

【作者】 房宝财

【导师】 王允诚; 王启民;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文以大庆葡南油田为例,论述了利用高分辨三维地震资料为主,结合测井和开发动态资料,对已外发油田进行油藏再描述的主要内容、技术思路及应用技术的原理和方法。 葡南油田,位于大庆长垣南部。油田分十一个断块,产油层位是白垩纪姚一段葡一组油层,有效厚度3.5m,单砂体延伸长度一般小于600米,平均孔隙度为23.5%,平均空气渗透率为150×10~3μm~2。1960年开始勘探,1983年编制的油田开发方案设计439口井,井距300m正方形网格,1984年相继投入开发。1985年注水井陆续转注。1993年进行储量升级复算时,有油水井676口,油井524口,注水井152口,年产油量达40×10~4吨,综合含水47.32%,采出程度17%。到2002年底该油田共投产油水井774口,油井549口,注水井225口,综合含水73.6%,采出地质储量的27.39%。2001年完成了高分辨率三维地震采集和处理,三维满覆盖面积295km~2,为在开发过程中深入描述油藏,改善开发效果提供了条件。 在对油田微幅度精细解释中,从层位标定开始,结合相干体技术,解释了圈闭面积小于1.0平方公里,闭合高度小于5.0米的小面积微幅度构造。在小断层的解释中,利用小面元的数据体和放大剖面,解释了断距小5.0米,延伸长度小于50米的利用测井资料无法组合的小断层。开发生产资料证实不仅其存在且对开发生产有一定的影响,解释了开发过程中的“动静”不符及套管损坏原因。已开发油田大量的钻井,测井及开发生产资料既是油藏描述结果的验证,也为精确的进一步研究提供了依据,通过多井约束的岩性反演,GDI和EPS的综合研究,预测稀井区有效厚度的精度可达70%以上。结合构造和沉积演化史的研究,通过分析研究已开发区地质落空井的原因,对评价新发现的圈闭的开发潜力具有特别重要的意义。开发资料和新地震资料的丰富及新技术在油藏描述方面的综合应用,对已开发油田的油藏类型和规模会有新的认识,使扩边潜力区的开发依据更加充分,葡南油田取得了新增扩边井200多口,全油田开发井将达到1000口,新增石油地质储量500多万吨的效果。为类似的已开发油田的调整挖潜提供了成功的实例。

【Abstract】 This paper lakes the Daqing Punan oilfield as an example and elaborates how to re-describe an oil reservoir by using new seismic data combined with wells log and reservoir production information as well as relevance technical methods and rationale.Puna oilfield located at the southern part of Daqing placanticline, including 11 blocks, main paying zone Pu I formation of Yaojia in Cretaceous, the average net pay 3.5 meter, the single sand body length less 600 meter, the average air permeability 150 X 10 3 um2 , the average porosity 23.5%. It was discovered in 1960, development in 1984, injecting water in 1985. There were 439 wells in the early development scheme in 1983. The wel1 pattern is square, and well space is 300 meter. There were 676 wel Is in the oil field, 524 producer and 152 injecting wel Is, water cut was 47.32%, the annual production was 40x104t, and 17% oil reserve was produced, when the reserve was recalculated in 1993. The new high-resoJut ion, full cover area 295 kmJ, seismic data was surveyed and interpreted in 2001. The new information was useful for the reservoir re-describing and improving the development efficiency.The describing process, method and technologies are stated in this paper, including some smal 1 traps who are less 1. 0 km2 less 5. 0m in closed area and closure respectively being characterized by using coherent body data with accurate marking of reflecting layers. The small faults that the fault throw is less 5.0m and elongation less 50m,was characterized by using the magnified sections. The reason of casing collapsed and the confl ict between the reservoir describing and the production information can be understood easily after the smaller faults were interpreted. The indicating accuracy of sand body thickness was over 70% after lithological inversion of wells controlled by using the Geology Driven Integration and the EPS software. It is significant to evaluate new discovery traps if there are potential for development by analyzing the dry holes and the history changing of the tectonic layers and sedimentation. As more and more characteristics of the reservoir, including size and type of the reservoir, have been recognized by using the new information and technologies, over 200 extended wells were drilled and Original Oil In Place increased over 500X104t. This successful case can be referred to improve and adjust the developing effect for some similar oilfields


