

Reservoir Goechemical Study of Hydrocarbon Filling History Continental Basin

【作者】 罗小平

【导师】 沈忠民; 林壬子;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2004, 博士


【摘要】 本文通过东濮凹陷桥口-白庙地区烃源岩及油气地球化学特征研究,系统分析了该区天然气与原油的成因;通过含油砂岩中孔隙中自由态烃、颗粒吸附态烃、油气包裹体烃及粘土矿物吸附烃的地球化学特征分析,研究了油气不同注入期次的流体性质;对储层自生矿物K/Ar同位素测年、油气包裹体均一化温度研究了各区块的油气注入的期次与时间;探讨了该区油气成藏机理,指出了油气富集的基本规律。 论文主要在以下几方面取得了较大的进展: (1)白庙与桥口地区天然气虽同属湿气,但成分有一定差异,桥口地区天然气甲烷含量均小于80%,甲烷/重烃为5左右;而白庙地区天然气甲烷含量相近,普遍高于88%,甲烷/重烃>10。产生桥口、白庙天然气组份差异的主要原因除成熟度影响外,天然气的母源类型起决定作用。白庙地区天然气主要来源于前梨园洼陷第三系烃源岩和石炭—二叠系煤系地层,靠近兰聊断裂带构造高点,浅层ES2~ES31气层具有较高的40Ar/36Ar比值,为煤型气及混合气,而远离兰聊断裂带,且处于构造低部位的ES33~ES34气层具有较低的Ar40/Ar36比值,为油型气:桥口构造ES33、ES34段气层主要为油型气: (2)天然气氦同位素分析表明桥口地区深层天然气为壳源气,白庙地区气藏主要为煤型油型复合气藏,并有少量幔源氦的混入。 (3)油源对比结果表明,桥口地区浅层ES1~ES2油源主要来源于东部前梨园洼陷与西部海通集洼陷孟居-南湖地区ES3段烃源岩早期生成的成熟度较低的原油,东翼葛岗集洼陷一侧的桥14、20、23、25、60井深层与葛岗集洼陷烃源岩有关,桥口垒块桥38井原油与前梨园洼陷烃源岩有关;白庙构造北翼前8、白12井原油主要与前梨园洼陷ES3段烃源岩有关,构造中部白54、17、9等井的凝析油与前梨园洼陷洼陷中心的ES32段烃源岩有关,白庙构造南翼白16、白18井原油来源于葛岗集深部ES3段生油岩,杜寨断层下降盘白55井原油与该井附近ES3段烃源岩相关。 (4)桥口-白庙地区原油及油砂抽提物饱和烃含量高,一般都在80%以上,并且油砂抽提物中含有大量蜡,非烃与沥青质含量低。表明该地区原油含蜡量高为高蜡原油。通过含油砂岩自由态组分、颗粒吸附态组分、油气包裹体分析可以获得油气藏在充注过程中有机流体的地球化学性质的变化,了解油气藏在地质历史时期曾经发生过的油气成藏与再分配,比较可靠分析油气藏的成藏过程。油气包裹体与颗粒吸附态主要反映早期储层流体的相态,空隙自由态反映现今流体特性。对于多次不同性质的流体充注后期发生改造的油气藏,储层中的三种流体性质有明显区别,如李屯气藏和;对于油气来源稳定单一的油气藏三种相态的流体没有明显的差异。 (5)应用伊利石测年法、包裹体测温法分析了桥口-白庙地区油气藏的成藏时期。桥口构造顶部浅层主要成藏期为24Ma~20Ma相当于东营组沉积末到剥蚀早期,构造中南部与构造西翼及东翼地垒区的成藏时期为比较相近为33.5Ma~20Ma相当于东营组沉积期到抬升剥蚀初期,构造东翼李屯区成藏期较早为37.8Ma~20Ma相当于ES2段沉积时期到抬升剥蚀早期,该区在第四纪以来可能有天然气再次注入。白庙构造顶部浅层气藏成藏时期为28Ma~19.5 Ma,相当于东营组沉积末到抬升剥蚀初期,构造中部成藏时期为26Ma~19.5Ma,略晚于顶部浅层的成藏时期,南北两翼与杜寨断层的下降盘成藏时期相当,南翼略早于北翼,南翼成藏时期为34.5Ma~20.5Ma,北翼为34.5Ma~19Ma,杜寨断层下降盘成藏时间为35Ma~22Ma为白庙地区成藏最早的区带。通过该区成藏期分析,桥口-白庙地区构造具有顶部浅层成藏时间晚、翼部深层成藏时间早;桥口东翼南部李屯区成藏时间早于北部地垒区;白庙地区成藏期总体上具有北早、南晚、西早、东晚、构造中部成藏期最晚的特点。 (6)兰聊断层是C一尸煤成气运移通道、杜寨断层是前梨园洼陷与葛岗集洼陷深洼Es3泥岩生成的油气向白庙构造运移的主通道,白庙地区次级断裂是天然气运移的次级通道。白庙地区的C一P煤成气通过兰聊断层快速运移至浅层,由东向西运移;深洼的油气通过杜寨断层至白庙地区由西向东运移,在构造中部形成凝析气藏,在南北两翼与杜寨断层的下降盘形成含气油藏。桥口地区黄河n号断层、桥东断层、李屯断层是桥口构造运移的主要通道,这些断层的分期封闭和活动形成了桥口构造与岩性圈闭油气藏。 (7)根据油气藏相态、油气来源、成藏时间等因数,桥口构造平面上可划分4个油气充注系统:①桥口构造顶部浅层(ESI一EsZ下)油藏充注系、②中南部深层(E 53七E叮)油气充注系统、③东翼地垒带油气充注系统、④东翼南部李屯天然气充注系统:白庙构造可划分5个油气充注系统:①构造顶部浅层(Es:下一Es力天然气充注系统、②构造中部凝析气充注系统、③构造北翼油气充注系统、④构造南翼油气充注系统、⑤杜寨断层下降盘油气充注系统。

【Abstract】 Based on the research on the source rocks and the geo-chemical properties of the hydrocarbon in Duqiaobai area in Dongpu depression, this paper systematically analyzed the formation principle of the deeply buried oil and gas. The fluid properties in different injection periods were studied by analyzing geo-chemical properties of the free hydrocarbon in the pores of oil-bearing sandstone, the hydrocarbon adsorbed in grains, in inclusion enclaves, and in clay minerals. The injection periods and injection time were also studied by testing authigene K/Ar isotope and homogeneous temperature of oil and gas in inclusion enclaves. Moreover, it discussed the principle for reservoir formation and brought out the accumulating laws of hydrocarbon.Composition of natural gas is different between Baimiao and Qiaokou. though they are both wet gas. In Qiaokou area, the content of methane CH4% is less than 80%, the ratio between methane and heavy hydrocarbon is about 5, while in Baimiao area, the content of methane is more than 88%, and the ratio is more than 10. This difference is caused not only by maturity but also by source rock. Natural gas in Baimiao area is mainly derived from Tertian source rock and Carboniferous Permian formation in Qianliyuan sag, which is near the structural high on Lanliao fracture belt. The ES2-ES32 gas producing zone shallowly buried has a high value of 40Ar/36Ar, which generates coal-type gas or mixed gas: while in the lower part off the Lanliao fracture belt, ES31-ES34 gas producing zone has a low value of 40Ar/36Ar, which generates oil-type gas. The ES/ and ES34 in Qiaokou structure are mainly oil-type gas.Natural gas helium isotope analyze shows that natural gas in deep layers of Qiaokou area is of shell source. In Baimiao area gas reservoir is mainly a combination of coal-type and oil-type gas reservoir, with little mantle source helium.The correlation between oil source rock shows that oil source for the shallow ESHower ES2 in Qiaokou area mainly comes from Qianliyuan sag in the east and Haitongji sag in the west. In Qiaokou structure, well Qiaol4, 20, 23, 25, 60 are related to source rock in Gegangji sag, while oil in well Qiao38 is related to source rock in Qianliyuan sag. In Baimiao structure, oil in well Qian8 and Bai12 is related to source rock of ES33-ES34 in Qianliyuan sag; in the central of the structure, the condensate in well Bai54, 17, 9 is related to the source rock in ES32 in Qianliyuan sag and oil in well Bai16 and Bail8 is from the oil kitchen in Gegangji. oil in well Bai55 is related to the source rock in nearby ES3.Saturation hydrocarbon is high in oil and oil sand extraction in Qiaokou-Baimiao area, which is often above 80%. There is also a large amount of was in oil sand extraction, with little nonhydrocarbon and asphaltene. This suggests that the oil is high-wax in this area. By analyzing components of oil-bearing sandstone, components grain adsorption and hydrocarbon inclusion enclave, we can obtain geochemical changes of organic fluids during the processof filling, understand the reservoir formation and redistribution and get reliable analysis on reservoir formation in geologic history. Hydrocarbon inclusion enclave and grain adsorption mainly showed early phase state of reservoir fluids and pore free showed current property of fluids. For the reservoir that was restructured later after several fillings by various fluids, three fluids in thereservoir are obviously different, such as Litun gas reservoir. For the reservoir which has stable and certain source, the fluids with three phase states are not obviously different.Iillite age testing and inclusion enclave temperature testing have been used to predict the formation time of reservoir in Qiaokou-Baimiao area. The reservoir formation time in the shallow layer at the top of Qiaokou structure was 24Ma~20Ma, analogous to the end of Dongying deposit to early erosion. In the south-central, the western flank, and eastern horst area, the formation time was near 33.5Ma~20Ma, analogous to Dongying deposit to the early peri


