

The Modern Reservoir Management and Control Technique

【作者】 龚久和

【导师】 冯文光;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 油气藏管理是指在油气藏勘探开发生命期中,最大限度地把物探、钻井、地质、测井、试油、试采、采油、井下作业、地面建设、动态监测和其它有关各个学科协调起来形成集约化的管理体系,采用经济有效的先进技术,制定和实施正确的油气藏勘探开发策略,不断地完善和调整,取得最佳经济采收率的整个过程。 油气藏管理经历了三个发展阶段:第一阶段,在1970年以前主要进行油藏开发相关的各个学科“各自为战”的非集约型的油气藏管理。第二阶段,从20世纪70年代末到80年代,Craig(1977)、Harris、Hewitt等学者提出了利用地质、地球物理和油藏模拟等多学科最佳协作的油气藏管理。第三阶段,20世纪90年代后,利用计算机,采用地球物理、油藏地质、油藏工程、钻井完井工程、地面建设工程和经济分析与管理等学科多学科结合的方法进行油气田(藏)管理。油气藏管理技术已更加强调各学科的集约化、先进技术的经济实用化,注重油气藏开发方案的正确制定、实施和完善,强调最佳经济采收率的获得。而且,油气藏管理本身的长期性、复杂性、综合性也日益清晰地被人们所认识。 二次世界大战后,控制论、系统论等一些崭新的学科迅速发展。四十年代,维纳首先发表了《控制论》,使自然科学进入了新的重要里程碑。控制论是控制、电子技术、无线电通讯、神经生理学、心理学、医学、数学逻辑、计算机技术、统计力学等多种学科相互渗透的产物。 控制论经历了四个发展阶段。第一阶段,1950年以前是控制论的初级阶段,主要研究以传递函数为基础的古典控制理论,主要研究单输入——单输出、线性定常系统的分析和设计问题。第二阶段,1950年至1970年,研究多学科交叉结合的控制论。1954年,我国科学家钱学森在美国运用控制论的思想和方法、首创了工程控制论、把控制论推广到工程技术领域。接着神经控制论、生物控制论问世,到20世纪60—70年代。又相继出现了经济控制论和社会控制论。第三阶段,1970年以后,主要研究多输入、多输出、时变、离散系统的现代控制论,从只研究反映外部信息的输入量与输出量之间的关系,发展到了研究反映系统内部信息的状态变量与输入量、输出量之间的关系。第四阶段,从现在开始的在没有人直接参与的采用计算机思维过程形式化和自动化控制论。控制函数是控制的关键。 油气田开发是一门综合性极强、特别复杂的巨大系统工程。油气田开发需要物探、地质、钻井、测井、试油试采、油藏工程、采油、井下作业、地面建设、动态监测等各学科。由于储层的强非均质性,使储层物性具有复杂性。有开采的人为性,水驱走向、剩余油气分布更复杂,开采难度更大。 油气田开发迫切需要进行两个工作:如何进行科学化的油气田开发管理?如何实现油气田开发控制?实际上,一门新的学科油气田(藏)控制管理工程即将诞生。 该论文以新场气田为例,对现代油气藏管理、油藏描述、储层建模、开发控制模型、油田开发控制、最优化开发方案、经济评价等进行了全面系统研究。通过研究取得了以下主要创新点: (1)首次系统全面地提出了油气田(藏)现代多学科集约化的科学管理与控制体系。科学合理经济有效地将物探、钻井、地质、测井、试油、试采、采油、井下作业、地面建设、动态监测、经济管理、开发模式控制和其它有关各个学科有机协调并形成集约化的管理体系,使综合性、复杂性极强,开发难度极大的油气田(藏)管理向长期达到系统全局最优迈出了重要一步。 (2)首次制作了weibull模型早期方案设计的四种理论图版:Qctm/No vs ER图版;Qct凡No vs ER图版;Qmaxt凡No vs ER图版;Qe/Qmax vs ER图版。应用weibull模型提出整个新场气田、蓬一气藏、蓬二气藏、沙溪庙气藏各24套总%套早期开发方案。开发控制模型是最终采收率最关键的重要因素。可根据实际情况具体选择。对于新场气田,选用Qe/Qmax vs ER图版较好。 (3)首次全面系统地提出了开发模型控制原理和方法。首次采用15个油气田开发控制模型大规模系统的应用于气田生产实际对新场气田、孝泉气田、合兴场气田3气田、10气藏、333口气井进行了全面拟合预测。在气藏或气田的预测中W匕lbull模型占优,其次是WengCylce和Arps模型;单井分析应用模型拟合预测,Fwgl模型占绝对优势,其次是A甲s模型。 (4)本次研究首次系统提出了浅层致密低渗气藏的开发调整总原则、开发层系调整原则、区块调整原则、井间调整原则、产量调整原则和方案优选原则及优选方法。提出了新场气田产能接替的方法:第一阶段,以蓬一、蓬二合层组合开采为主,以沙溪庙替补为辅;首先从蓬一、蓬二的高渗储区补井替补,再从沙溪庙的高渗储区补井替补。第二阶段,蓬一、蓬二组合联采与沙溪庙单采同时均衡开采,互为替补。第三阶段,以沙溪庙低渗低产单采为主,以蓬一、蓬二合层组合开采为辅。通过开发方案的优选,综合考察方案5、方案6、方案7的技术和经济指标,确定方案5为最佳实施方案,方案7为备选方案。

【Abstract】 The reservoir management is a process in which people use sesmic exploration, drilling, geology, logging, testing, production downhole operation, surface construction and dynamic supervision ect. in the life of the oil/ gas field exploration and development to obtain the optimal economic recovery factor.The reservoir management has experienced three stages. First stage is the non-intensive management system in which each person did thing in his own way. Second stage is the multiple disciplineswhich combined geology, geophysics with reservoir simulation, from 1970 to 1990. Third stage begins with the inviting modern management system being used in production, which is the result of combining geophysics, reservoir geology, reservoir engineering, drilling and well completion, surface construction engineering, economic analysis, management and computer science.Many new subject, such as the cybernetics and the system engineering, has been established from World War II. Firs book " The Cybernetics" has been published by Vena in the 1940 s. The cybernetics is the result of combining with the multiple disciplines, which are automatic control, electronics technique, radio communication, neurophysiology, psychology, medical science, mathematics logic, calculation technique, statistics mechanics with other subject.The development of the cybernetics has involved four stages. In first stage, the classical cybernetics was established, which mainly researchs single import ,single export and linear constant state system. In second stage, many new cybernetics were researched, such as the engineering cybernetics, the nerve cybernetics, the biology cybernetics, the economic cybernetics, and the society cybernetics etc. In third stage, the modern cybernetics has been established, which mainly researchs multiple import, multiple export, time-variant and discrete system. In fourth stage, automatic cybernetics has been researched.There are two important jobs should be firstly done in oil and gas field development. The first one is how to fufill a good management of the field. The second one is how to control the oil and gas production performance. In fact, these two points have foretold a birth of a new subject which we can call it reservoir management control engineering.Taking the XINCFIANG gas field as an example, This paper has systematically researched reservoir management, reservoir characterization, reservoir modeling, production controlling models, production performance controlling, development scheme optimazing and economic evaluation. There are four major progresses being obtained in this research as below:(1) A resultful management and control system has been promoted, on the base of multiple discipline team work,which combines sesmic exploration, drilling, geology, logging, testing, production downhole operation, surface construction and dynamic supervision ect. in the life of the oil/ gas field exploration and development to obtain the optimal economic recovery factor.(2) Four type curves of early-stage development scheming have been established for the first time, which are Qctm/ No vs ER type curves, QctR/ No vs ER type curves, QmaxtR/ No vs ER type curves, Qc/ Qmax vs ER type curves. 96 earlier period development schemes of the XinChang JP1 gas reservoir, JP2 gas reservoir and JS gas reservoir have been put forwad by using the four type curves.(3) The principles and methods of how to control the reservoir production performance have been put forward comprehensively and systematically for the first time. The production data of 3 gas fields, 10 gas reservoirs and 333 wells have been matched with 15 controlling models. The Weibull model is the best, then the WengCylce model and the Arps model are better, in matchingdata of the gas field or reservoir. But the Fwgl model is the best, then the Arps model are better, in matching data of the single gas well.(4)The principles of development scheme adjustment between horizons, blocks and wells in the densed sandstone gas field have been put forwar

  • 【分类号】TE323
  • 【被引频次】4
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