middle and West Areas, China

【作者】 黄泽光

【导师】 彭大钧; 易荣龙;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以石油地质的基本理论为指导,采用多旋回盆地分析、构造解析及复式成藏的分析方法和整体、动态、复合、叠置、有效的基本思路,运用重点解剖及比较分析的方法,遵循由面到点,再到面的技术路线。首先通过对全球压扭性盆地的系统总结,分析中国中西部压扭性盆地的成盆、成烃及成藏特点,并对塔北与塔西南地区成藏条件进行类比分析,得出中西部压扭性盆地的油气地质特征,最后指出塔西南拗陷的有利勘探领域。取得的主要成果如下: (1)压扭性盆地定义为:走滑断层系中由挤压作用形成的盆地,以及先前形成的盆地在演化的某个阶段,盆地的一部分或整体被压扭作用改造的盆地。因此可将压扭性盆地划分:a、原生压扭性盆地;b、后生压扭性盆地。并进一步分为弱压扭盆地和强压扭盆地。 (2)中西部地区,在古生代主要处于一种伸展环境,因而发育若干大大小小的克拉通块体,如塔里木、准噶尔、四川等。在块体之间发育一些小洋盆和海槽,如天山洋、昆仑洋、阿尔金洋、秦岭洋等,它们历经开合,并最终消亡,形成聚敛环境,导致造山带升起,山前带沉降,为众多原生压扭性盆地的成盆奠定了基础。侏罗—白垩纪由于羌塘板片及冈底斯板片的碰撞力度相对较小,曾一度造成中西部地区应力的减弱,工区若干坳陷扩大,湖泊扩展。E3—N1雅鲁藏布缝合带的关闭和N2—Q1在喜马拉雅山前发生了印度块体向北的陆内俯冲,喜马拉雅的高高隆起,恒河前渊深沉降。这一场运动的强烈活动,导致中西部地区的强烈挤榨及其相匹配的走滑扭动。对原有的多种类型盆地进行了深刻的改造,因而形成众多后生压扭型盆地。 (3)通过塔西南拗陷、库车拗陷、川西拗陷、准噶尔南缘拗陷中新生界构造演化、地层沉积、烃源岩特征、形变特征的类比分析,将库车拗陷、准噶尔南缘拗陷划分为弱压扭盆地;塔西南拗陷、川西拗陷划分为强压扭盆地。 (4)将压扭性盆地成藏机制总结出5种类型:a、冲断带构造驱动流成藏;b、前渊坳陷深部高压封存箱水溶对流原生成藏;c、封存箱外,混相涌流浅部次生成藏;d、斜坡带重力流驱动成藏;e、底辟构造混相涌流成藏。 (5)塔西南坳陷的成臧特点:a、发育海、陆相多套烃源岩,资源类型丰富;b、压扭冲断带部位的断裂系统可以沟通深层的源岩,在浅层形成次生气藏:c、具有的强扭动特征,导致其构造变形形变带窄、形变强度大的特点;d、麦盖提斜坡带构造类圈闭不发育,但发育的多个不整合面为非构造及复合类圈闭的形成创造了条件。 (6)塔西南拗陷的有利勘探领域:a、库孜贡苏走滑断裂带旁侧的背斜带;b、和田古隆起;c、和田前陆冲断带;d、麦盖提斜坡北缘及巴楚隆起部位海西晚期东西向断裂构造带;e、麦盖提斜坡非背斜带。

【Abstract】 On the guide of basic theory of petroleum geology, polycyclic basin analysis, structure analysis, complex reservoir formation analysis and the integral, dynamic, complex, superimposed and effective basic train of thought were adopted in this thesis. The methods of emphasis analysis and correlation analysis were used, abided by the technical route from region to local and again to region. Firstly, the compresso-shear basins of all the world were systematically summarized, and the features of oil and gas geology of compresso-shear basins in middle and west area, China were studied, and then the conditions of reservoir formation in north and west area of Tarim basin were compared, the characteristics of oil and gas geology of compresso-shear basins in middle and west areas was obtained. Finally, the good prospecting areas in southwest Tarim depression of Tarim basin were pointed out. The main results of this thesis as following:(l)The compressso-shear basin was defined as the basin formed by compression in strike-slip fault system and the previously formed basin partly or wholly transformed by compresso-shear structure. Therefore, the compresso-shear basins could be divided into (a) primary compresso-shear basin and (b) epigenetic compresso-shear basin, and further could be divided into weak compresso-shear basin and strong compresso-shear basin.(2) The middle and west areas of China were at extension structural setting during Paleozoic and several large and small craton blocks were developed, such as Tarim, Junggar and Sichuan. Some small ocean basins and geosynclines were developed between blocks, such as the Tianshan ocean, Kunlun ocean, Aerjin ocean and Qinlin ocean. They underwent opening and closing and finally withering away to form convergent structural setting, which resulted in uplifting of orogenic belt and settling of piedmont zone. This laid a foundation for the formation of many primary compresso-shear basins. The stress of middle and westarea had been weakened which made the depressions extended and the lakes enlarged during Jurassic and Cretaceous because the intensity of collision between the Qiangtang plate and the Gangdisi plate was relative smaller. The closing of the Yaluzangbu suture zone during Oligocene to Miocene and the intracontinental subduction towards to north of the Indian plate occurred in Himalayan piedmont zone during Pliocene to Pleistocene, caused the Himalayan mountain uplifting highly and the Henghe foredeep settling deeply. The strong activity of this movement resulted in strong compression and corresponding strike-slip and shear in middle and west areas, China, and the primary basins with several types were transformed significantly to form many epigenetic compresso-shear basins.(3)The Kuche depression, the south part depression of Junggar basin were classified to weak compresso-shear basin and the southwest depression of Tarim basin and the west Sichuan depression of Sichuan basin were classified to strong compresso-shear basin by correlation analysis of structural evolution of Mesozoic and Cenozoic, strata sediment, characteristics of source rocks and deformation pattern for these depressions.(4) Five mechanisms of reservoir formation in compresso-shear basins were summarized. They were (a) reservoir formed by the thrusting zone structural driving flow, (b) reservoir formed by convection of water solution of high pressure "close box" in deep of foredeep depression, (c) reservoir formed secondarily by mixed upwelling fluids outside the "close box" , (d) reservoir formed by driving of slope zone gravity flow , (e) mixed upwelling fluids of diapir structure.(5)The features of reservoir formation for the southwest depression of Tarim basin were (a) several marine and continental facies source rocks were developed and the resource types were rich, (b) the source rocks in deep could be linked up by fault system at compresso-shear thrusting zone, and the secondary gas reservoir formed at shallower strata, (c)the strong shear stress resulted in the features of narrow structu

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】554

